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Thread: Barack Hussein Obama and King William V

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Fischer
    A quick search of the web indicates that Princess Diana's
    blood type was AB. Apparently, O-type is recessive, so
    Prince William should also have type AB. Most interesting.

    Mike Fischer
    That is amazing! 3% x 3% x 3% = 1 in 37,000.

  2. #42
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    The cloth is in too good a condition to be 2000 years old. I am convinced Da Vinci used a Camera Obscura using a chemical burn on an old cloth a few decades before he was born.

    Aspects such as the broken nose, bruised cheeks, and lashes on his back that show up only under ultraviolate light are aspects of the shroud that are not visibile if they were painted in, and would not show up using crude lenses at the time, so this proves that it was a picture taken using Camera Obscura.

    Wow! The greatest mystery solved!

    The chemical used was silver nitrate in crystaline form. In Leonardo's manuscripts was a drawing of a Camera Obscura.

    The first camera obscura was built by the scientist Abu Ali Al-Hasan Ibn al-Haitham, born in Basra (965–1039 AD), known in the West as Alhacen or Alhazen, who carried out practical experiments.

    The first mention of the principles behind the pinhole camera, a precursor to the camera obscura, belongs to Mo-Ti (470 BC to 390 BC), a Chinese philosopher and the founder of Mohism.[1]

  3. #43
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    It was a neat story about William having the exact DNA on the shroud but having watched that video, it shows through Camera Obscura that is exactly how Da Vinci produced the shroud and sprinkled it with blood.

    Da Vinci was antichrist so what he did he did without conscience and fools many. Even the elect might be fooled. You are going to miss who the real Antichrist is. Let me draw you another scenario.

    In a couple of years from now the US Dollar Index is going to take a hard fall. The US Dollar Index is currently at 80. A decade ago it was 120. Last year it got as low as 70. Recently it got to as high as 90 fell down to 75, now it is trying to rally moving up from 75.

    The US government, with the Federal Reserve, is going to print money endlessly so 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities doesn't have to be paid back. The way you make this problem go away is through Zimbabwe inflation.

    The US Dollar Index might get to 85, 90 even 95, but when it drops again it's going to drop precipitously because there are no more games they can play. No more amount of printing money can add to the GDP.

    When the US Dollar drops below 70 the jig is up. Foreign countries, currently playing musical chairs, will remove their money out of the US dollar in hoards, and a massive slide will take place.

    The US Dollar index should go to 60 then 50 then 40 then 30 then 20 fairly rapidly. The Amero will replace the US Dollar Index but it will be a meaningless currency. The Euro is the only currency of meaning with 27 country members. No currency has the backing of that many countries. That's its power.

    The Euro will make an example of Greece and kick it out of the European Union, so the other countries get their deficits back in line at less than 3%.

    The ship merchants of the world cry because they can no longer sell their goods to USA. Foreign goods imported into US double then triple and quadruple in price. USA can't afford to buy anything outside North American soil. This effects the financial condition of most countries. Oil goes to $200.

    The rapture of just overcomer believers takes place. Then all kinds of events take place like lots of wildfires all over the planet and the Vatican gets nuked.

    The Antichrist is merely the person in charge of the European Union. Not as glorious as you would have liked. But that's reality. As the head of the European Union he takes over three countries that are so indebted. In return they get to remain members of the Union.

  4. #44
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    The history of the Shroud goes all the way back to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd centuries; there is a comment virtually every century about the Shroud.

    I didn't realize there was a history of the Shroud before 1300 AD, but now I see there was a Shroud mentioned virtually every century. Wow!

    The question becomes is it the real Shroud of Jesus or is it fake? Since Camera Obscura has existed before the time of Christ, the Shroud mentioned in these centuries could be fake or true. We just don't know.

    The most convincing proof is the coin on Jesus' eyelid from 29 AD. Cotton was in the sample taken, but cotton wasn't used at the time of Jesus.

    We have every reason to believe the Shroud is that of Jesus, but the Roman Church refuses there be another sample taken from the Shroud.

    Let's assume it is the Shroud of Jesus and not some guy doing Camera Obscura with certain light sensitive chemicals that would burn to Shroud. If that is true, then the Shroud could easily shown through Carbon 14 dating taking another sample, and the date should come out to the first century.

    I think the Roman Church is afraid to release it, because the Carbon dating will likely show it is still from the 14th century.

    The human race doesn't really care very much for the truth. Why don't they just:
    1) get another sample for Carbon 14 dating (since the first sample had cotton and reweaving from subsequent centuries).
    2) get the best DNA sample they can find
    3) do the same for the Sudarium
    4) Since we already know the blood type is AB Positive for the Sudarium and the Shroud and for Prince William, then why isn't anyone asking this question? 3% of people have AB Positive blood, so for all three to have the same blood type is 1 in 37,000.

