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Thread: The Rapture in 2036, The Second Coming in 2043

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    Default The Rapture in 2036, The Second Coming in 2043

    Hi, everybody!
    I would write something what my friend Paul from Serbia wrote five months ago about when the Rapture and Second Coming could happen. You can comment it, supporting or making critics, and so on.

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    Here is his text:

    “I believe that Rapture will be on the feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) in the 1st year of Tribulation which is the year of the revelation of the Antichrist and 7th year before the Second Coming in glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    I also believe that we don't know day and hour because we don't exactly know when the new moon will be, but that we do know the year of the Rapture and the Second coming because the God revealed it. God revealed that the year of the Rapture of the Church will be in 2036/37. year and that the year of Second coming of Jesus Christ in glory will be in 2043/44. year.
    How God revealed that year?
    Jesus said: "32Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: 33So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 34Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." Matt.24 (KJV). As you know "fig tree", which is fleshly Israel, started to be "tender, and putteth forth leaves" on May 14th 1948. From that year, says Jesus, "generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled". The key word here is the word "generation", and how much years does it consist. The most famous biblical definition of the term "generation" is:
    1. in king David's Psalm 90. "All our days pass away under your wrath; we finish our years with a moan. 10Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away." (NIV), where the "generation" is defined as a period of 70 and 80 years. According to this, years of the Second coming and Rapture are:
    1948 + 70 = 2018 (year of the Second coming) ==> 2012. (year of the Rapture); or
    1948 + 80 = 2028 (year of the Second coming) ==> 2022. (year of the Rapture).
    However, Jesus in Matthew 24 also says: "37But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." So, Jesus didn't say "But as the days of David were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." He said "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." So, what is the generation that didn’t pass in the days of Noah "till all these things were fulfilled". That is the generation of three Noah's son – Japheth, Shem and Ham. According to apocryphal Bible – The Book of Jasher (which is mentioned twice in non-apocryphal Bible – in Joshua 10:13 and 2nd Samuel 1:18 -, second Noah's son Shem was born in 98 years before the Flood (Jasher 5:16-18). Japheth was probably born 100 years before the Flood and Ham, youngest Noah's son, was probably born 96 years before the Flood. Years of the youngest brother, Ham, are here significant, because they are the lower border of how much the term "generation", from the days of Noah that didn't pass, actually is. So, we may assume that Ham had 96 years and that term "generation that shall not pass" is the period of 96 years. According to this, years of the Second coming and the Rapture are:
    1947/48 + 96 = 2043/44. (year of the Second coming) ==> 2036/37. (year of the Rapture);
    Ham is also father of Canaan who was cursed, so when Jesus says "Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled" it, also, means that wicked generation, spiritual seed of Ham, cursed spiritual seed of Ham, ungodly spiritual seed of Ham, antichristian spiritual seed of Ham, "shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled", i.e. that generation will last only another 96 years from the 1948.

    Confirmations for 2036/37. – 2043/44. Date
    I - 2nd Ezra 14:10-12
    In behalf of this interpretation, stands also another place in the apocryphal Bible – 2nd Ezra 14: "10 For the world hath lost his youth, and the times begin to wax old. 11 For the world is divided into twelve parts, and the ten parts of it are gone already, and half of a tenth part: 12 And there remaineth that which is after the half of the tenth part." (
    9,5 parts are gone, and that is the time from creation of the world till the day in which this revelation was given to Ezra. Another 2,5 parts remained to be fulfilled till the Second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    2,5 parts = 2500 years
    According to 2nd Ezra 1:3 this revelation from God was given to Ezra in the time of Persian king Artaxerxes ruling. Among historians there is consensus that he began to reign in 465/64BC. That year will be the earliest possible year from which 2,5 remained parts should be counted:
    465BC = - 464 ==> 2500 - 464 = 2036. year (It is "- 464" because of the BC - AD translation)

    Also, in 2nd Ezra it is written that apocryphal book of Bible – 2nd Ezra, is written in Babylon and according to non-apocryphal Book of Ezra 7:6-7, Ezra returned to Jerusalem in 7th year of the reign of the King Artaxerxes: "6 this Ezra came up from Babylon. He was a teacher well versed in the Law of Moses, which the LORD, the God of Israel, had given. The king had granted him everything he asked, for the hand of the LORD his God was on him. 7 Some of the Israelites, including priests, Levites, musicians, gatekeepers and temple servants, also came up to Jerusalem in the seventh year of King Artaxerxes." (NIV) That means that last possible year from which 2,5 remained parts should be counted is 457BC:

