You seem to believe that the world revolves around your god. I never ever thought I was saved... You're making assumptions about me that simply aren't true.

Again, your two arguments fail. We do not see trillions of causes in nature. You can't prove that. You think you can, because you don't understand how things actually work, but you can't. There are only 4 forces in nature that cause things. Not trillions. Also everything has not been proven to have a cause, therefore the assumption that everything is caused is unproven. Radioactive Decay is considered by scientists to be completely spontaneous and therefore causeless.

Furthermore, time breaks down at the quantum level and becomes almost spatial, there is no beginning or end and it can go backwards and forwards.

If you truly understood how the world works, you would no think these are good arguments, but just as your friends did, you'll likely shut your mind off to the reality of things, just so as to feed this illusion of self-importance.

An agnostic is a person that thinks that the existence of god is unknown or unknowable. I do believe that. An agnostic may believe god exists, whilst at the same time believing that there is no evidence to support it. If the agnostic believes in god, he is a agnostic theist. If he is not an agnostic theist, then he is an agnostic atheist.

You either believe in god or you don't. There is no in between. You can't both believe in god and not.

I did not say there is no god, I said I didn't believe in god.

I suppose the question here is. Do agnostics believe in god?