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Thread: The Alberta Racquetball Association and Dishonesty of Barbara May

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    Default The Alberta Racquetball Association and Dishonesty of Barbara May



    Tournament cancelled at

    The reason why the entirely non-Christian ARA Board disallowed the sanctioning of the 2009 Alberta Racquetball Top 16 Invitational was because they were intolerant towards a Christian.

    Barbara May lying does not “encourage and promote the enjoyment in the sport of racquetball; and to work with individuals while respecting their individual rights, roles and commitment to pursue the ARA objectives.” "So the master [ARA] commended the unjust steward because she had dealt shrewdly. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light" (Luke 16.8).

    “The Board has concluded upon a review of several emails sent from you to Barbara May, Cam Bourque, and several other ARA members, that you have overstepped the boundaries…” with no specific explanation or details given! Apparently it is acceptable for Barbara May to lie, and this is not overstepping her boundaries, but when speaking up against that lying, it is overstepping boundaries. This is unacceptable! What a double standard. “He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart” (John 12.40).

    She tried to protect her job at my expense by lying and retaliated because I did not like her suggestions for the tournament. “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2 Thess. 2.11-12).

    Cam Bourque gets quite hostile about Christ and is “not respecting…individual rights,” for he accused me of being a “a radical lunatic.”

    These verses remind me of Barb. “Here is a description of worthless and wicked people: They are constant liars, signaling their true intentions to their friends by making signs with their eyes and feet and fingers. Their perverted hearts plot evil. They stir up trouble constantly. But they will be destroyed suddenly, broken beyond all hope of healing. There are six things the Lord hates-no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord among brothers…Keep their words always in your heart. Tie them around your neck. Wherever you walk, their counsel can lead you. When you sleep, they will protect you. When you wake up in the morning, they will advise you. For these commands and this teaching are a lamp to light the way ahead of you. The correction of discipline is the way to life. These commands and this teaching will keep you from the immoral woman, from the smooth tongue of an adulterous woman” (Prov. 6.12-19, 21-24).

    When a person in authority lies, does this “promote the enjoyment of…respect every individual’s rights?” I have to stop playing racquetball for now because I have tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow which refuse to go away.

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    If you speak against the ARA in any way, they will come down on you with their iron fist. They need to, as you say, get off their high horse and stop being "anal retentive."

    The non-Christian tries to find or fabricate some fault with a Christian to try to disprove God of the Bible, not realizing that salvation is not by works lest any man should boast, but it is a free-gift from God.

    They hired her right? So doesn't that mean they are protecting their own mistake by covering up for her?

    They are revoking my ARA membership on June 22/09 in their Spanish Inquisition.

    Kids in elementary and junior high need to be introduced to racquetball, but the ARA doesn't find a way to reach them. We have 2 players in the top 50 in Canada. That is the worse Alberta Racquetball has ever done. Whoever has been on the board for the ARA for the past many years? You think Barb with her $50,000 salary and $20,000 expense account would make an effort to do something there, but she is too busy with excuses, being "annoyed," playing bureaucratic games, being uncordial, and lying to protect her job. She does not have the spirit or love for racquetball. I am in tune with what racquetball needs. I hear her ideas and I wonder what planet she is from. She really doesn't get it, so whoever hired her needs to let her go. She takes the joy out of racquetball! And I think the ARA needs at least a couple Christians on the Board to keep them honest.

    Why would I put up the site if she really did warn not to? Yet I told her I was doing it. She said it was "effectively sanctioned" and had no problem with it. Then she lied and changed her story in her email to several people. That's when I spoke up. Why didn't Halko or Marc, or Usher who issued it to me, say anything when I talking to them personally about it? Why would Marc allow his son to register if I couldn't use the program? It doesn't make sense.

    I asked her questions about money and why she does nothing to introduce racquetball to elementary and junior high kids? I refused her ideas, e.g. single elimination knockout; referees must wear uniforms or vests; holding the tournament in some small town; referring competition; skills competition for the pros; a coaching competition; rising star competition; blocking off the courts; charging people $20 to watch; and gouging by upping the entry fee from $50 to $125.

    I had it all set up, negotiated the courts down to $10 each for a nice low budget tournament with top ranked players! I asked if I could have 16 shirts from the ARA budget. She said no, but then Jamie Brayley said I could. There is much confusion in the ARA. Who is the author of confusion?


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    See the full correspondence here:


    Why was the tournament only open to SK, AB and BC?
    It was not anticipated there would be interest from MB and ON to travel from so far away, but this is a minor issue which can easily be changed.

    Did the ARA give any reason for not sanctioning it?
    None whatsoever! No specific reason was given in their letter of refusal. Marc Caouette, John Halko and Barbara May knew about the tournament months in advance, at least at the Alberta Closed, back in March and gave encouragement to proceed.

    Why only 16 players?
    Reasons as follows:

    1. The players wanted it. I talked to high ranked players from all 3 provinces, some of which said they were thinking of doing the same thing in their own provinces.
    2. It is very difficult to get 16 players in the Open division. For example, the Alberta Closed in 2008 was Pool Play in the Open division (only 6 players).
    3. The tournament does not need to be over 3 days, but can be done in a day and half and cost effectively (e.g. court fees only $10 rather than $15 at the Nationals). We were only charging $50 for this tournament.
    4. Provides a bridge between SK and BC players to share in rankings more effectively if higher ranked players are more likely to come out. Alberta is lacking drastically in higher ranked players, so we should take advantage of our central location in western Canada.

    Why not sanction the tournament?
    Since no specific reason was given, here are some possible reasons:

    A) Since all the members of the ARA are non-Christians and I am a Christian, there is probably some prejudices there. Oftentimes non-Christians will try to fabricate stuff against us, because they know the Bible teaches that they will go to Hell for rejecting what Jesus did for them on the cross. Gerry Slamko showed his hostility towards Christ, and Gerry's second wife is a Roman Catholic. Roman Catholics are not Christians. The Christian view:

    1. OSAS Arminian not non-OSAS Remonstrant;
    2. against popery, the archdiocese and archbishops;
    3. premillennial not amillennial;
    4. salvation is not by works, lest any man should boast;
    5. against idolatry, sinless Mary, immaculate conception for that which is born of the flesh is flesh;
    6. no intermediary priesthood;
    7. no paying for indulgences;
    8. no adding books to the 66 books of the Bible;
    9. against the Vatican, "religious Rome" in Matt. 13, Rev. 2, 14, 17;
    10. no transubstantiation;
    11. no infant baptismal regeneration;
    12. allow women apostles, elders and teachers;
    13. accept priests can be married;
    14. priesthood of the Roman church should go to jail for child molestation;
    15. no praying to deceased saints since they are asleep;
    16. all believers are saints not just some;

    Marc Caouette and his wife together at the same time have expressed hostility towards Jesus Christ. Halko shuts his mind down to the whole matter. Jesus said, "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 10.32,33).

    Barb May and Gerry Slamko were present together with me at the Mayfield Athletic Club talking about matters of faith, but Barbara May never confessed the Lord Jesus as Savior and God at the table as I was defending the faith. The person who is "of the world" knows enough not to reveal their stance, for they will be judged, but there is still the sin of omission and unregenerated heart.