    465BC - 7 = 458BC
    458BC = - 457 ==> 2500 - 457 = 2043. year
    In the Book of 2nd Ezra it is not written exactly in which year of the reign of the king Artaxerxes the revelation was given, but that it was just in the time of his reign, and that it was in Babylon, before Ezra returned in Jerusalem. That means that remained 2,5 parts shows period 2036/37. – 2043/44. as a period of last seven years till the end, i.e. till the Rapture and Second Coming.
    I believe also that it is not accidentally that it was not said in which year of the reign of king Artaxerxes the revelation was given to Ezra, because in that way it is pointed at whole period of seven years (2036. – 2043.), and not exactly on one particular year, i.e. it is pointed when Tribulation will begin and when it will be the end of the Tribulation.
    III "As it was in the days of Noah"
    Another confirmation for the date 2036/37 – 2043/44 rather than 2012 – 2018 or 2022 – 2028 date is length of man's live in our time. It is well known that people today live longer than in 19th, 18th, 17th etc. Length of human life today often can reach 100 years, not just 70 or 80 like it was from the time of King David to these last days (second half of 20th and 21st century). That means that proper interpretation of the term "generation" from Matt. 24 is the length of the three Noah's sons Japheth (100), Shem (98) and Ham (96), and not that from Psalm 90.
    Age of 70 (common); of 80 (common); of 90 (common/it can be seen); of 100 (it can be seen; example: Ljubica Pešukić (Serbia) - 106); of 114 (it can be seen; example: Walter Breuning (USA); of 115 (it can be seen; example: Christian Mortensen, 115y. i 252 d. ≈ 116); of 122 (it can be seen; example: Jeanne Calment (France)); of 129 (it can be seen; example: Habib Mian (India); Antisa Kvičava (Georgia)) (all data can be verified on internet).

    (70 + 80 + 90 + 100 + 114 + 115 + 122 + 129) / 8 = 102 ≈ 100 years

    So, "as it was in the days of Noah", not "as it was in the days of David" concerning the term "generation".

    IV "... but the end is not yet"

    >>4And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. /…/ 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all[a] these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences,[b] and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.<< (Matt. 24:4,6-8 NKJV)
    >>5And Jesus, answering them, began to say: “Take heed that no one deceives you. /…/ 7 But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet. 8 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles.[a] These are the beginnings of sorrows.<< (Mark 13:5, 7-8 NKJV)
    >>And He said: “Take heed that you not be deceived. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time has drawn near.’ Therefore[b] do not go after them. 9 But when you hear of wars and commotions, do not be terrified; for these things must come to pass first, but the end will not come immediately.”<< (Luke 21:8-9 NKJV)
    Despite the current economic situation in whole world and especially despite current political situation in the Middle East "the end will not come immediately", "the end is not yet" and "all these are the beginning of sorrows". The end will come in 2036/37 – 2043/44, i.e. through 24 – 31 years. Because of that relatively long period it will look that "the bridegroom was delayed" (Matt.25:5) and all virgins will begin to "slumber and sleep" and many of them will not have oil in their lamps.
    But bridegroom will not delay; He will come exactly on time – in 5992/93-5999/6000 year from the creation of Adam and his fall.
    Yes, God revealed the time of His Second coming, but He didn't reveal the time of our personal death. It is the reason why we have to be always sober and ready. (Good website that helps very much to be spiritual sober is“

    This is part of what he wrote about this topic, but I think it’s enough at this moment.

    I wish all of you all the best from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

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    The word "generation" in Matt. 24.34 is not a physical generation but a wicked generation which continues to this day.

    The reason I can't allow the Tribulation to begin as late as 2036 as you suggest is because I know there is no conventional oil left in the world by then so any battle will take place long before then.

    The markets peaked in 2000. It has been 12 years now. When the markets collapsed in 1929, WWII was just 10 years away.

