Quote Originally Posted by Reckoning View Post
Uniqueness among animals is not only expressed by humans. Each species is unique in its own way, sometimes showing superiority compared with humans.
What animal can build automobiles, airplanes, nuclear power plants, nanotubes, a computer chip, telescopes to see the beginning of the big bang, travel to the moon, form a court of law, perform amazing medical procedures, and mass produce products with robots? If you don't see this as being more advanced than all other animals, I would say that's false humility on your part.

Nature by definition causes itself that is why it is called nature. For example, let us compare known things that are natural and non-natural, for example a car and an earthquake. Cars are made by humans, it is observable, and there is no known natural cause for them. Earthquakes are caused by plate tectonics, although I will add that a while back in history earthquakes were also explained by ‘God’. This sort of rationalizing is called “The God of the Gaps Argument”. True the universe cannot come from nothing, but it can exist forever.
At least that's a starting point you agree nature can't come from nothing. That earthquakes are caused by God is not really the God of gap argument because without God starting the big bang, the earthquake would never have happened. Not only can the universe not start up from nothing, it can't always have existed either, because you would have happened already, having had an eternity to do so.

The first law of thermodynamics confirm both, IE Conservation of matter and energy. You mention man would have approximated past eternities. There is one flaw in your argument; we have, for example string theory.
String theory you agree can't come from nothing, so it needs a cause from something. As you try to extend that out to an eternity of the past, man would have happened already, having had an eternity to do so.

Slavery is actually not condemned by Jesus or God, both Old and New Testament. Exodus 21:20-21 and Ephesians 6:5.
The point about slavery is that on a per capita basis it is less now, showing us an exponential progression of conscience, so that if there was an infinite regress, we would not still be sinning to the extent we still do. Ex. 21.20 and Eph. 6.5 says "servant" not slave. Most nations had slaves, but Israel had servants. A servant was employed for 7 years. Whereas the other nations around Israel had slaves. Israel itself was enslaved for 430 years. The Bible always holds the higher moral standard of the day.

So Jesus is God since it was predicted in the bible and came true, the Messiah as it were. Well, simply ask the Jews why they don’t accept Jesus. They are the foundation of Christianity, why do they not believe in Christ, if all the prophecies came true?
Isaiah 53 is clear the Messiah is their suffering servant and would be killed. They shut their minds down just like Muslims shut their mind down to the fact that Jesus died on the cross. It is a deeply embedded rejection of God's love to alter God's word. "He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth" (Isaiah 53.7). The true Jew is a Christian. Judaism is not the same as OT Israel, for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would have accepted Jesus. So would have Abel, Moses, David and Jeremiah. Judaism today is not the foundation of Christianity, but the Old Testament is. Though the nation of Israel is saved, individually any Jewish person would need to give his life to Christ to be saved.

I asked them and there are four apparent “unfulfilled prophecies of Jesus”. . (A). Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28). (B). Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6). (C). Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease, as it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4) (D). Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world—on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9). I should also mention virtually every other religion is convinced IT’S THE right one, just as you are. When you see why you reject their claims, you will see why I reject yours.
This is the millennial kingdom. Why could this not go forward during Jesus' first coming? Because the Jews at the hand of the Romans killed Jesus. Jesus' reigning is conditional upon accepting Him. So Jesus resurrects Himself and shows Himself to the disciples over 40 days, and the covenant God had with Israel was abrogated and the promise given to Christians beforehand.

Now let man see how he does without Jesus after having killed Him. Daniel's last 7 and the coming Tribulation will show man can't do it on his own so then Jesus returns when we are about to destroy ourselves. 1/3 of the people of the earth will be killed in nuclear holocaust (Rev. 9.18) and the massive war in the middle east with 200 million military units (v.16). Quite a scary picture! Too bad the Jews and Romans killed Jesus.

For 1260 days a 144,000 Jews remnant will hide likely in the city of Petra and Israel will be overrun, but at the end of the 2,520 days of the Tribulation Jesus will step down on the mount of olives.

Third paragraph. How do you know this? Does the bible teach this? Where? (I.e. the book chapter and verse) Did Jesus say this? Are you saying your words have more authority than the Bible, God or Jesus? Here I quote you saying “As Jesus said, if you are not for Him, you are against Him.” Not quite, he said “… No one comes to the father except though me” John 14:6 (.5) NO ONE (come to the father) EXCEPT THROUGH ME. You see? Not people who would accept Jesus, but only people who have accepted Jesus, tough luck for them.
Of course the Bible teaches this. Some Old Testament Jews were saved even though Jesus hadn't died on the cross yet. Job who was a gentile who was saved came before Moses. Romans 1.20 says just by observing the nature we are without excuse. Did you forget Matt. 12.30? "He that is not with me is against me..." A person who never heard of Jesus who believed in God would surely accept the Son of God.

I will assume (correct me if I’m wrong) God is 1st, then Jesus 2nd then Holy spirit 3rd. It was God who created the world, Genesis 1:1 (first page, heh). If this is correct how do you hold this belief? Your belief if incoherent, and ridiculous. Of course, the trinity is Uncreated, with absolutely no explanation, it’s just the way it is.
God is plural in Gen. 1.1,26.27. God is not 1st, Jesus is not 2nd, nor is the Holy Spirit 3rd. Before the foundation of the world they were co-equal and co-inherent. It is only in the council of the Godhead the 3 Persons agreed the 2nd Person would atone for sins of the world and the 3rd Person would indwell believers.