    B) Barbara May lied to protect herself and her job when she forgot to tell me not to use the r2sports program and retaliated when she found out I didn't like any of her ideas.

    C) It's a smear campaign with no specific reason. This is a corruption of one of our basic needs of self-defense.

    D) Abuse of power. Definitely there is a power trip going on by the above individuals.

    We don't have a single player in the top 25 in Canada and not a very active junior program. Enough said.


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    I received a letter mailed by Barbara May, specifically, and signed by James Brayley stating, the Alberta Racquetball Association "voted on June 29, 2009 to expel you from membership with the ARA in accordance with Section 5.1 of the ARA Constitution and Bylaws."

    They can do so "at the discretion" of their board members for just cause ONLY!

    They violated Section 5.1 which says IF "the said member is acting in conflict to the objectives of the Association."

    The only reason given and vague at best is: "The rationale for this decision stems from your conduct, specifically several emails sent from you to Barbara May, Cam Bourque, James Brayley and other ARA members. The content of your emails do not support the objectives of the ARA which are to respect every individual's rights, roles and commitment in order to encourage and promote enjoyment in the sport of racquetball."

    Since no specific evidence in the conduct of my emails were given as conflicting with the objectives of the Association, it comes across as quite arbitrary and malicious. I was not given the right to defend myself in person to be present at their tribunal.

    This is nothing but a sly attack against a Christian by an entirely non-Christian ARA board. In previous centuries those who were antichrist would just kill us without compunction. "I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled" (Rev. 6.9-11).

    "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead [unsaved] lived not again until the thousand years were finished [resurrected for Hell]. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison" (Rev. 20.4-7) for "a little season" (v.3).

    Lying and protecting a lie does "not support the objectives of the ARA which are to respect every individual's rights, roles and commitment in order to encourage and promote enjoyment in the sport of racquetball."


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    Default Playing Racquetball Again Under Hostile Fire!

    May 9, 2012

    I write this letter because I am playing racquetball again after 3 years (started about March 15, 2012) and some strange behavior is pointed my way which began the beginning of May. Oh the Ides of May. It reminds me of how Barabbas was chosen over Jesus.

    Back in 2009 I tried to set up a racquetball tournament in Alberta and get it sanctioned. In the previous tournament banquet I announced that I was doing this. I was required to meet with Barbara May who gets paid $50,000/year from the Alberta Government to be the Czar over racquetball in this province.

    In our meeting she told me she approved of the tournament for the go-ahead. Great! But in our meeting she had many strange ideas like charging $125, no consolation division, wearing proper uniforms and holding the tournament in some small town to name but a few. I got conflicting information too. She said she would not pay for the t-shirts out of the $100,000 bankroll the ARA had. But James Brayley said he would. Obviously, I thought she was a bit unreasonable, so I emailed Marc Caouette that I thought Barb's ideas were a bit off. A harmless enough email.

    Anyway, next thing I know she is emailing everyone saying I am incompetent to run the tournament, and she lied. She lied to protect her hide. She emailed everyone saying she told me not to use the r2sports program which is a lie, because I told her I was going to use it, and she did not tell me to wait. I even asked her questions about how to use it but she didn't know. I asked John Halko about it, got permission from Usher for the pass code and gave Marc Caouette the link. I contacted players about the tournament, got the logo, set up payments and even received payment from Marc's son.

    I took exception to Barb lying and changing her story, doing an about face. She must have thought she erred in letting me use the program before the tournament was officially approved by the ARA so she lied to protect her hide at my expense. It is my guess Marc Caouette forwarded my opinion to her, and as people in a position of power often do, they can choose to retaliate and abuse their power so I was the brunt of Barabbas' wrath. As a consequence, not only was the tournament denied, I was banned. I emailed all the emails in the Racquetball Canada r2sports database saying how unethical I was treated, and there should be a change of guard at the Alberta Racquetball Association board. Eventually my wish will come true because people age. My advice to Barbara May is she should take a course in business ethics like I did when I went to university for my B.Comm.

    Of course, the only people that understand this are people who are conscientious enough to read ( Misconceptions abound! As you read you can see for yourself the underlying current of hostility towards my faith also plays a factor. Tolerance is lacking.

    Everything was fine till the beginning of May then some strange behavior began to erupt from some particular individuals. For example, Jack McBride said out of nowhere, I accused him of not being a Christian. I can't remember that, but if that is the case, it would not be for no good reason, for if he doesn't believe Jesus is God then that would explain it. I asked Jack last week in response if he believed Jesus is God? He refused to answer and got angry saying he didn't want to talk about "religion". He brought it up, not me. Let me quote the Bible which says, "Pure religion is undefiled before God" (James 1.27).

    Next, Barry Ould who is very old came up to me privately and said I was banned from his racquetball league for life. Barry took great pleasure in this. Such hostility! He is a bit of an ignoramus. Where's the forgiveness? I had no intention of paying Barry $50 every 4 months to play in his league just for people in their 50's and 60's apparently. In the entire life of his league I only played in it once and beat Kevin Caouette in the semis and Jamie Slamko in the finals, and they don't play in it either anymore. All the kids are gone. The junior program is deader than ever in Edmonton. And Logan and Damien, among others, are gone too. There is a major gap between juniors at GARC and players in their 50's and above. Barry also said to me that I have no right to talk about Christianity at racquetball. I told him, racquetball would not exist if it was not for Jesus having created it. When I played doubles after, I can't remember people swearing that much before on the court using the Lord's name "Jesus Christ" in vain! What's happened to the racquetball community these past 3 years?

    It is like the Pharaoh whom God hardened his heart further after the first active instance of his hardening his own heart first. There is just no love there.

    The above displays of hostility towards Christ, Christianity and Christians is nothing new. The martyrdoms in the Bible are obvious. Second century Christians were thrown to the lions in the Smyrna church period. And who can forget the horrors under the Roman Church in their torture chambers for Christians. Even today, in Iran there is a Christian who is on death row simply for delivering the gospel of salvation.

    Lastly, and probably the weirdest of all, is Manny Gregorio. He tried to pull me over twice in a private meeting. The first thing he said to me was his mom or aunt is a Jehovah Witness. That was strange to tell me that out of nowhere. I responded by saying, JW's aren't Christians. They don't believe Jesus is God. Not to mention the fact that their prophecy Jesus would return in person 1914 never transpired. When Jesus returns, the Bible says, we will all know it, and it is physical just as He left (Acts 1.11, Rev. 1.7).

    The next private meeting, Manny tried to pull me over to suggest I should apologize to the ARA. Manny needs to spend less time trying to be gregarious and more time being conscientious, compassionate and empathetic to understand what is really going on. I would be happy to apologize if I knew what it was I was suppose to apologize for. When I do something wrong, I'm perfectly willing to admit my fault, repent and change my ways. I am simply defending the truth and the faith in the face of the rampant hostility for being a child of God. I would expect an apology for being banned from racquetball for life but that is not likely. I can feel the divine providence of being banned not just a few years-even longer than Kane Waselenchuk (I believe Kane's testimony)-but for life to show their true colors. Where's the forgiveness in that?

