The more I think about who could be the Antichrist, Prince William doesn't really come across as God-like so though it is claimed he fulfills the Merovingian and Davidic line and looks like the man on the Shroud of Turin, Barack looks like the man on the Shroud of Turin also and also looks like Osama Bin Laden, so I am not going to use that as determining factor.

The more videos I watch, the more it seems to me that Muslims think Barack is a Muslim and those who call themselves Christians think Barack is a Christian. It seems Barack is becoming more and more to everyone what they want him to be.

Let's say Barack becomes president again in 2012 so his presidency ends in 2016. That's the year the Jerusalem temple is completed and is the first year of the Tribulation. What if Barack because the leader of the United Nations in 2016 producing a peace treaty in the middle east. Interesting.

I am just guessing. It seems like a hopeless endeavor trying to figure out who the Antichrist will be. It is hard to believe the Temple will be built by 2016 or that implant under the skin would be widely taken at that time or the Tribulation and first rapture would commence.

Barack doesn't know when he was born-again. He claims Muslims are saved. He is contradicting himself. Christians know when we gave our lives to Christ.

Barack mockingly ridiculed Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Matthew taking passages out of context. He is suggesting not to use the Bible as a book to guide us when he said there is slavery in Leviticus and stoning child in Deuteronomy. Was there stoning of children in Deuteronomy? I don't remember that. He calls Matthew 24 & 25 the Sermon on the Mount. I thought Matthew 5-7 was the Sermon on the Mount and Matthew 24 & 25 the Olivet Discourse. He derogatorily accuses the Olivet Discourse as being undefendable by the US defense force and that we should not believe such fanciful things.

Condescendingly he then says people have not been reading their Bible. I guess reading the Bible is a bad thing, because then you might think stoning your children (which there is no such account) and slavery are a good thing, and that God's wrath in the Tribulation is undefendable.

Barack wants to give away the wealth of the USA. This is a sign that he is the Muslim Mahdi. This propels Barack into being the one world ruler. He makes peace with the Muslim world. Islam believes the peace treaty will break three and a half years in, so the Mahdi brings the killing of the infidels.

Apparently Barack speaks perfect Arabic.

Barack said: "I believe there are many paths to the same place".

Barack said, "All people of faith - Christians, Jews, Muslims, Animists, EVERYONE - knows the same God." John 14.6 says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

Obama said: "Jesus is the only way FOR ME." He claims Jesus is the only Savior for him, but negates Him as the only Savior for all men, specially those who believe (1 Tim. 4.10).

Jesus death on the cross was unecessary according to Obama because there are multiple roads to God. Obama's many paths are just the broad road to destruction.

Obama makes me sick. In one instance he rejects Deuteronomy because he claims it says stoning children is ok, then he is willing to stone babies in the womb by abortion. Barack is a bad man. Be "not doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8). Many people in the world could not say they are here on this planet because of Barack Hussein Obama.

Barack said in Arabic: "Allah is supreme, Allah is supreme, Allah is supreme, Allah is supreme. I witness that there is no God but but Allah. [Again] I witness there is no God but Allah. I witness that Muhammad is his prophet."

You know Muhammad said Jesus didn't die on the cross, so Christianity is false according Barack. Barack also said the Muslim evening call to prayer is " of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset."

Barack said "sin is being out of alignment with MY values." What about God's values? Ps. 51.4: "Against thee, thee only, have I sinned,..."

"...sin is the transgression of the {God} law" (1 John 3.4). Barack is offended that all people need Christ in order to be saved.

Barack Obama only believes Jesus is a "historical figure" not God in the likeness of flesh.

Barack said "I don't presume to have knowledge of what happens to me after I die." But Jesus says, "...he who believes on Me has everlasting life" (John 6.47). "...I go to prepare a place for you" (John 14.2).

Pretending to be a Christian is very evil! The church he attended was not Christian, but to build up the black race. Black came before Christ.