Spurgeon was amillennial. Go to your Spurgeon websites that's what they say. Premillennial is dispensational. We are in the premillennial dispensation. Spurgeon is like you, he refused to give his life to Christ and instead assumed he was irresistibly regenerated. God never saves a person with that attitude. It is pompous and popish. So what you think Christ is He is not. Spurgeon caused division and you cause division with this heresy you try to bring into the Church. Since you are unable to validate your view with Scripture realize you got a problem--overassuming. It is not secondary but primary how to be saved. You will always reject the millennial reign of Christ on earth from the 3rd Temple: this is your testimony. When the Son of Man returns to reign you will reject Him because you will continue to deny what He is doing in the millennial kingdom. Picture it. You will reject Him. It's easy to see. The proper Christian attitude is to point this out to you instead of being like you which is coy and couth. Jesus spoke plainly as this. Specifically you can't back up your claims lost in vagaries. You have decided on something and come hell or high water to rationalize it. This is what the flesh does. You don't let it die on the cross with Christ.

Just know this, since you have no verses to substantiate your view and I have given you verses in the word of God that show that your beliefs are false which you have not countered, then humbly accept you are wrong, that you are not a Christian but can yet give your life to Christ because God has given you the grace to be able to do so. That's how great God is! Even though you have been living a lie as the tares that try to look like the saved wheat all this time, God will still forgive you if you come to Him with an honest heart. Your god doesn't have this love. You haven't received this love because you say you can't. But you are wrong. You can for you're not Totally depraved. Let go of this idol and the false Christ you have been worshiping who will not reign for 1000 years on earth. Think how odd it would be for Christ to return with his saints (Jude 14,15) but then not to reign on earth for the 1000 years. Just as Genesis describes beginnings, Revelation is a book of the future. Apart from Rev. 1-6 the rest of the book of Revelation is future tense as one would expect from a book of Revelation. In your view only learned historians could interpret it to apply it to history, but God is no respecter of persons. The word of God is for us all. The book of Revelation at least to me is the easiest book of the whole Bible to read and can't be read the way you read it at all! You are stuffed with logical contradictions because you have been brainwashed by others who were brainwashed by Satan's deceptions. Your contradictions abound and bind you and restrict you unrighteously. If you were to be honest about this you would repent, but instead you shut your mind down to these contradictions because you prefer a selfish salvation. It really is as simple as that. Your interpretation of things are a manifestation of your dead spirit, separation and independency to God. You're a bad man.

Wake up!