Quote Originally Posted by Parture View Post
Yes that is a bad analogy because it was inflated before you poked a hole in it but not afterward so there is no contradiction.

Before you poked a hole it was inflated, not deflated. After you poked a hole, it was deflated, not inflated. Bad analogy. You might be able to poke a hole in a basketball but you can't poke a hole in the perfect proof for God of the Bible
I really don't think you're understanding me. The basketball analogy was intentionally flawed to show that in order to prove that it is flawed, you would have to invoke time, and that's precisely what you have done. You used words like "before" and "then" and "afterward." You are comparing situations, just like I had illustrated. You're only proving my point.

You really are confusing yourself. Realize you are trying so hard because you are starting from the premise God must not exist. The reason you do that is because of the hostility infusing you everywhere throughout all your flesh, from your body to your soul, even to your spirit. All of you is hostile to your Creator as you were born into sin, but God created you with free will and the ability to respond to His saving grace. Most mercifully, the Holy Spirit continues to woo you, but you keep erecting a brick wall. There is no other solution to this than your eternity in Hell.

Start from the evidence instead of your hostility. Wipe your slate clean. The evidence tells us nature could not always have existed because you would have happened already, having had an eternity to do so, so the universe could not always have existed, so time and space had to come into being from outside of time and space. This outside time and space uncreated Creator is whom we call God and we know who He is specifically: non other than Jesus Christ as multiply testified by the disciples who spent 3 years with Him and saw Him alive from the dead in various group settings. Amen.

Since you are unable to find a naturalistic explanation for the origin of the disciples' beliefs and all known possibilities have been accounted for it therefore must be true Jesus was raised from the dead, died for the sins of the world and resurrected Himself from Abraham's bosom on the third day. Amen again.
Ordinarily, when someone misrepresents the argument of another, I'm willing to chalk it up as a simple misunderstanding. Sometimes, people go into strawman territory. Where did I start with the premise that god does not exist? Where did I even mention god in my post? If you have a problem with my argument, then address the problem. Don't manufacture problems so you will have something to attack.

You have yet to actually criticize anything I've said. So if you don't have anything else to add in response to what we have discussed, then I'll proceed. All I'm trying to do right now is be as clear as possible so each of us knows precisely what the other means. If your argument is a good one, then clarity and understanding will benefit your side of the debate.