heated topics....the fault lies in 'denominationalism''
an apostate system full of death and full of faults. - hence ''topics become heated''

life in the spirit is different - for life in the spirit ceases to be denominations.
NO denomination rules in LIFE IN THE SPIRIT - that is seen when Yeshua never went to learn from the scribes, nor the doctors of the law nor elders or pharisees. THEY FOLLOWED HIM - HOPING TO TRAP HIM AND PLOTTING to kill Him 11 times.

the same happens today - all denominations have a ''different gospel'' worshipping a very difference Jesus - so none reproduce anyone as an Image of Christ in deed or ministry.

THE SPIRIT OF LAW AND DEATH remains Lord of ''gory'' - the mass slaughter of millions who still die in sin. No one says STOP SINNING....ofcourse not -

but life in the Spirit does not have ''heated topics'' for those who dwell in the Spirit live in harmony and peace - the same Peace the Prince of Peace bequeathed to His church.
2 churches exist on earth - denominationalism - and His Ekklesia.
Yeshua doesn't agree with the denominations - Rev 3 - they make HIM sick.