Now for a reality check! Usually people always think we are in the end-times and they look to the coming years as the time of the Great Tribulation that is upon us. What reason do we think it is different this time and we are living in the super bowl of end-times?

1. Israel is a nation after 2500 years (the fig tree is showing its leaves - Matt. 24.32 - and millennial kingdom "summer" is near), so it won't be more than 50 years since they took over Jerusalem before the Tribulation which finalizes the consummation of this age. 1967+50 (or 49 year Jubilee)=2017 (2016).
2. The countries of the world have never seen global debt/GDP at such astronomical levels. The 10 bankers on the 7 headed beast who is the 8th can only make money when debt increases and now they are pushing on a string.
3. Population explosion makes the current path unsustainable - eugenics is the mind of many which is accomplished by war and nuclear explosions.
4. Resources (oil, food, metals) can only go up and up and up so the spread between wages and resources will widen which always leads to war as the nations position themselves for those resources.
5. The implant under the skin to buy or sell is available right now to be distributed to the masses.
6. Israel has in their sites to have the Temple on the Mount completed by 2018.
7. There are no more Tetrads on these first and last feast days for centuries to come.
8. Barack Hussein Obama is the 7th who will receive a deadly wound, appear to have died, but shall be revived as the 8th. His False Prophet is Oprah or Tony Blair or someone else I overlooked. Obama is a conflicted man with so many Muslim family members.
9. The 8th Tetrad since the cross that will fall on passovers and the feast of tabernacles is 2014-2015. That's it!

This is it! Now if this does not happen as described with a margin of error of one year from these dates, then I am really confused when 2017 rolls around and the first rapture has not taken place. However, conceivably God who confounds us, will allow for the "branches to become tender" (Matt. 24.32) a little longer before it "puts forth its leaves".

The implant under the skin widely distributed could not be delayed past 2030-50. I just don't see it. The bankers need to protect their lending.

If God were to ask me right now which scenario for the commencement of the 7 year Tribulation is most likely, I would say 2016 with 90% certainty, 5% for the 2020's, 5% for the 2030's, and 0% for anytime after that.