Quote Originally Posted by briancook007 View Post
"Answer me, ye that deny God's sovereignty, and hate his election—how is it that angels are condemned to everlasting fire, while to you, the children of Adam, the gospel of Christ is freely preached? The only answer that can possibly be given is this: God wills to do it. He has a right to do as he pleases with his own mercy. Angels deserve no mercy: we deserve none.....Our Arminian antagonists always leave the fallen angels out of the question: for it is not convenient to them to recollect this ancient instance of Election. They call it unjust, that God should choose one man and not another. By what reasoning can this be unjust when they will admit that it was righteous enough in God to choose one race—the race of men, and leave another race—the race of angels, to be sunk into misery on account of sin. "--Charles Spurgeon, "Election and Holiness"
You should let go of your doublespeak. Previously you had said, "You continue to judge other men's hearts" and here you say "Answer me, yet that deny God's sovereignty and hate his election." Why is it ok for you to judge but others are not allowed to judge you? Sounds selfish and self-centered. I don't deny God's sovereignty and hate His conditional election; I deny and refuse the robot maker sovereignty of your god, Spurgeon's god with his unconditional election and irresistibly, tyrannical Satanic grace.

Why does God will to do what He does? Because it is righteous and holy and true. The angels know nothing of the blood of atonement, because they are spirits and do not exist in the flesh. Man knowing that He could not erect obedience on the angels, He created man who He could through Christ and the work of the cross by the Holy Spirit. The fleshly receive saving grace. Whereas angels know that their choice to rebel is a once-for-all affair because they are spirit beings. That is the nature of being spirit being, whereas man is a soulical being with a spirit and a body. You can't say a person who is born into sin deserves no mercy for he was born that way; it is not his fault he was born that way. A person doesn't deserve mercy if having received the knowledge of the gospel still refuses to accept it. God has not left the angels to be sunk, for 2/3 of the angels did not rebel.

Charles Spurgeon admits he is going to Hell, for he admits that his god irresistibly imposes salvation and like Hitler damns the Jews from birth to Hell without any recourse whatsoever. God is not an evil tyrant. Why should God's standards be less than ours? What love is this?

While it is too late for Spurgeon, it is not too late for you to give your life to Christ.