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Thread: John Calvin of Geneva, Augustine of Hippo and James White of Phoenix

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  1. #1
    dejan2116 Guest


    You might think you're being led by the Spirit, but believe me, you're not. You might be led by the Spirit in other ways, but you're definitely being led by your own desires and prejudices when it comes to Calvinism. Believe me, I used to despise Calvinism also, until I actually studied it more deeply and found the sweet aroma of the gospel within its doctrines. See how God's truth overcame my prejudice? Out of love of the truth I accepted as truth what I hated and despised. Also, when I was a King James Onlyist I also believed myself led by the Spirit of God, but later found out that I was actually led by my own fears and prejudices, and God faithfully found a better way for me, and ever since I came out of idolizing the King James Bible I've been blessed. I don't really care who is going to heaven or hell; that's not what I focus on. But for you to say that 99% of Calvinists are going to hell is just poppycock. Do you really think being saved "God's way" is by his Spirit wooing my corrupted and fallen will to accept Jesus? I doubt it. Real salvation God's way is Paul's conversion on the road when the Sovereign Jesus didn't at all care what Paul wanted or desired by his "free will" and simply converted him out of the mass that is fallen humanity. God convert's sinners; sinners don't convert themselves. Now you may take passages in the Bible out of context to argue against this(e.g. Acts 3:19) but this is horrendous biblical interpretation.

    What is faith to you? Something that I do, that I muster from my own will-power? If this is your faith, let it never come near me. Real faith is a gift from God, something outside of us, something that does NOT come naturally to us fallen creatures with corrupted wills. Tell me one thing: Why do you place the doctrine of the corrupt human will as the center point of your theology? WHY do you want to keep this doctrine? Do you think the doctrine of free will is the center of the Bible? Is this what the Bible is about, man, and his will? Sorry, the Bible is really about God and his will.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dejan2116 View Post
    You might think you're being led by the Spirit, but believe me, you're not. You might be led by the Spirit in other ways, but you're definitely being led by your own desires and prejudices when it comes to Calvinism. Believe me, I used to despise Calvinism also, until I actually studied it more deeply and found the sweet aroma of the gospel within its doctrines. See how God's truth overcame my prejudice? Out of love of the truth I accepted as truth what I hated and despised. Also, when I was a King James Onlyist I also believed myself led by the Spirit of God, but later found out that I was actually led by my own fears and prejudices, and God faithfully found a better way for me, and ever since I came out of idolizing the King James Bible I've been blessed. I don't really care who is going to heaven or hell; that's not what I focus on. But for you to say that 99% of Calvinists are going to hell is just poppycock. Do you really think being saved "God's way" is by his Spirit wooing my corrupted and fallen will to accept Jesus? I doubt it. Real salvation God's way is Paul's conversion on the road when the Sovereign Jesus didn't at all care what Paul wanted or desired by his "free will" and simply converted him out of the mass that is fallen humanity. God convert's sinners; sinners don't convert themselves. Now you may take passages in the Bible out of context to argue against this(e.g. Acts 3:19) but this is horrendous biblical interpretation.
    Trust me you are going to Hell because you refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. I haven't had any of your problems like KJV idolatry. I have always believed in the open Bible. What's interesting is none of the doctrines or beliefs I have had have chanced, for God keeps me in the truth. In other words, I never leaped-frogged into stuff and overassumed like you did. Perhaps you should consider you are making the same mistake again with Calvinism. What the Holy Spirit is telling me is that you were never saved to begin with, you found Christianity distasteful, so you wanted to construct something else and that became Calvinism for you, the pride of thinking you were irresistibly selected. You have a contradiction as well because you said you were saved some other way before than you are saved now under the way Calvinism teaches. You don't care that people are going to Hell which stands to reason because Calvinism is cold and heartless. It has no feeling to sense this is the worst thing possible for people. You don't know how to shed a tear for others because to you they are just being preteritioned like Hitler sent the Jews to the gas chambers. It's just part of your god's novel and you are a pawn in his game. I know you probably think you could be on the right track, but just know that there are a body of believers out there, a "little flock," who know that you have never been born-again and probably never will be. God's way is to woo and plead with us absolutely. Any other way would be unholy and unrighteous. God did not just convert Paul, but God like Peter said "Repent ye therefore, and be converted" (Acts 3.19). After giving a long discourse to convince, he then gives them the choice like God did with Paul, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?" to convince, to give Paul the choice. Realize why you are here. It's because there is an uneasiness in your own conscience about what you believe in, but take that to its conclusion and give your life to Christ, but before you do so you will have to rebuke Calvinism. You will have to say to God you don't want to be saved that way. You want this other Christ. You must choose the right Christ. Not the false Christ.