    Manny seems to think there is some problem that needs to be worked out on my end and not his end. Manny is not the brightest of folks. He and Barry Ould have issues. Perhaps it is the fact they have never beaten me at racquetball. Lastly, Manny said something about Cam Bourque that he doesn't show up on Thursdays because I was playing Thursdays. It's a free country! If you recall three years ago, Cam expressed his hostility towards my faith (see above link). I responded by exposing his adultery as conduct unbecoming of someone so self-righteous. He is still pissed about it I guess even after all this time. Where's the forgiveness? If Jesus can forgive us, who are we not to forgive others? I forgive them for their abusive behavior.

    I am not going to apologize for something I didn't do wrong. All I can say is these handful of individuals are not Christians. Do you want to be like them? Most other racquetball players who are not Christians are a little more reserved and care free. The players that are Christians are a breath of fresh air. The other board member of the ARA is Gerry Slamko, who I recall got into a heated debate with me about who Jesus was. It seems they want to challenge me about Christianity so I am perfectly willing to defend the faith.

    Praise the Lord!


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    Default An Unholy Trinity in Edmonton Racquetball

    Background Info:

    Evil abounds. Look how Christians get martyred in today's day and age. What can we do? Nothing. God keeps a record though and judgment comes eventually. Jesus said, how you treat one of His little ones, you are treating Him also. Let us be grateful for the Internet that we can tell our side of events of how we are abused and mistreated by non-Christians. A delusion persists amongst these non-Christians as they shut their minds down to what has transpired (cf. 2 Thess. 2.11). They did not anticipate I would post on the Internet their attempts to conspire and words spoken behind the scenes. A delusion however motivated "is a false belief held with the conviction that it is true in spite of evidence that invalidates its truth." The technical definition of a delusion is a "false belief based on incorrect information about reality that is firmly sustained despite what almost everyone else believes and incontrovertible evidence to the contrary." It is assumed I did something wrong just because the Alberta Racquetball Association banned me, but when challenged no clear explanation is given. It is all quite vague and cunning. Do you think just because the entirely non-Christian ARA board banned me that it was justified? Examine the facts to discern the truth. Do you stand on the side of truth or a lie? "For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the cleverness of the clever I will frustrate" (1 Cor. 1.19).

    I went in to play racquetball today as I usually do at the Mayfield Inn & Suits Athletic Club this Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It was dead as usual, just 3 or 4 players playing in their 60's and 70's and no juniors. It's no busier on Thursdays either. There's never any kids playing. The self-aggrandizing old guardians of racquetball motivated the youth to no longer come out and play anymore. I haven't seen a single junior in the last 5 months since I have been playing again let alone someone in their 20's or 30's even. I consider this to be an epic failure of the ARA. I looked at the rankings in Canada just now. The highest ranked player in Edmonton is Manny Gregorio, ranked 67th in Canada, who has never beaten me in a single game in the past 25 years. That is the poorest showing in history for the Edmonton area. I can see the ARA still does nothing for racquetball particularly in Edmonton when they could have created a poster for juniors ten years ago and every year thereafter, placing it in every elementary and junior high school to garner interest in the sport. I would do it but the ARA has banned me for life.

    What John Halko and Barbara May, board members of the ARA, don't understand is that it is not sufficient to get a few kids together to play or pay for their trips to the Junior Nationals. Speaking from experience, a junior needs to develop so that he or she (a) desires to practice on his own time and (b) enters into the top 100 in Canada, thereby experiencing the results. I find in the past 10 years these facets have been overlooked and not emphasized by board members of the ARA who themselves were never juniors at racquetball. Compare this to the wonderful work done by Loren Prentice in Saskatchewan and Richard Gauthier in Kelowna, British Columbia and others whom have very strong junior programs and much bigger turnouts for tournaments than Alberta has. For example, I just played in a brand new tournament, the McNationals in Kelowna in June, which has just a fraction of the population of Edmonton or Calgary, and they had 47 participants. The Edmonton Open or Calgary Open would be lucky to get even 30 people. Vernon Splat in Sept. looks like it will have more than 80 participants. You can really sense the selfless love for the sport in these two adjacent provinces of B.C. and Saskatchewan. I wish we had leaders like that in Alberta who do not squash efforts of those who try to do something good and try to produce a positive change. You can catch more bees with honey, not with vinegar and no honey at all.

    When I finished playing racquetball at the club today, I received an envelope from a staff worker. In it the letter reads,

    July 20, 2012

    Dear Mr. Brooks,

    It has been brought to my attention by members of this facility, that there is an ongoing verbal tension between yourself and some of the patrons of the Athletic Club. Myself & Matthew Kindrat (Director of Rooms) feel that it is best you no longer have access to the Mayfield Inn Athletic Club as of this day 20 July, 2012.



    Doris Gubersky
    Mayfield Inn & Suits Altheltic Club

    Doris, the manager of Mayfield, admittedly is not a Christian either. I come into the club (Mayfield) quite vibrant and happy ready to play someone or just practice, but I keep getting attacked by various non-Christians. Not very friendly people unless their selfish selves are satisfied. As one Christian racquetball player, Doug Jones, from the Glen Allan Recreation Complex (GARC) said in my defense who consoled me, "those [new] Atheists [and other non-Christians] are not as passive as they would like you to believe." It is ok for them to express their faith in their doublestandard, but the Christian is not allowed to speak. What love is this? I don't try to get them banned since I like to treat others as I would like to be treated. When we speak of Christianity, we are speaking of the necessity of being born-again in one's spirit according to the 66 books of the Bible (God's word), Jesus being God (2nd Person of the Trinity) and creator (John 1.1-5), resurrected the 3rd day, died for the sins of the world and chose a people for Himself before the foundations of the world (foreknowing our free-choice). We are to spread the gospel of salvation to everyone and everywhere, and those who refuse who He says He is are going to Hell to be eternally separated from the love of God and God Himself. Sorry Lori, a racquetball player from GARC, you got it wrong. Your form of Christianity is not the Biblical one! The same goes for Jack McBride, president of the Canadian Racquetball Association. Your legacy is the legacy of refusing what God did for you on the cross so you are going to Hell which greatly saddens my heart.

    This hostility, and resultant banning, finds its roots in an unholy trinity of Barry Ould, Cam Bourque and Manny Gregorio at the center. These non-Christians are trying to hit me on all fronts. I liken this comparison to how Barry tries to act like the Father, Cam the adulterer tries to act like the Son, and Manny tries to act like the Spirit but there is no truth in him. Satan tries to act like the Father, Antichrist like the Son and the False Prophet like the Spirit of Truth. The False Prophet in Revelation gives praise to the Antichrist and even builds an idol of him. In part it is because they can't beat me at racquetball, they know that. Cam is still trying to cover up the fact that he cheats on his wife so I guess he thinks he will be more successful if I am not around. And generally these non-Christians are trying to self-exalt themselves above a Christian. The self-righteous self still has itself centered on self. What Manny considers moral I consider immoral. They seem to think if they ban me here or ban me there people aren't smart enough to figure out what is really going on. It's all quite manipulative and controlling, unethical and abusive. I know I wouldn't treat someone that way.

