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Thread: Calvinism is Satan's Counterfeit Salvation

  1. #1
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    Default Calvinism is Satan's Counterfeit Salvation

    Re: Haukman66 - Youtube

    Quote Originally Posted by Haukman66
    John 6:44 says, NO ONE CAN come to ME, unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him on the last day! It doesnt say, they come, then they are drawn! Maybe look at verse 37 which says, that those who are given to Christ, by the Father WILL come! Notice it says, ALL that the Father gives me, WILL come!!
    You've misread this verse by inserting irresistible grace. Try to read it without assuming anything. Jesus said nobody can come to Him unless the Father draws him. It does not say that everyone drawn comes to Christ, but that those who do come to Christ first must be drawn. This is the sufficiency of God's grace. Sadly, many such as yourself "draw back unto perdition" (Heb. 10.39). The drawing is God's grace to all men to have the choice.

    It does not say they come then they are drawn; rather, it says they are drawn then they can come: first God provides sufficient grace to all men, then a person can come. Amen. Your god can't do this for you worship Satan's counterfeit since you admit you never repented and believed in Christ to be regenerated.

    You have the same problem of misreading verse 37 which does not say anything about irresistible grace, but that once given they will surely come; nor does it say who is given by the Father or why. So ask why they are given rather than assuming they are given irresistibly like an evil tyrant irresistibly imposes his will--like Hitler irresistibly selected the Aryan race and preteritioned the Jews to the gas chambers. What love is that? How can God have morals below our own?

    Also, Romans 8:28-30 clearly distinguishes, those who are called, from anyone else. Those who are called....Not everyone is called. Because the ones who are called, are predestined, justified, and glorified!! But you deny this. You have made a god in your own mind, one that you are comfortable with. Your god, is not able to save anyone. Why do you even pray? To ask God to save someone? Why? He cant. You make yourself god. Reminds me of a verse or two:You said in your heart,
    'I will ascend to heaven;
    above the stars of God
    I will set my throne on high;
    I will sit on the mount of assembly
    in the far reaches of the north;
    I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
    I will make myself like the Most High.'
    (Isaiah 14:13-14 ESV)
    Of course not everyone is called otherwise that would be universalism. Why argue against universalism when we are talking about Calvinism? You are arguing on another hill. I am over here. Join my on the hill that I am on to deal with what I believe.

    Again, you shut your mind down for Satan when you fail to examine why a person was predestined, called, justified and glorified. You assume in your subconscious without thinking-demon possessed-that a person is irresistibly called. It's not the case. Read the passage carefully...

    "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" (Rom. 8.28). God calls those who love Him; to them He calls by His infinite foreknowledge. Since you don't love Him, but worship an evil tyrant, you worship a false Christ. You pride separates you from God in assuming you were irresistibly selected and didn't have to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. You want a selfish salvation. It reflects too in how you conduct yourself.

    "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate..." (Rom. 8.29). God foreknew what? He foreknew our free-choice. Thus, He also did predestinates by foreknowing our free-choice. God is pleading with you to repent and believe on Him to be regenerated; alas, you are unwilling.

    "Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called" (Rom. 8.30). He "also" calls by first predestinating. Remember before, predestinating was based on foreknowing. Foreknowing what? Our free-choice. We see the free will in over 4000 verses in the Bible. Amen.

    What you are involved in is called "will-worship" (Col. 2.23), trying to save yourself by your will and power of assumption to assume you were irresistibly selected, thus, not having genuinely come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior. God will never save such a one.

    You asked why do I pray. I pray, because God hears those who pray according to His will. I pray for you to repent. He is personal, interactive, synergistic just as we are to one another. Righteousness responds to righteous prayer, praying the will of God. My prayer for you is that you never be saved in your current attitude and condition. I don't want to spend eternity with you in the New City the way you are. So shall it be! As it is on earth so it is in heaven. As it is in heaven so it is on earth.

    Why can't God save someone and be influence through prayer? Of course He can. Our prayers have influence. When I pray, God is pleased if I pray His will, and with that condition met, doors open that were not open before to help lead someone to Christ. Amen. Why be offended by this? Is it not because there is no need to deliver the gospel in Calvinism since it doesn't matter anyway because your god will just irresistibly impose salvation on someone anyhow? And why lie to people giving them the gospel when it doesn't matter anyway, since your god plans on preteritioning them and not supplying them with the enablement to respond positively to His drawing them?

    Think how you try to ascend to heaven as though you are a god by sitting on pedestal proclaiming to the world you were irresistibly selected over those you claim are given no grace and opportunity to be saved that you think are preteritioned to Hell. That's sadistic and Satanic. You are delusional. More than that you are demonically possessed and don't even realize it. Nonetheless, deep inside it's what you want and the way you want to be. Realize your theology is simply reflecting your selfish way of being.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haukman66
    "God decrees by foreknowing your free-choice having given everyone sufficient grace to be able to respond. Amen. If you don't worship this God don't consider yourself born-again."

    Is that so? So then how could that be a "decree" then? You contradict yourself in your own statements. LOL.
    Where is this mysterious untold contradiction? When you are coy it is because you are trying to be couth which is unethical.

    God decrees or predestinates by foreknowing our choice as we saw in Romans 8 because of His divine providence that He takes into account and is the provider of all possibilities. He exists outside of time so He can do this. Your god can't. Predestinate or to decree is effectively put ones stamp of approval on what will happen. No need to irresistibly force it.

    God doesn't have to be pathetic like your god who can only move chess pieces around a chess board. Pathetic indeed! It's also inhumane.

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