I was trying to understand what reason would Biblically the nations of the world come against Israel? It is because Israel sends over 40 Jericho 3 missiles with nuclear warheads into Iran. To ensure success they would need that many. The nuclear fallout would flow into neighboring countries and on a windy day carry over US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The longer Israel takes to do this, the less effective it will be. The allies appeased Hitler. We are appeasing the president of Iran who said his most important goal in life is to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Say no more! Israel must nuke Iran.

All you need to ask yourself is what should have the Allies including United States done against Hitler to prevent WW III and the holocaust? They should have attacked Germany with every known possible force. They should have said to themselves, what do you need such a massive army buildup for? It was obvious what Hitler was trying to do.

Either Israel nukes Iran now and possibly escapes receiving a nuclear attack or they wait and most certainly some nuclear missiles land on Israel soil. Israel can take one or two and it's nation is destroyed. Iran needs to receive at least 40.

Biblically, what I see is Israel not waiting, but acting soon. This agrees with the scenario shown in the Bible where the nations come against Israel even though Israel does the right thing in defending herself.

What is amazing Scripturally is in this massive battle, no nuclear bombs explode on Israel soil which makes sense since Jesus when He returns will reign from the Temple in Jerusalem. He can't reign from a place that is full of radiation.