    Jerry Vasilash calls me "shithead" and an "asshole" under his breath when I am walking by. Would Jesus do that? If Jerry was a Christian there is no way he would treat a brother in Christ this way. We shall know him by his fruit. Not a very nice person. I just ignore him, it's all you can do. He has fallen into quite a decrepit state, definitely not a Christian. He's a bad guy! He is what is called a Messianic Judaizer in which a person is required to keep certain feasts. This becomes his idolatry to self-exalt himself by. But these 7 feasts which were a rehearsal of things to come were for Israel before Christ came. The last 3 feasts have yet to be fulfilled for Jesus' second coming though Christians are not required to formally celebrate these feasts, but simply keep them in remembrance part of God's word as all the feasts are recorded for our understanding. The Bible says, "Don't let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new moon ceremonies or Sabbaths" (Col. 2.16). If you try to live by the law even a law you create for yourself you will die by the law since no man can keep it. So God gives us who are saved the Spirit to live by the spirit of the law and not the law to keep oneself saved. He has also conveyed to me he is a non-OSASer so he believes he can lose salvation tomorrow which is salvation by works, yet the Bible says a person born-again "they shall never perish" (John 10.28). Salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast. And he is against the millennial reign of Christ so he is expecting a false Christ, since he rejects the Jesus who returns to reign on earth for 1000 years. This is the garbage we Christians have to put up with not just from non-Christians but false Christians also.

    As well just recently, there is a UFC fighter at the club who plays racquetball regularly who threatened to beat me up because I asked when he was born-again as I heard he claimed he was a Christian, and he said to me that he was never born-again that he was always saved. That's Calvinistic, not Christian. He never by his free will genuinely came to the cross as a helpless sinner to be regenerated. "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again" (John 3.3,7). I was born-again January, 2001. When I repented and believed only then was I born-again, considered a child of God and member of the body of Christ, the church in my locality and universal Church. My spirit was quickened and regenerated, given eternal life, and the Holy Spirit entered through the window of my conscience to dwell in that new spirit given to me by God.

    When I told him that he must be born-again to be a Christian, he responded in the same vein that he was saved when he was born and said, "you can only be born once." I realized I was talking to a brick wall so I went back onto the court and as I was doing so, he came after me, opened the door and warned me that I better watch out who I was talking to and not to just end a conversation abruptly with him. I have a right to end a conversation with anyone I please. You can't force me to listen to you. In hindsight, I recall John Semeniuk warning me about this guy who said he beat someone up and sent him to the hospital just for making a rude comment about his wife. Apparently, he got away with it and didn't go to jail. Certainly not a Christian even though he claims to be one. Not everyone is a Christian just because they say they are.

    Instead of Barry Ould having the courage to come up to me, I was told by Ryan Blackmore (who claims to be a Christian but also believes Mormons are saved and exhibits Marcionite tendencies) that Barry came up to him and said he, Cam and Manny won't be playing me at racquetball until I apologize. Ryan agreed that I should not apologize for anything since they are vague about what I am to apologize for. It's just a power trip. Another Christian friend, Darryl Thomas, who plays racquetball said, "Just your very presence will set them off" since I abide in God's word; thus, I know that Barry Ould, Cam Bourque and Manny Gregorio are going to Hell since they refuse to give their lives to Christ. And they know this. This is what irks them so much to cause them to react the way they do. It makes me chuckle a bit, because I barely ever played them before anyhow. Cam was weird back in 2008; his personality had hardened since I saw him last in 2001 and is even harder now today. I recall in 2008 he would storm off the court in a hissy fit in the middle of the game and on another occasion, literally challenged me to a physically fight over some call. How childish! I declined and turned the other cheek. He later apologized to me admitting he was having a bad day related to work or family. The last thing he needs is to be reminded of is that he always loses to me at racquetball. I forgive him, but I don't forget since he still refuses to give his life to Christ. He hasn't really changed. In fact, I recall him saying in 2009 with Dan McCullough (who is into spiritism, channeling evil spirits, e.g. 'Seth') that the Bible is evil created by Satan to worship Jesus supposedly to control people. See how twisted man's intellect is? He turns what is good into evil. The flesh can rationalize anything. Jesus was murdered. He said He is God. He proved it by the resurrection proof for which there is no naturalistic explanation. Satan can't resurrect a person. Do you care about evidence? Moreover, how do you institute Satan from the Scriptures into your world-view if you don't believe Satan exists or don't believe that the 66 books of the Bible are God's word? They are confused souls!

    Back to the present. The last day I played at Mayfield (July 22, 2012), Manny came onto the court yet again (this is the third time now) and insisted I apologize to someone for something unspecified. Crazy huh? I am no sure to whom and for what. When I asked him again what to apologize for, he had no idea and just gave me a blank stare. This is just a non-Christian's power trip over the Christian. I told Manny, he needs to stand up for what is right in life and that we should not apologize to people who are being abusive and mistreating us, nor should you apologize if you didn't do anything wrong. An apology should be given to me for banning me. Manny replied by saying, "It is not about right and wrong." I said, of course it's about right and wrong. It is wrong to try to manipulate me, to try to control me, to ban me, when I did nothing wrong. It was wrong for Barbara May to lie to protect her hide. Manny replied, "It's not about Barbara May. Nobody likes her anyway." It is about her. Her immoral behavior elicited my response to expose her. Yet the ARA did nothing but just the opposite to defend that lie. This shows there is something amiss in the heart of the ARA. You ought not to blame the person who is being misrepresented and mistreated, but you should come to their rescue. The wrong that was committed is well documented how Barb lied to protect her hide and how the ARA did nothing but defend that lie instead of addressing my concerns,

    As Manny continued to yap at me while I was practicing on the court, he even talked about Cam cheating on his wife. He said that is personal. I had every right to post this on the Internet once I was banned for life from Alberta Racquetball, to defend myself and the truth. My relationship with Jesus Christ is far more personal than Cam's relationship with his wife who he cheats on. So for Cam to email everyone, calling me a "lunatic" for my faith in Jesus deserves a reply to show who the real lunatic is. I don't lie to my God. You should not lie to your wife. Manny admitted he doesn't really know what's going on. He didn't even read any of the emails online between myself and the ARA and other racquetball members even though he said he did, otherwise he would understand what is going on. Bottom line: don't email everyone calling me a lunatic for my faith. That's rude! That is just your religious hostility and not very tolerant to say the least. While I am tolerant of non-Christians who are going to Hell according to the Bible, I would expect the same courtesy shown to me and not take overt action against me simply because I am a Christian.

    The only reason I am the brunt of all this abuse is because I am the one Christian up against a handful of non-Christians who have a hard on for me. And the Mayfield, of course, wants to keep the money flowing with their $600/yr memberships and booze tab from Manny, so I am sacrificed for the love of money. Recently, a racquetball player of his own volition informed me Manny's business has fallen apart so he is looking for another line of work. Money is the root of all evil. I'm their scapegoat taking it out on me for something to blame. Maybe in a decade or two they will apologize for their bad behavior if they haven't passed on by then as they are quite old already. I can't help think that they are having money problems while I recently came into a large sum of money, and they are jealous. One needs to look at the full picture what is really going on. Don't underestimate the corruption of the flesh!