    2,520 days never refers to years. It is strictly a time period from Feast of Trumpets to Tisha B'Av. The year-day theory is false for there are not 360,000 years of the millennial kingdom. The reason we exclude these "other books" from God's word is because they do no agree with the spirit of God's word.

    I still abide in the Tribulation timeline for 2,520 days from Feast of Trumpets Sept. 14, 2015 to Tisha B'Av Aug. 7, 2022.

    Ps. 90.10 is still the preeminent verse which refers to 75 years, and "right at the door" (Matt. 24.33) still refers to within a lifetime so the Tribulation must be completed by 2022.

    The 120th Jubilee is 2015. And there are seven sets of seven from June 7, 1967 when Israel entered Jerusalem to the Day of Atonement Sept. 23, 2015. There will be seven sets of seven, double fulfilment, from the declaration to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple which comes to 7 x 7 x 360 = 17,640 days.

    If the first rapture according to readiness does not take place Feast of Trumpets Sept. 14, 2015 then I will revert to "when you shall see these things" (Matt. 24.33) and verse 32 as an analogy much like Matt. 24.28 referring to when the Antichrist is in the Temple (Matt. 24.15, 1 Thess. 2.4) and not to when Israel is a nation again.

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    "A period of 40 or 100 years is considered to be a generation in the bible." -,
    A period of 96 years too:

    War can be led for oil, water, food, etc. And something we think is close to be consumed can be suddenly found somewhere.

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    Ps. 90.10 disagrees with you, for a lifetime is 70 years but with strength 80. We are not concerned with a generation which is 30 or 40 years on average. We are addressing when is a reasonable time for Jesus to return "right at the door" (Matt. 24.33) which would be within a lifetime, not a generation. You're confused.

    There is no immediate and foreseeable resource to replace oil. Thus, when oil goes to $200 and beyond, the nations will congregate in the middle east with 200 million military units (Rev. 9.16).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Faithful View Post
    Ps. 90.10 disagrees with you, for a lifetime is 70 years but with strength 80. We are not concerned with a generation which is 30 or 40 years on average. We are addressing when is a reasonable time for Jesus to return "right at the door" (Matt. 24.33) which would be within a lifetime, not a generation. You're confused.
    I have mentioned 96 years too, not only 40 years. A reasonable time for Jesus to return "right at the door" (Matt. 24.33) can be 96 years, 70 years (and so on) after 1948. But, when we see other arguments, it is in 96. year from 1948. year. Generation of 96, 100 years and similarly is lifetime "as in the days of Noah" and it is generation which didn't pass until flood happened. So it will be in our time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Faithful View Post
    There is no immediate and foreseeable resource to replace oil. Thus, when oil goes to $200 and beyond, the nations will congregate in the middle east with 200 million military units (Rev. 9.16).
    I have answered this in my precedent post.

    'Faithful', I appreciate what you write, but I think you are not right about this. You can be wrong, we can be wrong, time will show who was right if we are alive then.

    I wish you all the best from The Lord Jesus,

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aleksandar View Post
    I have mentioned 96 years too, not only 40 years. A reasonable time for Jesus to return "right at the door" (Matt. 24.33) can be 96 years, 70 years (and so on) after 1948. But, when we see other arguments, it is in 96. year from 1948. year. Generation of 96, 100 years and similarly is lifetime "as in the days of Noah" and it is generation which didn't pass until flood happened. So it will be in our time.
    96 years is not the Biblically average length of a lifetime. The reasonable time for Jesus to return within a lifetime is 75 years (Ps. 90.10) after 1948. The age of 100 years applies to those who live during the millennial reign of Christ on earth. The days of Noah refer to everyone partying it up unaware of what was about to happen. I appreciate your post since it makes my posts stronger since your alternative view doesn't really gel very well. Matt. 24.34 is not referring to a physical generation but a wicked generation which continues to this day. And a generation in context here is not referring to a lifetime either. A lifetime is 70 to 80 years whereas a generation is 30 to 40 years, that is, when people procreate. They don't procreate at 70 or 80 years, but 30 years.

    I have answered this in my precedent post.

    'Faithful', I appreciate what you write, but I think you are not right about this. You can be wrong, we can be wrong, time will show who was right if we are alive then.

