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Thread: Annihilationism and Claiming Jesus is the Abomination of Desolation

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    Default Annihilationism and Claiming Jesus is the Abomination of Desolation

    Re: Peter @

    Don't call people pious and vain just because they recognize you reject what Jesus said, "And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth" (Matt. 13.42).

    "He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone" (Rev. 14.10), and "they have no rest day nor night" (v.11), for it "will never burn out" (Matt. 25.41). They "will never die, and the fire that burns them will never go out" (Is. 66.24). You said humans are "puppets". We would be puppets if you didn't have the choice to be eternally separated from God. But because we are sovereign free willed beings made in God's image which can never cease to exist, we are not puppets but are given the choice to be with God in the New City or in Hell never to be annihilated.

    The Holy Spirit reveals you worship the Antichrist because you claim Jesus is an abomination and a desolator in Dan. 9.27, the names given to Satan and his Antichrist. And you make Jesus the destroyer in v.26 who destroys the city and temple in 70 AD and produces all the wars instead of Satan. You are Satanic.

    My prayers go out to you that you that one day give your life to Christ and give up what you are projecting your own vanity and piousness stemming from your Satanic false beliefs.

    Where does it say in the Bible the Messiah is cut off during the middle of the 70th week? Dan. 9.26 says Jesus is cut off after the 69th week. The word of God is very specific. You can't change it around without contradicting yourself. See the contradiction that none of the sevens overlap each other so the second half of the 69th seven does not overlap the first half of the 70th seven.

    Your false teaching is due to your spirit being dead to God. You prefer to worship a false Christ.

    "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy" (Dan. 9.24).

    Upon thy holy city are transgressions finished, but how can that be if the Temple is destroyed in 70 AD? Because the 70th seven is referring to the end of this age, not to when Jesus died on the cross. Only then is there an end of sins when Jesus returns with power to reign with a rod of iron with his overcomer believers to reign over the nations. Reconcialation though may begin with Jesus on the cross is not concluded, but is fully manifested when He returns. Alas, you have no faith to believe this sad to say. Only then is there everalasting righteousness, the seal of the vision and prophecy fulfilled and the Temple annointed from where Jesus will reign for 1000 years. Since this is not the Jesus you want, realize you are not born-again, and therefore shall go to Hell.

    Just realize the reason you can't repent of your false teaching is because you are demonically possessed and prefer to be this way.

    Your faith is reflected in your anti-semitism in which you claim it doesn't matter if the Jews exist anymore or not even though God promised to them they are His chosen people, that is to say, they shall be the center of all nations. There is nothing you can do to stop this. You will fail. You're already a failure for such heresy. Though a Jewish person or of any other race to be saved must believe in Christ individually, the nation of Israel and other good nations (sheep nations, Matt. 25.31-46) shall be saved when Jesus returns.

    Praise the Lord! Amen.

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    Let's keep these sins of Peter's in the forefront for he still has not repented of them specifically. He can't because he is demonically possessed:

    1) In Daniel 9 you called Jesus the abomination of desolation which obviously is the Antichrist and not Jesus: "the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate" (Dan. 9.27). It's amazing how you think this act of the Antichrist is Jesus doing it. How evil of you. And you make Jesus the war causer: "the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined" (Dan. 9.26). You are evil. You are like a rapist and a criminal pleading for mercy then you go commit the crime again. [Peter said he has now repented of this false teaching].

    2) Jesus was cut off after the 69 sevens, not in the middle of the 70th seven, so you get rid of the 70th seven, the Tribulation, at the end of the age to deceive people to be caught up in when you keep telling them it doesn't exist. [Peter says he has now repented of this false teaching].

    3) You get rid of the Jews, yet the Bible promises the Jews will be the center of all nations. This is a really good indicator of your condition. Your Jesus destroyed the Temple in 70 AD instead of the people of the prince (Antichrist). I presume your false Christ also destroyed in the first Temple, and will erect himself in the 3rd Temple (2 Thess. 2.4) before Jesus returns. [Peter said he repented and now accepts Israel is to be the center of all nations when Jesus returns].

    4) You're not a Christian. You said the unsaved will be "burning in hell for a short time, before becoming nothingness"; but the Bible says otherwise. You reject the Jesus who spoke on Hell and over and over again said it is an eternal separation, not annihilation, so this is reflection of the false Christ you worship since you disagree with Jesus of the Bible. "He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone" (Rev. 14.10), and "they have no rest day nor night" (v.11), for it "will never burn out" (Matt. 25.41). They "will never die, and the fire that burns them will never go out" (Is. 66.24). Hoping you will just cease to exist, the truth is, you never will. You will have to live out your existence in the Lake of Fire for all eternity, the very domain you say does not exist. [Peter still rejects the Jesus who taught these truths].

    5) You are a Calvinistic claiming people are just puppets. And you claim Judas was saved. How evil of you to think Christians commit suicide. To claim Judas was saved even though he had an integral roll in killing Jesus, surely such a thought tells you are unsaved and going to Hell. "He [Judas] might go to his own place” (Acts 1.25). Judas had never believed in Jesus Christ. Though outwardly he pretended to be one of His disciples, he was "a son of perdition” (John 17.12). "These words spake Jesus" (v.1). [Peter said he has repented of calling people puppets, but still thinks you can commit suicide and be saved. That's Satanic].

    6) And you claim there is everlasting righteousness and no more sin. Yet the Bible says, "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy" (Dan. 9.24). Since there is still sin, the 70th seven has not been fulfilled yet, obviously you are deluded and following a spirit not of God. [Peter said he now has repented of this false teaching when he misread Dan. 9.24].

    Since Peter is unable to repent of these false teachings, obviously he worships a false Christ and therefore, is going to Hell. Let us pray for him.

    Peter has many other false beliefs. For example, he says even though Jon Stewart rejects Jesus as his Lord and Savior, he is still saved. He said, "Jon Stewart is a saint." How evil. I guess Jesus died for no reason at all according to Peter, and Jesus is not the only way, truth and the life. Clearly, this shows Peter has never been born-again and is going to Hell. You shouldn't be a Judaizer judaizing Christianity when you said, "I think we should begin our christian life as a Jew." The reason you think this is because you are not actually a Chistian. Why do you hate Jesus and Christians? for you said, "Christians are stuck with a righteous Christ-like title that they can't live up to." 1 in 3 people calls themselves a Christian and of them less than 1 in 100 are actually saved.

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    You are evil when you say "there isn't a universal Church." The Church is universal.

    God did not make the Antichrist, how evil of you to think so. You said you "worship the creator that made...the abomination." God is not the author of evil. Satan is. Why follow Satan?

    No Christian believes what you said: "he universe isn't billions of years old." Scientifically we know the universe is 13.7 billion years old which agrees with Gen. 1.1. You said, "Scientists have proven God isn't real." On the contrary quite the opposite (see the 4 Step Proof for God).

    When you say not to talk about Hell, your hatred is not so much directed at me but against Jesus who spoke on Hell more than anyone.

    Since you said Judas is saved who committed suicide and aided in having Jesus killed, any Christian who hears you say this knows you are not a Christian and therefore, going to Hell.

    Then when you talk about a god whom you follow who annihilates souls when the Bible says you will never die in Hell, Christians can again immediately know you are bound for Hell.

    You're a bad person.

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