    Recently, I ran into Bob Smith who use to play racquetball. He's retired now. After explaining what happened, both the ARA banning and Mayfield banning, Bob said it best that "they need to grow up." Who are we talking about? Not to name names, but these atheists and non-Christians are the members of the ARA board: John Halko, Gerry Slamko, Barbara May and Marc Caouette. Also, the unholy trinity of racquetball Barry Ould, Cam Bourque and Manny Gregorio, and three others Mark the UFC fighter, Lori at GARC and Jerry Vasilash the Messianic Judaizer. These are the only hostile individuals I have encountered. I don't think they speak for all of the racquetball community though some of them claim to. Since they remain hostile because of my faith and won't repent of their bad behavior, all one can do is let them fester and avoid them.

    Now I am a member of the Glen Allan Recreation Complex (GARC) less than a mile from where I live which I can easily walk to. It has 3 racquetball courts (2 glass), 2 squash courts (both glass) and mic system to referee for tournaments. The membership is $150 less, and the drop-in fee is half that at Mayfield. Doug Jones who runs the junior league there said they have 26 juniors playing racquetball on Saturday mornings unheard of at Mayfield. I play twice at week at the recommendation of a Christian at times when it is not busy to avoid Lori, a racquetball player at GARC, because she too has angst against born-again Christians. She said to me she would try to get me banned if I talk about Christianity which reminds me of what Barry Ould said, "you are not allowed to talk about Christianity at racquetball." What evil is this? Jesus said to share the gospel of salvation to the whole world. Who's right? Jesus or Barry and Lori? Imagine me coming up to an Atheist or nominal Christian (i.e. false Christian) saying, if you mention anything about your faith during racquetball, I will try to get you banned. How ugly inside I would feel if I did that, but these reprobates in their consciences have no compunction in doing so.

    The old guys at Mayfield don't get the benefit of seeing me play until they watch me in a tournament. Why was I driving all the way to Mayfield to play to incur such hatred from those who are so aggressively antichrist? This turns out to be a blessing. Even so, I plan on letting everyone know about their abusive behavior, not that anything can be done about it or that they would ever repent, but simply to expose the type of people listed herein who are primarily atheists and especially not Christians. I've never met anyone as old as them who ever gave their lives to Christ at such a late stage when they had their whole lives as opportunity to do so. It's really very sad and pathetic. In days gone by they would have killed me, now they just try to censor me from various venues.

    How precious are the Lord's word in times like these,

    "Fear not, for I have redeemed you. I have summoned you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.... Since you are precious and honored in my sight and because I love you" (Is. 43.1-4).

    Jesus said, "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake" (Luke 6.22).

    Jesus said how He was treated so will His disciples be treated.

    "Having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered [or abused or defamed or speak maliciously against], those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame" (1 Pet. 3.16).

    I like this saying: "Good conduct cannot appease an evil conscience; but neither will much reviling by man cast a shadow over a good conscience."

    "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23.34).

    With love,

    Troy Brooks

    p.s. God keeps hardening the Pharaoh's heart further for his downfall after the first active instance of the Pharaoh hardening his own heart first.

    Addendum: Today September 20, 2012, I just heard through the grapevine that the Mayfield Inn & Suites Athletic Club will be closed down in the next 3 months (by the end of 2012) because the hotel wants to use the space to expand with more rooms. I don't mean to boast except in the Lord these turn of events. Because of the evil nature of unholy trinity of racquetball (Barry Ould, Cam Bourque, Manny Gregorio) and other non-Christians (Jerry Vasilash) and atheists (Barbara May) who have been so brutal towards me these past 4 years who are members of this particular club, including the board of the Alberta Racquetball Association (John Halko, Gerry Slamko and Marc Caouette) who are also members of this facility, I am convinced God has intervened and took this club away from them. I am always surprised by the Holy Spirit how He finds ways to condemn injustice. One Christian racquetballer said to me recently, "They had more than enough time to repent" but they remain hard, cold and stiff as ever so God has taken this club away from them. In their intolerance, what they tried to do to me, God has done to them in spades.

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    Sept. 5, 2012

    Al Cuttriss,

    You should see me now. I was 204 lbs. in Kelowna when you last saw me a couple months ago. I weigh 174 lbs. right now. Lost 30 lbs. the past two months. I haven't been this thin in 20 years. Let's see if I can get to 160 lbs. by November by continuing to lose 1 lb. every 3 days. I am even lighter than when I almost beat Kane Waselenchuk (8-11 tiebreaker) in the Klondike July, 2001. He won the Nationals 1999, 2000, 2001 and won his first IRT Pro stop in 2001. I believe I am still the last Canadian to take him to the tiebreaker and did it in the 2000 Klondike also. I remember after the match I praised God for saving me and the Holy Spirit for intuitively guiding me to play good. I was born-again (a Christian) January, 2001.

    I registered for the September Vernon Splat tournament April 30th, a couple months before the Kelowna McNationals in June. I had a great time at the McNationals by the way. You wrote to me today, "I am sorry Troy but I can't offer you entry into the tournament at this time, I just plain have too many people." But you are not abiding in your own principles of first come first serve since there are those who registered for your tournament after I did whom you added to the participants list on the r2sports page on August 16th. I emailed you that day and enquired how you could add Mike McPhee to the tournament and not me? You replied 2 minutes later and said, "I'm working on it buddy." I registered nearly 2 months before Mike McPhee did. Mike registered during the Kelowna tournament. In Kelowna, he told me he hadn't registered for the Vernon tournament yet. We decided to play doubles together in Vernon so I am not sure why he is playing doubles now with Randy Pentland. Strange. Coby Iwaasa and Tanner Mattson (Tanner has since been removed) showed up on the participation list on Aug. 16th also. Did they register before April 30th? And several days after that Bob Bear was added. I was told through the grapevine that Bob registered in August over 3 months after I did. You had 71 people on August 15th. On August 16th you added 5 more players so there were 76 on August 16th. Now there are only 69. Surely you could fit me in?

    So I can't help but think something else is going on. To share with you, I have been receiving hostility from a couple atheist racquetballers in Edmonton (see links below). They managed to get me kicked out of Mayfield Athletic Club a month and a half ago because I am a Christian. And I was banned from the ARA in 2009 for the same reason when Barbara May (atheist) lied to protect her hide when I was setting up a sanctioned tournament so I exposed her lying (see links below). Instead of the ARA dealing with her they went after me. I suspect there is some actions going on behind the scenes even now by some people such as Manny Gregorio (atheist) trying to get me removed from tournaments (see links below). It's just plain evil. And bizarre! Someone should stand up for me for what's right like Jack McBride, president of Canadian Racquetball Association, but he is hostile to my faith also. When I mentioned that he is not a Christian, he responded by saying he doesn't want to talk about religion even though the Bible says, "pure religion is undefiled before God" (James 1.27).

    What Manny and Barbara May and the ARA (atheists and non-Christians) did was just plain wrong. The Apostles were martyred based on lies also. If this didn't play a factor in your decision then why are some people who registered after me in the tournament and I am not? All I could do in response to this mistreatment by these atheists was to post on the Internet their abusive behavior and to save it in the Internet Archive for posterity sake.

    It all worked out in the end anyhow. I am trying to be the top player in Canada 45+. But your Vernon tournament doesn't help me in that regard unless Tanner is playing since he is ranked #26 and I have to beat 2 players ranked #29 or better above Michel Gagnon. If I was in the tournament I would play into Coby Iwaasa and not even get to play Anthony Schonberger (#33) on the other side of the draw unless there were only 9 players in the Open division.

