Matt J. Slick of CARM emailed me back and said "Is God the savior of people in hell?" To which I responded, who in their right mind thinks 1 Tim. 4.10 is refering to people after they died and go to Hell? This verse is clearly referring to people before they died; therefore, God is the Savior of all men because Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the whole world and God provides us all sufficient grace to have the free choice. The god of Calvinism is not only unwilling but unable to do so.

Slick followed up with another email,

Quote Originally Posted by Matt J. Slick
So then all means only those alive?
So, he is the savior of those GOING to hell?????????
"All men" means all men when they are alive. Are not all men alive at some point? This is not a change of mind after one dies, but the choice afforded us while we are alive. Are you saying you believe people could have a change of mind and repent after they die? That is a heresy.

Yes, God is the Savior of you even though you are going to Hell, because your decision to reject His love does not make Him any less of a Savior. That's my God!

Praise the Lord!