Since the uncreated is proven and Jesus is proven to be God and presents Himself as co-equal with the Father, it stands to reason the 3 Persons of the Godhead are indeed co-equal. Jesus showed us how to be perfectly obedient unto the Father as only God could do so Jesus is God. He forgave sins as only God could do. He resurrected Himself as only God could do. Jesus prayed to the Father by the Spirit, just as we pray to the Father through the Son by the Spirit. There are some things you can't know or may not have the ability to know, but we know God exists and Jesus is God the Son.

As soon as the idea that the universe is uncreated, you cannot come to grips with that.
I welcome your proposal of a universe that always existed, but that necessitates infinite regress. But if infinite regress were true, you would have happened already, having had an eternity to do so. If you want to compare your uncreated universe to the uncreated Creator with a mind, God trumps your uncreated universe because nature can't produce a mind. The lesser can never produce the greater. A mind is needed to create a mind. A conscious being with a conscience is needed to create man with a conscience and a consciousness. Self-consciousness requires a Creator with self-consciousness, and God-consciousness needs a God. Bouncing atoms or strings all by themselves can never produce self-awareness or God-awareness.

You proudly boast your divine revelation of the world, yet you seem to not know everything in the bible, even things you so proudly boast of in this very thread, for example the prophecies.
I do know those prophecies you gave, you have just misunderstood the circumstances surrounding them and what's going on as was explained.

Is being away from God hell, because I feel pretty separated from God, (as close as you can get). So then I am already in hell, yet this is no punishment. Is he clinging on to me giving me till my last breath a chance for repentance? Why, he is all knowing why test us in the first place. It would not take too much time to convince me, why does everyone else get personal experiences with God. Why can I not have a conversation like in times of old, such as Abraham and Noah. He would have a lot to explain. Just showing himself to me is not enough. So he exists point one taken care of, I’m no longer an Atheist.
You will be resurrected for Hell. Right now you have a foretaste of Hell. If someone wants to know what Hell is like or at least get a glimpse all they need to do examine your state of mind.

God is longsuffering not wanting any to perish. He is not testing you, but pleading with you to repent and believe in Him to be regenerated. You can't ask for a better proof than the resurrection of Jesus. God communicates by the intuition of your spirit, but your spirit is dead (lost communication), because you refuse to search Him with all your heart and soul to find Him. Abraham was open to God, you are not.

Even if Jesus showed Himself to you, you admit that's not enough so why should He bother? Who is to say whomever presents himself to you is Jesus? How do you know you will get the right Jesus? Seems presumptuous on your part after already misunderstanding Him so much. You've already misunderstood the Scriptures related to prophecies. If Jesus were to come to you, He would violate His prior word that when He returns we will all know it, not just you. Remember, Jesus is not here right now because people such as yourself killed him. But Jesus said blessed are those who have not seen Him yet and believe. I think you are being dishonest with yourself. If you were being honest with yourself you would examine the data surrounding the resurrection claim to know that the original disciples truly believed they had seen Jesus alive from the dead, but there is no naturalistic explanation to account for their beliefs, thus proving Jesus is God and salvation is only through Him.

Then why did he commit such monstrosities, why are there so many religions, why are there inconsistencies in the bible. Some say he will not reveal himself because that will take away my free will to choose to believe. Well, Satan before his fall talked to God, yet still chose to go against him. Free will would still exist. Besides, not too long ago the smallpox vaccine was considered to be a product of the devil. I trust the guy saving the lives of millions, rather the tyrant who wants us to believe in him or suffer eternally.
Why did God commit what you call monstrosities? They are no less monstrosities than you slitting the throat of a person who breaks into your home once a month to rape your wife? Because they were monstrous people, irredeemable. The result is they no longer exist. It was either them or His chosen nation? It was either people who enjoyed human sacrifices or Israel then through Israel the Messiah would enter His creation.

Why are there so many religions? Because people underestimate the proliferation of sin just like you for asking such a dumb question. There are no inconsistencies in the Bible. Your free will is true whether Jesus is on earth or not on earth. When Jesus is on earth, you will still reject Him and still go to Hell. His presence or non-presence is not the problem. The problem is your cold heart and stiff-neck. Consider God very gracious to provide the smallpox vaccine. If God didn't create the discoverer of that vaccine, then many more would have died. Smallpox is a result of sin. Sin is the result of selfishness. Selfishness is the result of independency. Independency is the result of disobedience and not trusting God and His love.

Think how evil it would be of you to reject your parents like you reject God. God doesn't want you to suffer eternally, but if that is your choice to want to be eternally separated from God then that is your choice with consequences. God will not coerce your free will into accepting His love. You will burn in the Lake of Fire for all eternity because you are a bad person. Should we in society let all the criminals out of jail? Nor should we let you out of jail to do harm to people with your stinkin' thinkin' and abusive behavior. God wants the New City free of sin, but with you there it would spoil all the fun. So where else are you suppose to go but Hell? You want your sin and not have to pay the price for your sin. One little sin eternally separates you from God, so cling to it, but you will have to do so in Hell. The only way to be saved is if you receive what Jesus did for you on the cross who took the sins of the whole world upon Himself as only God can do as the perfect sacrifice to atone for sins.

A final point, I do not believe in Satan either. It just he has done more good than God according to the religious institutions anyway.
Satan is the creator of those religious institutions. You are confusing Satan with God. Satan is messing with you and he has you hook, line and sinker. You are an easy toy for him to manipulate because you get off on it. By the way the most charities in the world are Christian charities. No other faith even comes close. And atheist charities are practically non-existent.

You have an ugly mind the way you think. Follow the logic. Since God exists and Jesus is proven to be God and Jesus spoke on Hell and Satan more than anyone, then you are delusional. A most beautiful angel fell from God's grace who will never repent. Since God could not erect obedience in the angels, He found man was redeemable.