    Troy Brooks

    Addendum (Sept. 12, 2012): The 2008 Vernon Splat tournament had 67 players. The 2012 tournament has 66 players. Al Cuttriss couldn't add one more player? Darren Moran was removed Sept. 12. Could I have not played in his place? What makes all this even worse is there is no explanation given by Al Cuttriss. I wouldn't buy a car from him the way he handles things. Apparently he is a car salesman. I am told by certain individuals that it was through the influence of Jack McBride who was able to get Bob Bear into the tournament at the last moment. If the top is corrupt and immoral does it trickle down? Shortly before the tournament with the removal of several more Open players, there are now only 8 players in the Open division.

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    Look how evil the Alberta Racquetball Association has become, or should I say, the atheist and non-Christian board members behind the Alberta Racquetball Association. On September 30, 2012 I registered for the Edmonton Open racquetball tournament. On October 4, 2012 I was removed from the tournament participation list. I know this because I watch it daily. The tournament is held November 2-4, 2012. Ryan Blackmore and myself decided to register the same day on Sept. 30.

    Jesus said, "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake" (Luke 6.22).

    The lesson I would like people to take from this is to give your life to Christ, because how you treat one of His little flock (Luke 12.32), you are treating Him also. With whom you side with, you are guilty with if they have committed a wrong. The reason why Christianity has grown as it has is because people oppose the martyrdom of the Apostles and putting Jesus to death. Today Christians are martyred in various ways in addition to be killed.

    To know that they are not Christians who take this overt aggressive action against me, not only do we observe them by their fruits in this abusive behavior, but when pressed they will deny Jesus is God who died on the cross for the sins of the world. If I was in their shoes I would never treat someone this way. This shows the difference in attitude and conduct between Christians and non-Christians who are hostile to us. A Christian would never treat someone this way.

    From: gordon cutting <>
    Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 1:45:12 PM
    Subject: Edmonton Open 2012

    Mr. Brooks,

    We will not be accepting your entry to the 2012 Edmonton Open.

    The liability coverage for the event comes through the event sanctioning by the Alberta Racquetball Association and therefore requires that all participants be current or eligible ARA members. We would not be able to run the event without this insurance coverage.

    Furthermore, the Edmonton Open is being held at the Mayfield Athletic Club. We understand from the Mayfield Athletic Club management that you are no longer welcome there.


    The ERA Executive and the ARA Executive.

    Thursday, October 4, 2012 6:48:26 PM


    Why am I not eligible to be an ARA member? Because I exposed Barbara May for lying to protect her hide?

    How long does the ARA intend to hold this grudge?

    Do you think it is right a couple atheists conspired to try to get me banned from the club? Do you think God is punishing those who conspired with the ARA by closing down the Mayfield Athletic Club?

    What if Doris, the manager of Mayfield Club, would allow me to enter the premises Nov. 2-4 to play in the tournament? Would you allow me to play in the tournament then?

    After playing at Mayfield for 4 months, largely avoiding a few particularly individuals who are atheists and non-Christians who have grown largely hostile to my faith, Doris decided to ban me from the club after Mark the UFC fighter threatened me with physical harm, because I told him that the Bible is clear in John 3.3,7 that you must be born-again. She told me over the phone that she decided to ban me because of these emails 3 years ago, but refused to stipulate what was wrong with them specifically. Let me impart a similar story. My dad was a life insurance salesman. One day I challenged him that the savings portion in life insurance policies was a rip off because it produced markedly lower interest rates than government or corporate bonds, and that one should only be selling term insurance. He responded by giving me documentation that was a few inches thick attacking companies that argued for only term life insurance. There really was nothing in those documents that was legitimate to defend whole life insurance. It was just a smear campaign and red herring. Similarly, this is the tactic Barbara May and the ARA used. One day I received a copy of these emails at my door as though there was something wrong with them. There wasn't. Just handing a person some documents is an old tactic I am familiar with, as I impart this similar story that I experienced with my dad. When I challenge anyone to find something wrong with these emails, nobody specifically produces any evidence to suggest anything of the sort. The ARA and Barbara May produced this red herring to cover up their abusive behavior that I exposed in those emails. I challenge you to stand up and do the right thing. Don't be a silent pawn.

    Doesn't any of this strike you as downright evil?

    Don't you have a responsibility to do the right thing, stand up for what's right and not let people be abused in the racquetball community especially by the executive?


    Troy Brooks

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    Default SilverBirch Hotels and the Mayfield Inn & Suits Athletic Club - Edmonton, Alberta


    CC:;;;;;; Gerry Slamko; SHANDA MCKNIGHT;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    Dear Sirs,

    A grave injustice has been done at the Mayfield Inn & Suites which I pray you will rectify. I believe based solely on the evidence because of this injustice and religious hostility the Mayfield Athletic Club is being closed down to punish those parties who play there who conspired in this injustice. If it were not closing, I would likely pursue legal action against SilverBirch Hotels. I am still considering taking legal action (likely though will turn the other cheek) against the Alberta Racquetball Association for religious intolerance and discrimination by these atheists. My claim is well supported in many anecdotal references on my website, quoting people, that expose the atheists and non-Christians involved.

    In 2009, I was setting up a sanctioned racquetball tournament at the Mayfield. During that time, I caught Barbara May in a lie to defend her hide claiming she said not to use the r2sports program to set up the tournament which is clearly not the case given all the circumstances surrounding me using said program as shown here,

    As well, she emailed several people claiming I was incompetent to run the tournament, doing an about turn after telling me she approved of my running the tournament. She is two-faced. She is the person we are required to go through in setting up racquetball tournaments in Alberta. And there was an email exchange between myself an Cam Bourque in which he was overtly expressing his hostility to my faith calling me a lunatic and other names. In response, because I have first hand knowledge of him cheating on his wife with a woman named Michelle Scheepers, who I have slept with also, I brought up that fact for him to consider what is a lunatic if not someone cheating on his wife? It is bad enough he rejects Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, he lives like a heathen also. To defend my faith, I will expose not only your conduct, but how you are unable to find a naturalistic explanation to account for the eyewitness testimony of the Apostles in various group settings seeing Jesus alive from the dead. The Bible records 12 different groups in different group settings spending time with Jesus over 40 days after His resurrection. People don't willingly die for a lie and group hallucinations are impossible. Nor would Jesus look much like a risen Messiah if the swoon theory were true. In the past 2000 years, scholars have not been able to come up with a naturalistic explanation to account for their testimony. Therefore, not giving your life to Christ proves you will spend eternity in Hell no matter how much the atheist or non-Christian kicks against the goads, rails at me and tries to get me banned from various venues.

    An email exchange ensued which I documented here, and Barbara May's lying was proven here, What is common are a few atheists such as the executive of the ARA and Doris Gubersky, manager of Mayfield Athletic Club, who have conspired against me vaguely referencing these emails, never citing any wrong doing on my part specifically. I am simply standing up for the truth and we are having a lively discussion. What could be wrong with that?

    As a result the ARA not only did not run the tournament which was originally encouraged, they revoked my ARA membership. As a result of their actions, I emailed through the r2sports program all across Canada all racquetball players in the database to expose this bizarre injustice by an entirely non-Christian and atheistic executive board.