    I wish you all the best from The Lord Jesus,
    It is a simple math calculation. Industry reports say there are less than 900 billion barrels of oil left in the world. At an average of 100 million barrels a day, all the conventional oil is gone by 2035 (we could be underestimating this too if the average turns out to be more than 100 million a day). Any war that takes place will not be at the last drop but a good 15 years before that as the nations must plan for this resource deficiency. Hence, we see the time of the 6th and 7th trumpets run from Aug. 20, 2020 to Aug. 7, 2022.. First rapture is Feast of Trumpets Sept. 14, 2015 and Jesus steps down on the mount of olives Tisha B'Av Aug. 7, 2022 which is the 2,520th day. Praise the Lord!

    This is the evidence. Let us abide in the clear evidence until shown otherwise.

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    The age of 100 years is mentioned in connection with those who live during the millennial reign of Christ on earth, but not only them. And you are speaking about 70 or 80 years as lifetime but not about 96 or 100 years which were years of life that many people (as Noah’s sons) reached before the Flood.

    You have mentioned 2035. (it’s just one year before 2036.). And it is not that “any war that takes place will not be at the last drop but a good 15 years before that as the nations must plan for this resource deficiency” must be so. Because, industry can hide some data, some oil (or other) resource can be find meanwhile, etc.

    Beside argument from The Bible (2 Ezra) I have mentioned earlier, I’ll add another argument from my friend:

    Then God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years
    - Genesis 1:14
    II. 1. - Bible in stone – Three pyramids of Giza
    I wrote "Bible in stone" because three pyramids of Giza are indeed monuments that were made by direct revelation of God, just like Moses made the Sanctuary on the Mt. Sinai. Those pyramids consists in their inspired measurements prophetic messages about the Creation of the world and about the time of the End of this age.

    [1]>> The three pyramids of Giza are located on Earth just as the three stars in the belt of Orion.
    From the western side of the middle pyramid, that corresponds to the middle star of Orion's belt, Alnilam (εOri), there are 91 units or 91 "rooms".
    These 91 units show that this star will be by 91° away (1 unit = 1°) from North Celestial Pole at the time when the builders of the Great Pyramid[2] come back from the sky on the Earth and it will be the second coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the world. This will happen between 2000 - 2070 AD.
    Current position of the star Alnilam (2010 AD) is 91° 9' 20.1'' from the North Celestial Pole. Exactly 91° = 2037 AD (2036/37 AD)
    Alnilam (εOri) declination (distance from the sky equator):
    Declination 2200 BC: - 23.464°
    Declination 2000 AD: - 01° 12' 07''
    Declination 2037 AD: - 1° = 91° from the Celestial North Pole <<[3]

    Notes: - Orion's belt is mentioned in the Bible, in the Book of Job: "Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades, or loose the belt of Orion? 32 Can you bring out Mazzaroth[a] in its season? Or can you guide the Great Bear with its cubs? 33 Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you set their dominion over the earth?" (Job 38:31-33, NKJV)
    - Alnilam is 30th brightest star in the sky (the 4th brightest in Orion) and as a blue/white supergiant it is the most powerful bright star in the sky.
    - In astrology Alnilam is linked with resurrection.

    [1] Bold is mine

    [2] Adam his son Set, Enoch and other pre-Flood patriarchs

    [3] Petko Nikolic Vidusa, The Calendar – from the beginning to the end, Canada, 2010, p. 58-59. →

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    The best external evidence we have are from oil industry reports that tell us at 100 million barrels a day conventional oil is all gone by 2035 so this would not agree with your theory. It shows any battle that takes place will be a good 15 years before as the nations need to plan for the future.

    Noah's sons are not in view here; moreover, many peoples' ages are given both longer and shorter than 100 years in the Bible. 100 years though is the specific length everyone should live to during the millennial kingdom the Bible says. Whereas today in this age (Rev. 6) these past 20 centuries a person should live 70 to 80 years. Obviously, with the presence of Jesus on earth, our lifespans extend. Also, Jesus must return sooner than expected for the sake of the elect. How gracious God is!

    The pyramids, "other books," and year-day theory (i.e. misapplying the 1260, 1290, 1335 and 2520 days) exist as a deception to misguide you to take your eye off when Jesus actually returns. They will lead you down many false corridors and angles to expect His delay in coming when He said He would return "right at the door" within a lifetime from when Israel is a nation again (Matt. 24.32,33).

