Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
Calvinism is dumbed down Christianity because Calvinists don't really love God. They prefer the deck stacked and easy-believism. They love their manipulation attempts of God's word which is love of self. It's all in the head, but they are as far away from God as ever with their spirits dead to God. If anyone is unsaved in Christendom it would be Karl Barth and the rest of the Calvinists.
Are you even a little bit troubled at how easily you pass judgement on the souls of men? The same as you do to others it shall be done to you. Barth isn't here to defend himself. But he was a brilliant theologian. Because you judge so quickly, I can see how much you really love God and man alright. You say Calvinists don't love God, but have you read any book of Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion which are entirely focused on the love of God? News flash: Calvin wrote more about the love of God than most protestant and even Catholic theologians.

In regards to your judgments, I'm a Protestant and believe in justification by means of faith alone, but I would never be so foolish and ignorant to condemn all Roman Catholics to hell just because they bear that name since I don't know the state of their hearts. Yet you think just because someone is a Calvinist they're going to hell. Where is wisdom in this? Apparently you know the state of Karl Barth's heart so well that you feel it necessary to condemn him to hell. Smarten up. Everything you know about Calvinism has been filtered through the bogus interpretations of anti-Calvinists. I don't get the feeling that you ever sat down and actually labored to understand Calvinism from Calvin himself or any other Calvinist source. You claim so much to love God, but do you put enough effort in loving human beings when you so easily condemn them to hell even though you haven't taken the time to fairly examine what they say? The author of this thread makes the same mistake.