    Doris, unthinkingly, jumped on the badwagon of the atheists and a couple months ago banned me from the fitness facility. I have documented the matter every step of the way here, It is unclear who was behind her pushing her to get me banned, but no doubt it is the same parties involved. Isn't the Internet a wonderful thing!

    Never is it stated what is wrong with my "prior actions," but it is just vaguely asserted. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize this is religious hostility. I challenge anyone to confront Gordon Cutting or any board executive of the ARA or ERA about their faith to discern their true intentions why they are targeting a Christian who is well spoken on his faith. Presumably they are banning me for life, not just a few years as it has been 3 years already, but eternity. Actual crimes are incarcerated for less time. I forgive them for their bad behavior. Surely they could forgive in return. This eternal hostility by atheists towards Christians shows why God creates Hell, because they will never repent. It's very sad really.

    The latest email from Gordon Cutting October 5, 2012 is as follows:

    Due to your prior actions, you are banned from participating in any Alberta Racquetball Association (ARA) sanctioned tournament which includes this tournament.

    We have been assured by the Mayfield that you are not allowed to access the club and if you attend the Mayfield Athletics Club, the proper authorities will be called.

    Edmonton Racquetball Association and ARA Executive

    Most racquetball players side with me especially the racquetball players who are Christians. It is my prayer that someone stand up for what right: to allow me to be eligible to be an ARA member and to utilize the Mayfield Club. I would not use the club, for I enjoy playing elsewhere now at the premier racquetball facility in greater Edmonton located in Sherwood Park, but this appeal is simply for you to stand up for what is right in life, to do the right thing and not allow discrimination against Christians. Voice your opinion when injustice rears its ugly head! Don't remain silent as you have done these past 3 years about the abuse handed down by those who are antichrist. Know that if I was in charge I would never treat someone the way I have been treated. I like to treat others as I would like to be treated.

    In 2012 further developments have arisen which I have documented here,

    I've sent this email out to everyone in the racquetball community that I have an email for to stand up for what is right in life and take a side against this kind of abusive behavior. Perhaps nobody will do anything, but at least it is documented on the Internet. And when you are walking by the ARA/ERA executive John Halko, Gerry Slamko, Barbara May, Marc Caouette, Gordon Cutting and other atheists and non-Christians such as Barry Ould, Jerry Vasilash, Manny Gregorio and Cam Bourque remember their actions and mistreatment even their frustration that they have never beaten me at racquetball.

    Through Google searches I can see at least a few people per day are reading these links I have given. For example, I could see that Barbara May from St. Albert was on my pages yesterday giving them a read. Interesting. It must be affecting her.


    Troy Brooks

    p.s. as usual, I have recorded this letter on the Internet for posterity to counter and expose this coy and abusive behavior.

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    Default The Abuse Continues...


    Who is ultimately responsible behind this abusive behavior?

    John Halko is behind this action because he was an ARA board member in 2009 and is the president in 2012. Gerry Slamko, Marc Caouette and James Brayley (2009 president of the ARA) have since left the organization.

    In October 2012, I inquired about running a ladder through the r2sports system but r2sports requires approval from the ARA to do so. Even after 3 years the ARA maintains the position I am ineligible to have an ARA membership to play in tournaments. The root cause of this hostility from the ARA remains as vague and coy as ever. It is arbitrary, obstinate and belligerent. This abuse began with Barbara May lying to protect her hide and being two-faced. I exposed her lying because her lie was a sin bearing false witness against me (see the 21 point proof - click here). But when I exposed what she had done then she wielded her unrighteous axe. John Halko did not stand up for what's right but defended this unethical behavior and took away my ARA membership to boot. Consequently, I had no choice but to email everyone in racquetball across Canada through r2sports about this abuse of power by the tag team of John Halko and Barbara May. Furthermore, Barry Ould in his religious prejudices says we are not allowed to talk about Christianity at racquetball. Thus, discriminating against Christians, he excludes Christians who mention Christ from joining his league-not that I would want to since I never liked the format. Jesus said, "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake" (Luke 6.22).

    Tolerance towards believers is not their strong suit. As one Christian in the racquetball community said, "These atheists [and non-Christians] are not as passive as they would like you to believe." What's even more unfortunate is my brothers and sisters in Christ in the racquetball community have had to remain low key in order not to receive further outlash and reprisal from John Halko, Barbara May and Barry Ould. This is typical of the world's hatred toward the body of Christ and why we have to operate underground in many instances. There have been many kind words from Christians such as "It is not you they hate but God; and some of them over time might feel bad for what they have done." Another Christian said pertaining to this matter, "God's vengeance is His own," and "God works in ways unexpectedly for the better."

    Ryan Rodgers who runs the r2sports program wrote to me today October 11, 2012,

    "Thanks for the explanation, it is always important to hear both sides of the story.

    "Taking Kane to breaker is quite the accomplishment. I played with him in Austin a few times and he is the best. I believe things happen for a reason, not sure what it is in your case yet, but hopefully it pushes you to becoming the best 45+ player in Canada.


    Specifically, how is God working to harden the heart of the Pharaoh further?

    May it convince and convict the atheists and non-Christians of the ARA board and in the community to listen to their conscience who have not given their lives to Christ to do so now by comparing how non-Christians behave towards Christians. Let us be Christlike, but before one can begin to grow in Christ she or he needs to be born-again (John 3.3,7). After all He created us and died for the sins of the world to save whosoever is willing to believe in and receive Him, who He truly is and escape an eternity in Hell. There is no greater love!

    It's possible I will attain the top ranking 45+. One thing is certain is I have never lost this much weight before and it is happening while the ARA board continues to try to prevent me from playing in Alberta tournaments. I use to be 220 lbs back in 2008 and was 204 lbs at the McNationals in Kelowna, June 2012. I am now 162 lbs as of Oct. 2012. I've lost 58 lbs so far. My goal is to keep in the 155-160 range.

    Given things Halko has said to me over the years, all I can say in response John is that you couldn't take a game off me at 220, you aren't going to be able to when I am 160. So ban me from racquetball tournaments (Edmonton Open, Calgary Open and Alberta Closed) if it makes you feel better. I forgive you even though you are unforgiving and confused about why you banned me in the first place in perpetuity. God wants you to learn forgiveness and understand the real reason why you are trying to isolate a Christian. My prayer is for you to see how God forgives you when you accept what His only begotten Son did for you on the cross; only then can you truly forgive others and let go of the grudge and jealousy you harbor. The same prayer is extended towards Barbara May, Barry Ould and others who reject Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The non-Christian will either come to Christ or grow harder against the Lord by being antichrist.

    God intervenes to prove who is in the right!

    God sought fit to have the Mayfield Athletic Club closed down Dec. 21, 2012 to disband a handful of atheists and non-Christians who conspired to get me banned from this club July 20 which includes the board members of the ARA/ERA (such as Gordon Cutting who is on both boards) who play racquetball at this club that holds only 1 or 2 tournaments per year. Sadly, this is to the detriment of others who get hurt when God has to intervene in response to injustice.

