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Thread: Christendom's forums

  1. #11
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    Default Stand on the truth


    Understand how the conscience works. As long as a person's conscience can stereotype you and find where you are wrong, then it will allow all categories, but once someone comes along who can speak for the truth sternly and precisely, they will ban this person, for they have no response that can counter, and so their own conscience becomes affected. Their spirit wrestles and their mind rationalizes, so they retaliate by banning.

    This is what effect the power of partial rapture has, osas arminian has, tripartite man has, restoration of creation has, and Biblical locality has. 5 things, 5 truths with great power in God's Word!

    When you tell the truth you are not being disrespectful; in fact you should not respect any person's false beliefs! It is very disrespectful to censor out the voice of loving truth!

    It is not merely just bannings as you would hope, but real censorship. You are not too young to sense this, yet you do not know these 5 teaching in the Word that can easily expose the negative consequences of the false teachings that prorduce passivity for evil entry.

    No matter how difficult the job of a moderator is, the job is not to censor out truth! This is the problem, and it is increasing, though your conscience can not sense it. God wishes you would live in your spirit, not your emotion.

  2. #12
    Evanescence Guest


    Rule number one would basically mean not to abuse or argue with moderators decisions, being a large forum mods do need to have some respect and it just makes it a lot harder if people stand there and argue, being unreasonable! I don't think they take banning as a "tool" to hide the "truth."

    And I'm sure they have not banned you just because of your beliefs, because they accept all beliefs, even non-trinitans. A friend of mine who is a Hindu joined up on that forum, now thats a different religion all together!

    In peace,

  3. #13
    Evanescence Guest


    Understand how the conscience works. As long as a person's conscience can stereotype you and find where you are wrong, then it will allow all categories, but once someone comes along who can speak for the truth sternly and precisely, they will ban this person, for they have no response that can counter, and so their own conscience becomes affected. Their spirit wrestles and their mind rationalizes, so they retaliate by banning.
    When you tell the truth you are not being disrespectful; in fact you should not respect any person's false beliefs! It is very disrespectful to censor out the voice of loving truth!
    Please do not take offence in this question, but are you sure you have not been enforcing your beliefs on others? Maybe that was one of the reasons why you were banned.

    As I said earlier what you view as truth may not be truth to others, they have formal debates on the forum to discuss what is "Truth."


  4. #14
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    It is not disrespectful to a moderator to show what is false. If this is not allowed, then the truth is not allowed to be shown which is censorship.

    Your emotion tells you one thing, but the reality is far from what you feel. Feelings can deceive. Why overassume all moderators do not hide the truth? There are moderators of all walks and colors of all faiths, including the tares unsaved in Christendom.

    Moderators do not accept all beliefs as you say, nor should they. This is called universalism, which is false.

    Just because someone who is a Hindu joins a forum, does not mean the moderator accepts that belief.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evanescence
    Please do not take offence in this question, but are you sure you have not been enforcing your beliefs on others? Maybe that was one of the reasons why you were banned.

    As I said earlier what you view as truth may not be truth to others, they have formal debates on the forum to discuss what is "Truth."

    Are you sure given your own reasoning you are not trying to enforce yourself upon me because I can see your sin of a sinless pagan goddess or those moderators who hold false teachings when banning are not attempting to enforce themselves on others?

    Simply telling the truth lovingly and sternly is not enforcing, since there would be no enforcing power as simply a participant in another forum. Do you see how in your own flesh you continue to look for excuses instead of the cause which is the false teachings that the flesh of moderators can not let go of [in the specific false teachings mentioned]? This is the real underly motivation, and behind this motivation is a spirit that is not right before God. Your spirit is not right before God by not accepting this very truth; so you keep yourself blinded to this truth by your own volition. This is preventing you from realizing that it is the false teachings mentioned as the cause.

    You even admit, unwittingly, what "they view as the truth may not be the truth to others", thus causing them to ban for that very reason I told you in the beginning. Do you see how in fact you are being doubletongued in your statements?

    Formal debates will be allowed more leeway by the way, but even still, when they can't handle the truth, they will ban there as well.

  6. #16
    Evanescence Guest


    Although a mod may disagree with a belief I don't think they would go edit a persons post. Moderators are only there to maintain the forum, if mods were to abuse their power i'm sure they would not last long in their "mod" status.

    If someone was to disagree with your idea of "truth" they wouldn't cencor it they would much prefer to debate it!


  7. #17
    Evanescence Guest


    Simply telling the truth lovingly and sternly is not enforcing, since there would be no enforcing power as simply a participant in another forum. Do you see how in your own flesh you continue to look for excuses instead of the cause which is the false teachings that the flesh of moderators can not let go of [in the specific false teachings mentioned]? This is the real underly motivation, and behind this motivation is a spirit that is not right before God. Your spirit is not right before God by not accepting this very truth; so you keep yourself blinded to this truth by your own volition. This is preventing you from realizing that it is the false teachings mentioned as the cause.
    I do have a relationship with God, the Holy Spirit will guide us all into all fullness and truth. I am not looking for "excuses" I am merely disagreeing with you.
    How would you know about my personal relationship with God?

    You even admit, unwittingly, what "they view as the truth may not be the truth to others", thus causing them to ban for that very reason I told you in the beginning. Do you see how in fact you are being doubletongued in your statements?

    Formal debates will be allowed more leeway by the way, but even there, when they can't handle the truth, they will ban there as well.
    They do not ban because they disagree with others beliefs! They have good tolerance towards all beliefs, banning from a forum generally results in ones behavior.

    My statement on "What you view as truth may not be truth to others" means that people do not see what you believe as truth, I personally do not either, I never heard of "partial rapture" before.

    In saying this Mods wouldn't ban you because they are trying to cencor the truth, many don't even believe your idea of "truth" to begin with! However they have good tolerence towards others beliefs and welcomes all, but my experience on forums is banning generally results from behavior.


  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evanescence
    Although a mod may disagree with a belief I don't think they would go edit a persons post. Moderators are only there to maintain the forum, if mods were to abuse their power i'm sure they would not last long in their "mod" status.If someone was to disagree with your idea of "truth" they wouldn't cencor it they would much prefer to debate it!
    They do edit posts in addition to banning. Do not overassume so much. Do not be so naive for you only do yourself harm. Their abuse of their power is an agreement with their hiring by the one who also abuses in the same way by the same false teachings.

    At first they try to debate the truth, but when they find they cannot, they do in fact ban, alter posts, cut them out and so forth.

    Why be so overassuming when others have experienced clearely what I have shown you? Is it not because your underlying motivation is you like to add to the 66 books of God's Word and as part of your harlot, which teaches that God doesn't give eternal life at new birth ALWAYS? Indeed, this is your flesh in will-worship of something not of God.

  9. #19
    Evanescence Guest


    Why be so overassuming when others have experienced clearely what I have shown you? Is it not because your underlying motivation is you like to add to the 66 books of God's Word? Indeed.
    I would more view it as you removing books from God's Word.


  10. #20
    Evanescence Guest


    The problem is this,

    You attack the person and their beliefs, just like you did here,

    Why be so overassuming when others have experienced clearely what I have shown you? Is it not because your underlying motivation is you like to add to the 66 books of God's Word and as part of your harlot, which teaches that God doesn't give eternal life at new birth ALWAYS? Indeed, this is your flesh in will-worship of something not of God.
    What does this have to do with the topic anyway?

    You accuse people of being "double tongued" and even ban people on your own forum on this very thing!

    How do I know that the truth here is not getting cencored? You banned Stray Bullet who was doing a good job at defending his faith.

    In peace,


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