The problem of course is Jesus died on the cross April 1, 33 AD (Gregorian), so for the 70th seven to follow would mean Jesus was cut off the 4th day of the 70th seven, or 6th day of the week, which disagrees with verse 27 which reads "in the midst of the week". Where did Jesus confirm a covenant for 7 years? It is too strange too accept.

As well Jesus only ministered 2 to 3 years at most using the "techie method." What grounds is there for overlapping the 69th seven with the 70th seven? That is totally inconsistent with the 69 sevens which were all 2,520 days each and consecutive.

Furthermore, who can say "the people of the prince" (v.26) are the people of the Jesus, for clearly the people are the Romans. Are the Romans the people of Jesus? Of course not.

The negative consequence of thinking the prince in Dan. 9.27 is Jesus is now what is of the Antichrist you treat as of Jesus, and you accept the Antichrist as Jesus.

Verse 26 speaks of the cross then follows the discussion of the Temple being destroyed in the next part of the verse, so why speak of the cross again in verse 27?

Desolations did not continue to the end after Jesus died, for the Temple remained till 70 AD, and Israel is a nation again soon to build the Temple which won't be destroyed this time for the Antichrist will reign in it (2 Thess. 2.4). We are to measure the Temple because it is protected (Rev. 11.2), but measure not the court outside the Temple because it will be overrun by political Rome.

This is not entirely true then if this prince in verse 27 is referring to Jesus: "overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate" (v.27).