  5. #45
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    The reason why Pope John Paul II did not allow a second sample of the Shroud was because his own scientists advised him not to, for it would conclusively show the Shroud was from 1260 to 1390 with 95% probability as are the current findings. Therefore it was better to maintain a cloud of mystery. This is unethical of the Roman Church that commissioned Leonardo Da Vinci to produce this shroud which he clearly did using Camera Obscura.

    I am now starting to think cotton interweaving is going on and that's why such a great discrepancy of over 200 years in results are produced.

    Wow! There is no flourescence where the radio carbon dating was taken from.

    I believe it was an antichrist conspiracy in 1988, because they should have known better than to take a sample from the worse possible place based on the flourescent data from 1978.

    Ray Rogers was like a doubting Thomas, which became a believer in the bad sample.

  6. #46
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    The Shroud of Turin has to be false because the Bible says Jesus' face was wrapped separately, but he Shroud of Turin has his whole body and face wrapped in one piece. Don't you love how the word of God disproves something so easily!

    "And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go" (John 11.44).

    "Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie, And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself" (John 20.6-7).

    Presumably the face cloth was removed when Jesus was in the tomb because it was all bloodied which explains why the napkin was about his head and not on his head. If it was on his head then it should have just fallen underneath the Shroud as Jesus was resurrected up out of the cloth, especially since Jesus' body would have been tied with a long strip (as shown on the Shroud of Turin) around his ankles, possibly knees, waist and neck which he couldn't have gotten out of easily physically.

    What doesn't make any sense is since the Shroud is 14 feet long and the middle of the Shroud is where Jesus' head was with the face cloth underneath, how do you get the face cloth out and place it by his head? The only explanation I can think of is Joseph of Arimathea must have opened the Shroud to take the face cloth off and put it by Jesus' head rather than when Jesus was resurrected Jesus put it by the side of the shroud.

    "Then arose Peter, and ran unto the sepulchre; and stooping down, he beheld the linen clothes laid by themselves, and departed, wondering in himself at that which was come to pass" (Luke 24.12).

    Now we must not underestimate how evil the Roman Church is. They knew the piece being taken from was a reweaving with cotton and died so it was the same color as the linen, so it could greatly change the date of the Carbon 14 dating though not by more than about 200 years. As time would go on, people would figure out that it was a bad sample. This creates as much doubt as the Roman Church can muster before they permanently seal it. If it was taken from a legitimate area of the Shroud it would be conclusive.

    "I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting" (Is. 50.6).

    The Shroud shows Jesus had a beard but the Bible says He didn't.

    "Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?" (1 Cor. 11.14)

    The Shroud of Turin presents Jesus as having long hair.

    The sugar coating on the entire Shroud shows the remain of oxidized light sensitive burning chemicals that only burned with respect to the body.

    CONCLUSION: Da Vinci knew to take all the Biblical features of Jesus' death and place them on the deceased person for the Camera Obscura, such as the 4 holes and other features. Blood was added afterward. The Roman Church would have supplied the proper cloth. It appears that every few centuries they try to make a new Shroud with improved technique each time. With all the information to go on from previous writings, Da Vinci was meticulous. It was his masterpiece and ultimate passion which was photography (ancient form of).

    The Radio 14 Carbon dating does in fact settle the matter.

  7. #47
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    The Shroud has been proven to be a forgery using Camera Obscura (Nicholas Allen, Dean of Art) using Silver Nitrate in crystalline form, silver sulphate, or other light sensitive chemicals, and Shroud proponents admit there is a sugary coating on the whole Shroud which would explain this with superficial burns for the body. There is no mystery at all. Like Joseph Smith never had an original idea and was plagiarizing from books of his day, neither was Camera Obscura a new invention by Leonardo Da Vinci (it was known before the time of Christ), but he was a encyclopedia of knowledge and feeding the desires of people of his day and previous centuries for the mystery shroud that is spoken of virtually every century. A hundred years before Da Vinci there was complaints of poor knockoffs of the Shroud so Da Vinci sought to make a masterpiece funded by the the Roman Church that provided the specifications required from previous sources about what the Shroud should look like. People are so gullible.

    Nicholas Allen,

  8. #48
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    It is true that the blood type on the Shroud was determined to be type AB, as was the blood on the Sudarium of Oviedo and the Lanciano miracle.