    The Edmonton Open 2012 Nov. 2-4 racquetball tournament (I registered for this tournament but Gordon Cutting removed me) will be the last tournament at the Mayfield before it is bulldozed down and the last tournament in Edmonton because there are no more facilities to support a tournament in this city. We are fortunate, though, to have the Glen Allan Recreation Complex (GARC) in Sherwood Park, east of Edmonton, which has 3 racquetball courts (2 glass) and is less than a mile from where I live within walking distance through a beautiful park. The staff of GARC have suggested to me with the coming renovations the two squash courts that use to be racquetball courts could be made into convertible courts (for a total 4 glass courts) because their width is 20 feet - regulation size for racquetball. Squash regulation is 22 feet. And there is a racquetball court presently being used for lifting heavier weights. That would give us 6 courts. All six courts potentially can be viewed from the second floor as well.

    This is God's condemnation of various individuals and they know who they are playing in the west end at Mayfield. Even those who knew the ARA was misbehaving and remained silent about the abuses of the ARA/ERA are themselves guilty for idly not taking a stand by voicing their objection. Not much of a community when a community doesn't stand up against injustice! The ARA board reputation is forever tarnished since their repentance has not been forthcoming after all these years and no apology is expected. To my conscience it is absolutely disgraceful. I would never treat someone this way! As one Christian in the racquetball community said to me, "They have had more than enough time to repent" to have avoided the closure of the Mayfield. It is a sad state of affairs for racquetball in Edmonton. Humility is not a characteristic of this organization at present with its existing executive on some power trip. Because of their immorality, racquetball is dead in Edmonton with one last attempt to resurrect it by calling everyone who has ever played racquetball to play in the Nov. 2-4, 2012 Edmonton Open before the Mayfield Club is finally shut down by the end of the year. I am also told that Cam Bourque who has been a centerpiece of hostility against the Lord had to have surgery due to stress to remove a hernia so he is not playing. One wonders what other ailments or problems those mentioned herein will incur due to their unforgiving and unrepentant hearts. Just know that God is just in all that He does.

    It's likely their actions are motivated by money, whatever twisted form that may take, since money is the root of all evil according to God's word. It is clear a changing of executive is desperately needed as the existing board of the ARA does not have a conscience to stand up against abusive behavior they themselves are the source of. And this is my prayer that one day they will. When this finally happens I would be pleased to join them, to assist and add more tournaments to Alberta Racquetball as I tried to do in 2009 and promote the sport more effectively to elementary and junior high schools with a poster at those schools to join an r2sports junior racquetball league in Edmonton, Sherwood Park and St. Albert. Unfortunately even for the adults there is still no r2sports-type league/ladder in greater Edmonton because the powers that be block it from happening. This is the incompetence that racquetball in Edmonton has been plagued with for years under the guise of John Halko, Barbara May and Barry Ould. We all know that for years Kane Waselenchuk has wanted nothing to do with the Alberta Racquetball Association due to the way they went about treating him. He didn't even come up to Edmonton in 2008 to play in the Canadian Racquetball Classic IRT pro stop. I don't blame him. I believe John Halko and Barbara May are absolutely to blame, but people are too afraid to say so because of the power they hold in the ARA. Such self-righteousness is not righteous at all; it only seems to be on the surface of things, but deep down things are amiss. I encourage people to take a deeper look at the conduct of John Halko and Barbara May. Speak up against them for having done wrong, and don't be afraid of the consequences that has been my approach.

    What is religion? "The way to God"

    Their attitude is this. I want an r2sports league but Barry Ould does not. I want to go to heaven to be with God the Son, therefore, the atheists and non-Christians of the ARA board would rather go to Hell. I want more tournaments in Alberta. The ARA only wants 2 or 3. I believe it is proper to expose Barbara May for lying, but the ARA-namely, John Halko-shuts his mind down and tries to cover up Barb's deceit through misdirection, sinning bearing false witness and false accusation against the person who proved and exposed Barb lied to protect her hide. Always taking the opposite view, unreasonably, speaks of one's hostility and agenda stemming from one's anti-religious or antichrist view since I am a Christian and Halko, May and Ould are not.

    What is religion? "The way to God." Those who despise religion reject God, run from Him and go their own way. The nature of the fall is independency. They delusionally imagine they can avoid accountability for their beliefs and actions by denying the existence of God of the Bible even God's very existence. C.S. Lewis said it is like people arguing on a train. They continue to argue even as the train enters town. They are still arguing when the train stops and when they get off the train to go to their nearby communities. But after some time finding no agreement in their communities they decide to head off into the horizon and each build their own shack. If you could look inside their shacks you would see them standing there repeating the phrase, "I told you so." It's a form of insanity in their Hell. Whereas the body of Christ has unity. Praise the Lord! Amen. This explains why the above individuals have behaved so bizarrely towards me after I gave my life to Christ. Christians are not silent Christians. But I do not push my faith on others as they have pushed theirs on me by taking such overt action against me. Do not underestimate how underhanded evil can be and how it slithers through society underneath the radar of the general public.


    Ultimately, to recapitulate, the reason (1) I am banned from the ARA for life, (2) blocked from running a league which requires ARA approval with r2sports, (3) stymied from building a strong junior base, and (4) prevented from running a sanctioned tournament is because the entire ARA board are a handful of atheists and non-Christians afraid to come out of their comfort zone discriminating against Christians. If they were Christians or a majority were I would be able to contribute and the ARA would embrace these changes. Do you see how unproductive and constricting a person's false faith or world-view can be on their actions and how they treat others? We are witnessing it here.

    They are not guided by the Holy Spirit (but the evil spirit) indwelling in agreement with God's word that makes the cross real to us because their spirit is dead to God; it has not been quickened with God's life so they are not God's children. It's sad really they want to remain that way. But I would not wish upon my worse enemy where they are headed. This is why the return of Jesus is so important because He "cometh with ten thousands of his saints to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard [speeches] which ungodly sinners have spoken against him" (Jude 14,15). Those who overcometh in Christ will reign with "authority over all the nations" (Rev. 2.26), presiding over the ARA also, and "they will rule the nations with an iron rod" (v.27). "They lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years" (20.4). "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection...they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years" (v.6).

    In a fallen world in the racquetball community, John Halko, Barbara May and Barry Ould with their corrupted decision making hold the control but this won't last because Jesus is returning for the regeneration of the world (Matt. 19.28) and for the sake of the elect (24.22) that would include me, not Halko, May or Ould. Do you see how God's word comforts us in the face of mistreatment? People who need to behave this way towards believers who say it like it is are always overcompensating for something. Since the Christian knows John Halko, Barbara May and Barry Ould are going to Hell, for they would have given their life to Christ by now, you can get a glimpse of why they attack a Christian who knows this about them. The eyewitness Apostles were killed for the same reason. I personally have never met a person as old as them who ever gave their lives to Christ. Now, just because I know this about them in agreement with the 66 books of the Bible is no reason to discriminate against me as they have done.

    Evil does not repent so all we can do is expose it on the Internet so that over time people can recollect and reflect upon such evil, read these words to appeal to their conscience, and pray fellow man does not treat others this way in the future. But when such abuse and mistreatment do take place, may you have the courage to stand up against it instead of saying nothing, letting harm come to another.

    An interesting side note. I noticed at least one tournament where they liked this logo so much they are using it on their r2sports page:

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