The real damage is this: if you treat the 1000 years as now, you deaden your conscience because Christ is not reigning, we don't all know it, there is no millennial peace, th nations are still deceived and you allow yourself to be controlled by those who wield these false teachings. It also makes God the author of evil by giving Satan more power rather than Satan the Restrainer unrestraining himself to unleash his wrath in the Tribulation when he knows the his time is short. It's depressing to think you are reigning with Christ right now, but Revelation 20.4 is not saying that. It's saying in the 1000 years the overcomers will rule as kings and priests. This gives us hope for the future. This feeling is lost in Roman Catholicism to only feel subjugated by popes when there is no pope in the Bible. The heresy you can lose salvation tomorrow if you don't do everything the Roman Church says is not loving of God when man can't save himself, keep or lose his salvation.

It's interesting that the reason why Satan doesn't cause nuclear holocaust is because he doesn't see it would benefit his purposes yet. Perhaps he needs more leverage. Only when he is forced into the Tribulation by the first rapture of overcomer believers to take him out of 2nd heaven and puts his back is up against the wall, does he retaliate with full force. Michael the archangel, with the overcomers, fight Satan out of second heaven, just as God threw cast Lucifer out of 3rd heaven to 2nd heaven before Gen. 1.2. And God will take Satan down another notch and throw him into the pit for a thousand years. At the end of the 1000 years, God will thrown him into the final low place of Hell.

John is not recounting the cross in Revelation 20 and going over the church age. He already does that in Rev. 2 & 3. The lamb is slain in Rev. 5. The first seal with a bow without an arrow gave Satan a deadly wound on the cross. The troubles of the world in the past 20 centuries are dealt with in Revelation 6, and the latter part, the 5th and 6th seals, approach the commencement of the Tribulation. Only with the opening of the 7th seal do the 7 trumpets of the Tribulation unfold and the 7 bowls poured at the 7th trumpet. Revelation 20 is the next dispensation. Revelation 21 is the next dispensation in eternity future after that. Rev. 22 is the Last Warning. Just as Gen. 2 gives the details of Gen. 1 just as Rev. 12 to 19 give the details of the major points of the Tribulation of Rev. 7 to 11.