
Molinism would be false if God were to bring about or actualize any old world ensemble. Molinism would at the end of the day be Calvinism under those conditions if either God caused everything or did not take consideration to activate the proper world ensemble.

Whether there is one world actualized out of many worlds that saves the most and damns the least, or just one world with no other world possibilities free will remains free will. Free will must be true so God affords us a number of choices in any given situation or scenario, otherwise we would really not be any different than robots. And this can only be accomplished if God saves the most and damns the least, providing man the optimal number of choices in any given situation.

Just like I don’t know how God created the first single-celled organism, gives me world-consciousness, self-consciousness, God-consciousness and true free-will, I don't know how or why exactly some receive Christ and others do not. However, I do know we are sovereign beings with free will made in God’s image. That then becomes the answer. This is the view I always held from the beginning. No human being has come up with a better answer that satisfied our heart strings.

A Calvinist is unsaved because he refuses to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. He assumed he was irresistibly selected or regenerated which he claims caused him to repent and believe. But this is not true repentance and faith since it was irresistibly imposed. What the Calvinist calls repentance, Christians consider to be selfish. They are redefining terms for their easy-believism, possessed by the evil spirit of Calvinism. Just know it is evil to worship a god who is unable to provide sufficient grace for any and all to have the choice to respond.

God operates outside of time. Any event in history or the future is immediately accessible to Him. So He would not have to operate as a Calvinist requires by irresistibly causing everything. He can enter His creation and synergistically work with our free will to save those who are willing recipients of His mercy and grace, provided His grace is sufficient for us all.