Quote Originally Posted by steenkh
You could be right: we could have happened before, but we have no way of knowing it now. Besides, for all we know, time has not existed indefinitely, so your argument fails no matter how you look at it.
You would not have happened twice, but you would have happened already because you would have had an eternity to do so. This is how you know infinite regress is impossible. If time didn't always exist then it needs a cause outside of itself. So no matter how you look at it your argument fails.

You still have not explained how your god can create anything without time. Being "outside time" is not an explanation, it is a dodge that does not work. Besides, if your god can be outside time, so can the universe itself. Perhaps you should become a pantheist?
We can't know everything. It is unreasonable to demand to know everything to know if God exists. It is enough to accept the evidence since nature can't start up from nothing nor always have existed then nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space. And this is whom we call God. "Outside of time" is the explanation since obviously time did not always exist. It needs a cause. Don't doge this. If you want the universe to exist outside of time yet you require time for something to come into being then according to you we would never have existed. If you want some timeless singularity to start the universe up you still fail because, because a mind is needed to create a mind. The lesser can never produce the greater. Pantheism is false since God is outside of time and space. And God can't have morals below our own, so He has a conscience and morality. Nature by itself doesn't have that.

Judging from the sources we have, the resurrection most likely did not happen, so Jesus' claim is just self-delusion.
Historians don't use your sources since they are too late and irrelevant. They concern themselves with the primary sources. Of the 45 sources within 150 years of Jesus' death none of them suggest otherwise about the the disciples' belief they had seen Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings.

We have already presented naturalistic explanations, and your problem of the lack of a proof for the resurrection does not go away by ignoring them.
Of the 45 sources, 24 of them speak of the resurrection of Jesus. That's an astounding number of sources, more than enough. None of your naturalistic theories work such as swoon theory. For Jesus wouldn't have looked much like a risen Messiah. I doubt he could even walk with holes in his feet and his back scourged down to the bone. No respectable scholar uses that approach. And almost all scholars deny fraud theory and hallucination theory, so what you have you got?