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Thread: Book of Mormon Plagiarises the Bible

  1. #1
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    Default Book of Mormon Plagiarises the Bible

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Yancey
    Judith is not part of the Protestant Bible. But, is part of the Catholic Bible. In any case, the point was whether Joseph 'borrowed' from the Apocrypha. The article listed parallels as well dissimilarities to demonstrate that Joseph did not borrow from the Apocrypha.
    There is only one Bible, the 66 books of God's word. This is proven by the fact that if you want to suggest another book it can be proven it does not belong with the Scriptures.

    The book of Mormon uses the word "he stinketh" once and the Bible uses it once. "Sleepeth" and "stinketh" are found together in only these two chapters: once in the book of Mormon and once in the Bible in two stories that parallel each other but are about different characters. Coincidence or plagiarizing?

    I don't see your article addressing this problem or the problem copying from the KJV errors which later were revised and taken out of the KJV.

    "Believeth thou this" is found once in the Bible in John and only once in the book of Mormon in Alma.

    Joseph Smith takes his Nephi character in the book of Laban and copies the Apocryphal story of Judith. The video goes through point by point the comparisons which your Mormon article response leave out some.

    What's even worse is this Laban name is actually taken from one of the Apocryphal books that were written between 300 AD and before Christ. It's good your article kindly reveals that Nephi is an Apocryphal place name as well. These Apocryphal books are not part of the Bible.

    When you see the origin and source in the story telling of Joseph Smith, the book of Mormon is worthy of abandonment, because is baked from materials that we Joseph lifted from.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Yancey
    Again, you are missing the point--and, trying to change the subject. Parallels and similarities do not prove or disprove anything.
    Sure they do. When a particular phrase is only used once in each book, when stories are so similar but have different characters, when names like Laban and Nephi are pulled from the Apocrypha but are not the same, it shows where Joseph Smith is pulling his ideas from. One of my favorite copycats is each group of 12 apostles have three sets of same names.

    If LDS claims are true about modern revelation, ie: the Book of Mormon as real scripture, then there would be parallels with other scripture and even some ancient writings. The Apocrypha is, indeed, part of the Bible of some half a billion Christians. It was even part of the Protestant Bible in earlier centuries. You can believe what you want. But, I accept the Apocrypha as partly inspired but not worthy of inclusionin modern Bibles. However, I would never judge anyone because they use the Apocrypha. It has much that is good in it. Have you ever read it?
    The Bible doesn't agree with you, for the last book and chapter of the Bible closes out what happens to those who add to God's word: "If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book" (Rev. 22.18). This applies not just to the book of Revelation but the whole Bible. Whatever you may think is good or not good in the Apocrypha is irrelevant, for it is not God's word. God's word comprises 66 books. 6 is the number of Satan and 6 is the number of man, because man loves Satan's ways. Hence, the 66 books is the Redemptive Design separating that union of Satan and man.

    What you believe in is called relativism which is a heresy. You said, "The Apocrypha is, indeed, part of the Bible of some half a billion Christians" and to others you say it is "partly inspired" while still others believe rightly on 66 books are the inspired word of God. God is not so fickle as you. When God gives His word, it is His word, not some word for some people but not for others. That makes God a liar.

    Anyone who claims anything is part of God's word in addition to the 66 books of the Bible is not born-again according to Revelation 22.18. Mormons add books, Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox add books. The Holy Spirit confirms this in our spirits in agreement with our new life, brothers and sisters in Christ and the word of God. Therefore, any who make the claim there are these other books that are partly or wholly inspired as God's word are going to Hell. That is the Christian stance, that is what God said and we know it to be true, because that is what Revelation 22.18 said. You may not like it, but it is true. There are always extenuating circumstances and exceptions to the rule for the minority, but for most others, that is God's verdict handed down to the Apostles.

    As for the original issue of whether Joseph Smith borrowed words, names or passages from the Apocrypha, or any other source, it does not matter to me because I believe he was inspired to write what he did. It is acknowldedge by LDS scholars that Joseph 'borrowed' from the Bible when writing the Book of Mormon, especially when he was writing something that was similar to what he had read in the Bible. An example is the Isaiah passages found in the Book of Mormon. See the below link:

    Of course, I fully expect you to simply dismiss all this and accuse me of lying, being a cultist, a 'bad man', going to hell and other insults. In other words, you will just waste my time yet again. In any case, you will not (never will) respond inteligently--point by point--to the scholarly material I send you. You are steeped in prejudice and bigotry and your
    pride will allow you to even entertain the thought that I may be right.
    Try to be personal. Stop hiding behind your links. Show me where in those links the coincidences as posted in the opening thread are addressed. Freaky coincidences from no-Biblical books shows Joseph Smith had a thing for the Apocrypha which is not the Bible. The Bible was completed in the first century. None of the "other books" after the first century or in the intertestament period between the old and the new are God's word. We don't just say this, but we prove it.

    This destroys Mormonisms since you want to include yet other books as well written in the 19th century. Get real!

    p.s. use a spell checker.

  3. #3
    Dan Dan the Science Man Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    The book of Mormon uses the word "he stinketh" once and the Bible uses it once. "Sleepeth" and "stinketh" are found together in only these two chapters: once in the book of Mormon and once in the Bible in two stories that parallel each other but are about different characters. Coincidence or plagiarizing?

    I don't see your article addressing this problem or the problem copying from the KJV errors which later were revised and taken out of the KJV.

    "Believeth thou this" is found once in the Bible in John and only once in the book of Mormon in Alma.
    Actually, I could write a book and name the main character Ebeneezer without having to pay royalties to the estate of Charles Dickens, and I can use the phrase "you shall not pass" without having to get permission from Tolkein, the Grimm Brothers and Aesop Rock.

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    And your point is?

    Just like you can use phrases the Bible uses does not justify your faith is true apart from God's word.

  5. #5
    Dan Dan the Science Man Guest


    My point is that using small words and phrases like "stinketh" and "sleepeth" isn't plagiarism and really isn't worth worrying about.

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    You're missing the point. It is not just that the same words were used but further coincidences surrounding those words.

    The book of Mormon uses the word "he stinketh" once and the Bible uses it once. "Sleepeth" and "stinketh" are found together in only these two chapters: once in the book of Mormon and once in the Bible in two stories that parallel each other but are about different characters. Coincidence or plagiarizing?

    Clearly Joseph did that on purpose and thought he was being cunning.

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