    In the next couple of years you will see oil over $200 then $300 a barrel. There is no greater trigger for mankind to really show its true colors as it positions itself over the greatest resource the world has ever known to move commodities. The big bottom for oil is soon upon us, if not already, somewhere in here from $50 to $75.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Faithful View Post
    The best external evidence we have are from oil industry reports that tell us at 100 million barrels a day conventional oil is all gone by 2035 so this would not agree with your theory. It shows any battle that takes place will be a good 15 years before as the nations need to plan for the future...
    In the next couple of years you will see oil over $200 then $300 a barrel. There is no greater trigger for mankind to really show its true colors as it positions itself over the greatest resource the world has ever known to move commodities. The big bottom for oil is soon upon us, if not already, somewhere in here from $50 to $75.
    Shortage of oil really can be cause of big war(s), but it need not to be. And, even if it will (probably), no one can surely know if someone will find some oil well which one didn't expect to find.
    Quote Originally Posted by Faithful View Post
    Noah's sons are not in view here
    But God said: "as it was in days of Noah so it will be in those days".
    Quote Originally Posted by Faithful View Post
    ... moreover, many peoples' ages are given both longer and shorter than 100 years in the Bible.
    But, also many peoples' ages are given both longer and shorter than 70 or 80 years in the Bible.
    Quote Originally Posted by Faithful View Post
    100 years though is the specific length everyone should live to during the millennial kingdom the Bible says. Whereas today in this age (Rev. 6) these past 20 centuries a person should live 70 to 80 years. Obviously, with the presence of Jesus on earth, our lifespans extend.
    Many people in 21st century reach and will reach 100 and more years (as in the Noah's days).
    Quote Originally Posted by Faithful View Post
    Also, Jesus must return sooner than expected for the sake of the elect. How gracious God is!
    I think that what God said in Mat. 24 about shortening the time for the sake of the elect, regards to that time will pass faster (even today time passes much faster than earlier, but in those times of Great Tribulation it will be much more, i.e. the most expressed).
    Quote Originally Posted by Faithful View Post
    The pyramids, "other books," and year-day theory (i.e. misapplying the 1260, 1290, 1335 and 2520 days) exist as a deception to misguide you to take your eye off when Jesus actually returns. They will lead you down many false corridors and angles to expect His delay in coming when He said He would return "right at the door" within a lifetime from when Israel is a nation again (Matt. 24.32,33).
    It is not just "pyramids". Those ones are pyramids made by Adam, his son Set, Enoch and other pre-Flood patriarchs and are in connection with stars (mentioned in my precedent post) which about "God said: Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years" (Genesis 1:14). Those stones are that what Jesus said: "I tell you, if these were silent,the very stones would cry out." (Luke 19:40)
    And it is not just "other books". It is The Bible (2 Ezra), The Holy Scripture, The Word of God.
    Yes, there is deception to expect Lord's delay in coming, but also deception to expect Lord's coming earlier then it will be. Because, as I wrote earlier, after many missed dates, it will look that "the bridegroom was delayed" (Matt.25:5) and all virgins will begin to "slumber and sleep" and many of them will not have oil in their lamps.

    I respect what you write about 2015.-2022. period. Earlier, beside possibility for rapture in a few decades, I was also leaving a big possibility that the Rapture will happen in 2015. year and the Second Coming in 2022. year the most because of the mark of the beast in form of electronic documents (e.g. universal electronic cards in Russia are planned to be mandatory in 2014. or 2015. year, etc.) and even on body. Also, because of Tetrad in 2014. and 2015. on the Lord's holiday. But, when I read and analyzed what my friend wrote about 2036/37. AD and 2043/44. AD I saw that all fits. So, I think that probably some wars will happen in 2014. and 2015. (e.g. in the Middle East, maybe Ezekiel 38,39 as prototype of Gog and Magog war at the end of Christ's millennium, though Ezekiel 38,39 perhaps could be fulfilled even after 2014. or 2015. year) and maybe some other events and all of that and other things that will happen in later years will make impossible for New World Order to make mandatory the mark of the beast for all the world until 2036. year. And this:
    will be one of the trumpets of Revelation. Tetrad in 2043/44 AD will announce the Lord's day.

    All the best,

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