    What is faith to you? Something that I do, that I muster from my own will-power? If this is your faith, let it never come near me. Real faith is a gift from God, something outside of us, something that does NOT come naturally to us fallen creatures with corrupted wills. Tell me one thing: Why do you place the doctrine of the corrupt human will as the center point of your theology? WHY do you want to keep this doctrine? Do you think the doctrine of free will is the center of the Bible? Is this what the Bible is about, man, and his will? Sorry, the Bible is really about God and his will.
    The will is not the center, God is the center, but for God to be the center He must give us the choice, for anything less is robots. God can surely do better than that and surely God wants to commune with sovereign free willed beings, not automatons and characters in a novel or a bunch of chess pieces He can move around or yank one kid out of the sand with a hook and kick the other down so he dies. What love is that? The beauty of God is His standards are always higher than ours. As good as we may think we are, He is always better. Ask yourself why you want to keep this false teaching of Total depravity and a god who is unable to provide sufficient grace to everyone to have the choice? Just know how you come across. The way you come across to others is that you erect this idol called Total depravity that says you can't repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated; therefore, what do you do? What you do is you take on the mistaken assumption, without repentance, to pridefully think you were irresistibly selected so you don't have to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. By assuming you could not repent it appeases your conscience with this idol, but it can only smother it for so long. As time goes on, you will become more aware of people you hurt with Calvinism, this pride, the delusion of it all, but by then when you are in Hell it will be too late because it will be more painful for you to repent and give your life to Christ than to spend eternity in Hell. And sad to say, this is the course you are on and it will take a miracle to get you off that train. You simply what to be with a lesser god which is really just an idol, than the God of the Bible, for God of the Bible always trumps your god, since to have the ability to create sovereign free-willed beings is always better than not being able to. Just like a child doesn't know how to a build a multinational corporation with hundreds of thousands of employees each with their own free will, Calvinism cannot fathom how God can do this on the grandest scale.

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    "For I am not ashamed of the gospel: it is the power of God for salvation to every one who has faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek" (Rom. 1.16). This verses does not say "the power of God for faith to every one who has been saved." Only the sinners who "received him...them that believe on his name" (John 1.12) become "born the word of God...which by the gospel is preached" (1 Pet. 1.23,25). Indeed, "faith cometh by hearing...the word of God" (Rom. 10.17), showing human participation. There is not one verse that says faith comes by regeneration. Do we dare turn "that believing ye might have life through his name" (John 20.31) into "that having life through his name, ye might believe," or "believe...and though shalt be saved" (Acts 16.31) into "be saved and though shalt believe," or "come unto me...and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11.28) into "all who are at rest come unto me," or "he that believeth is not condemned" (John 3.18) into "he that is not condemned believeth," or "he that believeth...shall never die" (John 11.25-26) into "he that shall never die believeth"? The Bible is too clear to corrupt.

    The way man thinks is to impose upon others. It is a very fallen man-centered view. This is the core of Calvinism-to think like a man so God must be like the sinner. The truth is God is big. He can create us with free will. No one knows the things He has planned for those who love Him. He Himself can stand back and let us choose without having to impose. If man would be this way towards fellow man more, this world would be a better place. There would be less Calvinists in the world. Calvinists are trying to pull the world towards another Hitler-type character in your novel of irresistible grace for those who pridefully assumed they were irresistibly selected just because they think they were born for this privilege and preterition against the Jews as racially insuperior. I would rather go to Hell than be with such an evil god. It's interesting in Calvinism everything is reversed: Hell is Heaven and Heaven is Hell; repentance and faith come after salvation not before. Satan changes up everything. He tries to change the times and the ways.

    People have written that if it wasn't for Calvinism, Hitler could not have had the foundation from which to build on to get away with what he got away with. It is a great deception to deny that God can have sufficient grace for all. It speaks of the deficiency of your god if he could not supply sufficient grace to all. Ultimately what Hitler and Calvinists are trying to do is exterminate the Jews with made up preterition, made up replacement theology, made up year-day theory, denying the Antichrist exists, remain in a selfish salvation, and willingly taking the mark of the beast or implant under their skin. After all it is their god's irresistibly grace that made them do it. Who cares about conscience. If Satan can get rid of the Jews, then he would have thwarted God's plan. He could accuse God of breaking His promise to them. He would be liar not to mention incompetent. Surely Satan could do better will be his thoughts like the Calvinists who have come up with another way to read the text with insertions and don't worry about contradictions.

    It sure looks like Satan is losing though doesn't it? Israel is a nation after 2500 years. Prophecy fulfilled. She looks poised to stay for good. Israel will be the center of all nations from where Jesus will return to reign in the 3rd Temple for the millennial kingdom. Revelation 20.3 says the nations won't be deceived in the 1000 years while historicists claim the 1000 years is now even though there are wars and rumors of wars. There is no such thing as accountability and rewards in the time of recompense. This is called antinomianism. Nobody is really accountable for anything in Calvinism when you got irresistible grace and preterition. It's all done by strings, pulleys and levers through irresistibly imposed grace. No need for free will that's truly free within providence of God and His guiding care. Who needs that the Calvinist contends? Calvinists don't worship God the Father through Christ by the Holy Spirit. They worship Satan and his simulation through the Antichrist by the False Prophet. Just ask any Calvinist if he will take the mark of the beast in the Tribulation that will be here soon? He thinks these events have already happened.

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