Make clear who you are addressing like in published books. Hopefully next time you use quotes. It's part of the Board Etiquette and main forum functions. It takes humility to give into reasonable requests, like God said to Adam, don't eat of the tree with the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, because God knew how man would misuse that information. It is not that God wouldn't want man to know, but all in good time! It's for your own good. You'll feel better when you are not being obstinate. It's also more considerate to others, who can read the information in a clearer format.

I am sure you have many issues with Scripture, but you are using a faulty approach trying to pick away at everything, which all have been addressed somewhere or another by Scholars and on these forums. They don't infringe on the main proof Jesus is God. In fact, the more you study apparent discrepancies, the more they convince you the Bible is inerrant, if you read with an open mind and not by your petty self. The reason you contend so hard against the Bible is because the proof is so solid. Before you think there is some discrepancy, do you find out what Christians or Christian scholars say? If you don't, you are just being narrow minded. For you should at least admit if the Bible is true you don't ready by the Holy Spirit because you don't have the Holy Spirit. If you don't read by the Holy Spirit you read by self and the evil spirit, logically speaking, so you twist and malign.

The Minimal Facts Approach says we will just use that data which almost all skeptical scholars agree on, and see if that points to the resurrection and deity of Christ. It does! (See the 12 facts above or below.)

It's not an argument from popularity, but because of the reasons they use why it is assured Jesus died on the cross and the disciples truly believe they saw Him resurrected. Since there is no way to explain this away naturalistically, you know Jesus is God and salvation is through Him. If you refuse His atonement, then God has no other means by which you can be saved and will put you in Hell for all eternity.

This approach is corroborated by Jesus as well, because He said the number one proof of Him being God would be His resurrection. He would raise His temple up on the 3rd day. This is not just the prophecy of Jesus but also from centuries before the OT. Read Isaiah 53. Ancient Israel believed in resurrection as well.

Furthermore, you can't use the argument for late dating or legend, because when you compare the earliest known documents from the time of the events of all individuals in history, nobody is more well documented, nor well attested to in those documents. By this way, the difference is astounding. No person even remotely compares to Jesus Christ for the documentation that supports Him and His uniqueness and resurrection. So you see, God made sure this would be so!

And by all means, if you want to compare other claims for the uncreated Creator you may do so. Jesus even challenges you to do so and compare His unique details. Jesus always comes out on top and trumps any other by His very nature, attestation, extent to the material we have, and religio-historical context of 40 writers across 1500 years in complete agreement.

After you are wrong a hundred times about Jesus, or a thousand or even 10,000, it's time to receive Him into your life. How many times do you have to be wrong for heaven's sake and never are right even once? That's illogical and without evidence on your side. The number of times you have been wrong so far is getting absurd, yet you still hold out for the lie. I believe this is the very nature of someone going to Hell, that is to say, there is nothing God can do to convince you. Nothing! Therefore, you truly belong in Hell.

Alas, I am repeating myself! It's not that the truth is unreasonable, but it is unloved.

Praise the Lord!