    However, according to blood experts, the enzymes responsible for the various blood types degrade dramatically over time until little if any remain present. The absence of these enzymes always yields the same result: blood type AB. Consequently, blood type is not really a valid point of comparision with other blood related ancient objects.

    Apparently, all old and degraded blood types to AB.

    I have no idea about the prince's blood type and have no way of finding out. Sorry.

    I hope this information is helpful and answers part of your question.

    Warm regards,

    Barrie Schwortz
    Editor & Publisher
    Shroud of Turin Website

    More references: Lynn Picket, Nichols Allan, etc.,

    The Temple Mount,

  9. #49
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    The more I think about who could be the Antichrist, Prince William doesn't really come across as God-like so though it is claimed he fulfills the Merovingian and Davidic line and looks like the man on the Shroud of Turin, Barack looks like the man on the Shroud of Turin also and also looks like Osama Bin Laden, so I am not going to use that as determining factor.

    The more videos I watch, the more it seems to me that Muslims think Barack is a Muslim and those who call themselves Christians think Barack is a Christian. It seems Barack is becoming more and more to everyone what they want him to be.

    Let's say Barack becomes president again in 2012 so his presidency ends in 2016. That's the year the Jerusalem temple is completed and is the first year of the Tribulation. What if Barack because the leader of the United Nations in 2016 producing a peace treaty in the middle east. Interesting.

    I am just guessing. It seems like a hopeless endeavor trying to figure out who the Antichrist will be. It is hard to believe the Temple will be built by 2016 or that implant under the skin would be widely taken at that time or the Tribulation and first rapture would commence.

    Barack doesn't know when he was born-again. He claims Muslims are saved. He is contradicting himself. Christians know when we gave our lives to Christ.

    Barack mockingly ridiculed Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Matthew taking passages out of context. He is suggesting not to use the Bible as a book to guide us when he said there is slavery in Leviticus and stoning child in Deuteronomy. Was there stoning of children in Deuteronomy? I don't remember that. He calls Matthew 24 & 25 the Sermon on the Mount. I thought Matthew 5-7 was the Sermon on the Mount and Matthew 24 & 25 the Olivet Discourse. He derogatorily accuses the Olivet Discourse as being undefendable by the US defense force and that we should not believe such fanciful things.

    Condescendingly he then says people have not been reading their Bible. I guess reading the Bible is a bad thing, because then you might think stoning your children (which there is no such account) and slavery are a good thing, and that God's wrath in the Tribulation is undefendable.

    Barack wants to give away the wealth of the USA. This is a sign that he is the Muslim Mahdi. This propels Barack into being the one world ruler. He makes peace with the Muslim world. Islam believes the peace treaty will break three and a half years in, so the Mahdi brings the killing of the infidels.

    Apparently Barack speaks perfect Arabic.

    Barack said: "I believe there are many paths to the same place".

    Barack said, "All people of faith - Christians, Jews, Muslims, Animists, EVERYONE - knows the same God." John 14.6 says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

    Obama said: "Jesus is the only way FOR ME." He claims Jesus is the only Savior for him, but negates Him as the only Savior for all men, specially those who believe (1 Tim. 4.10).

    Jesus death on the cross was unecessary according to Obama because there are multiple roads to God. Obama's many paths are just the broad road to destruction.

    Obama makes me sick. In one instance he rejects Deuteronomy because he claims it says stoning children is ok, then he is willing to stone babies in the womb by abortion. Barack is a bad man. Be "not doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8). Many people in the world could not say they are here on this planet because of Barack Hussein Obama.

    Barack said in Arabic: "Allah is supreme, Allah is supreme, Allah is supreme, Allah is supreme. I witness that there is no God but but Allah. [Again] I witness there is no God but Allah. I witness that Muhammad is his prophet."

    You know Muhammad said Jesus didn't die on the cross, so Christianity is false according Barack. Barack also said the Muslim evening call to prayer is " of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset."

    Barack said "sin is being out of alignment with MY values." What about God's values? Ps. 51.4: "Against thee, thee only, have I sinned,..."

    "...sin is the transgression of the {God} law" (1 John 3.4). Barack is offended that all people need Christ in order to be saved.

    Barack Obama only believes Jesus is a "historical figure" not God in the likeness of flesh.

    Barack said "I don't presume to have knowledge of what happens to me after I die." But Jesus says, "...he who believes on Me has everlasting life" (John 6.47). "...I go to prepare a place for you" (John 14.2).

    Pretending to be a Christian is very evil! The church he attended was not Christian, but to build up the black race. Black came before Christ.

  10. #50
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    Dust painting doesn't have any strokes. It produces a 3d image. The Radio Carbon dating is an absolute,

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