Barack's limousine is called "The Beast". Talk about a play on words: "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation" (Matt. 24.15) and the Obama Girl calls says we have become an "Obama nation". 11/11/08 Barack selected the codename Renegade for himself and his wife for the Secret Service. On 9/29/08 the Dow fell 777 points. The evening of his presidency elect was 11/4/08. The following evening, the state lottery of his home state, Illinois, came up 666 (pick 3) and 7779 (pick 4). 3 is the number of God. 4 is the number of man. the Satanic Trinity is going to try to be like God's Triune Being. 666 is the mark of the beast. 7 or multiples of 7 is the number of the Church. So Satan's wrath is going to come against the Church at the hands of Barack. The S&P 500 reached a low of 666 in 2009. Does this feel manipulated by those with money giving you signals not to mess with them through fear?

When you keep replaying the "Yes We Can" chant by the crowd it sounds like "Thank you Satan" and in reverse Barack's words sound like "Thank you Satan." It really does.

Apparently the name of Muhammad's white horse is named Barack. This white horse Muhammad flew on from Mecca to Israel was to copy the first seal in which Jesus on the white horse died on the cross giving Satan a deadly wound with a bow that was shot now without an arrow. Would Jesus wait 2000 years to open the seals he is holding in Revelation 5? Barack Hussein Obama = 6 7 5 = 18, the 666 in Rev. 13.18.