Quote Originally Posted by AtlantiansAnAlteran
Do not post on my wall, I do not give you permission.

You are going to be very lonely in heaven Troy. Considering you relegate all of Christendom to hellfire.
You shouldn't treat me like a Jew preventing me from posting on your wall but letting others of your ilk do so. God shows no partiality. Do you see how your evil conduct reflects your evil faith of thinking you were irresistibly selected like the Aryan race and the Jews sent off the gas chambers simply because they were born that way and with no opportunity of escape?

There are lots of Christians not just me: there are lots of us OSAS Arminians. God loves me and He would not allow someone like you to spend even one second in Heaven beside me, for that would be like letting a criminal out of jail who belongs there for life to allow them to attack their victims again. There is no sin in the New City. So there will be no folks walking around claiming they were irresistibly selected and psychotically priding themselves over others they think were sent to Hell just because they were born into sin.

I do believe most in Christendom are not saved since the Bible describes this as being fact in Matthew 13. Moreover, the New City is only 1379 x 1379 miles which I would say fits at most 1 billion souls. There are many unsaved tares trying to look like us saved wheat, but God said He will put His sickle to them in due time. I am not to root you out, that is, do anything to you other than expose you as the swine that you are. This is why I don't give unto you that which is holy, but simply keep you at bay explaining to you the essential fact of your unsalvation and the need to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. Amen.

Here's a detailed study of Matthew 13: http://www3.telus.net/trbrooks/Matthew_13.htm

In particular, you might want to first read about the difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God: http://www3.telus.net/trbrooks/KKH.htm

Understand the 3 aspects of each, and how many in the outward appearance of the kingdom are unsaved; only those who are in the body of the Christ and the Church are children of the God. We are a "little flock" (Luke 12.32).

And, I was indeed an OSAS Arminian before I was a Calvinist.
I take you on you word you think you were OSAS Arminian when you thought you gave your life to Christ, but many who thought they gave their lives to Christ later it turns out they never did. Just because you say you were doesn't mean you were. For the truth is if you did for real, then you would remain so, since once-saved-always-saved. The faith doesn't change later to Calvinism or Open Theism or Gnosticism, but one grows in the faith once established. The fact that you are flippant, changing faiths, indicates you were never grounded in the first place.

Think how odd it would sound if someone came to you and said they were saved on such and such a date as an open theist or as a Muslim but years later they are a Calvinist. Are you so liberal to think they were saved back then? Of course not. Well that's how you come across to me though you don't have the sensitivity to feel it and logically work out what I am saying.

We are only saved one way. To claim you were saved by repenting and believing in Christ to be regenerated yet now claim that is not how people are saved except for you strikes as being full blow delusional.

I was convinced of the truth of Reformed Theology.
You may be convinced of Calvinism, but realize between you and I, you have never been able to come up with a single Scripture to support your faith so that seems like a big problem. I am getting the same vibe when I talk to Pentecostals, for they believe in gibberish babble, but never can they supply a verse of Scripture to support their faith. Your insertion and alteration are based on feelings or some logical mistaken assumption that binds you to Satan. This mistaken assumption is nothing more than a selfish concept that keeps you separated from God, because that is the way you want to be. Simply it is a selfish idea and reflecting the evil nature of your god.

So a nominal carnal OSAS Arminian is saved... because they were once saved and are always saved...

Bu I become convinced of Reformed Theology and that proves I was a false convert from the start?

What twisted and incoherent nonsensical irrational non-logic.
A "nominal Christian" is considered an unsaved Christian so as the term goes, you are admitting you were never saved to begin with. "Nominal" according to the dictionary is "in name only not in actuality."

A clue to your own words is you were a "nominal OSAS Arminian" indicating in fact you never did give your life to Christ, that is, to the One who keeps.

Yes you were a false convert from the start because as was said: a) you claim were saved even though that is not how you think God saves (double tongue); b) as a Calvinist you are not saved.

I am glad you can't show anything illogical about this statement. It is quite sound don't you think?

You have got to be the most self-absorbed and self-righteous person I have ever encountered.

Have fun with your little cult, for that is what you have started.
You are nothing more than another self-proclaimed apostle leading a cult.

That is why Revelation says to test those who say they are apostles and are not.
You are not an apostle.
To you the body of Christ (OSAS Arminians) a "little flock" (Luke 12.32) is a "little cult". What hostility!

Nothing is more self-absorbed and self-righteous than declaring to the world you are not one of those you claim are sent to Hell just because they were born into sin and on your pedestal pontificate you were irresistibly selected and did not have to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. It's very much like a person declaring he is God. Can you sense it yet?

Calvinism is a cult, but praise the Lord God has shown you how you can yet be saved one day like the person in that video who after 26 years as a Calvinist finally gave his life to Christ. Something for you to look forward to I pray as a possibility.

Satan hates the Apostles but notice like you he is unable to disprove I am an Apostle. Satan accuses prolifically, but one thing is always certain, he can never prove his accusation just like you. You don't even believe the Apostles exist to set up the churches anymore. You're a bad guy to say that for sure! Come out of this cult you are in that teaches irresistible regeneration and no more Apostles.

The Bible says test those who call themselves Apostles because there are no more Apostles? That is twisted.

I am not an Apostle to you but to the body of Christ.

Tesel, Tesel, Mene, and Parsin
The Bible says to speak in the language a person understands to be considerate and conscientious. "Don't babble on and on as people of other religions do" (Matt. 6.7). "Except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air" (1 Cor. 14.9).

My prayers go out to you, you can yet change. "If any man eat...my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world" (John 6.51). This verse does not say "If any man made to eat....for life of some in each class of the world." Thus, you can trust in the God of sufficient grace to all men. Praise the Lord! Amen.