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Thread: Horus, Mithra, Krishna - Zeitgeist Response

  1. #1
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    Default Horus, Mithra, Krishna - Zeitgeist Response

    Zeitgeist Response 1 - Zeitgeist Response 2 - Zeitgeist Response 3

    This video tears apart comparisons of Horus, Mithra, Krishna and others to Christ.

  2. #2
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    Check out also, Zeitgeist A Scholarly Response in 6 parts.

    There are no primary pre-New Testament stories of resurrection, and there not even claims of virgin births.

    Lots of funny mocking of the comparisons also.

  3. #3
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    Question: What information can you give me about the theory that Christianity copied the "messianic" characteristics of the Egyptian God Horus to create Jesus? In that account, Osiris (father of Horus) meets his death at the hands of the evil god Set. Isis, the wife of Osiris, reassembles his dismembered body, bringing about a "resurrection." Horus, "the son," is the one who eventually defeats Set. I had never heard of this comparison to Christ before, and it recently came up in a discussion.

    Response: There are messianic figures in other religions, but if the Bible is true, that would be expected. Just as many cultures have stories that parallel the accounts in Genesis (creation of man, the fall, the flood, the tower of Babel, the longevity of the patriarchs, etc., which were all known and passed down from the beginning), it should not be surprising that these groups have messianic figures as well. Because the Bible is true, these things exist. The adversary is always ready with a counterfeit.

    Genesis 3:15 is the earliest prophecy of the Messiah. In this one verse we find certain elements. His "heel" was to be bruised. The serpent's head was to be bruised as well as the Messiah's heel. This "wounding" (speaking of the prophesied death and resurrection of the Messiah) is aped by the later Osirus/Horus myth. The importance of the "woman" in the narrative also would serve as inspiration for the mourning women of other "messianic" stories.

    As one example, it is claimed that Quetzalcoatl of Mexico was crucified in 587 BC for the sins of the world. According to legend, he also was born of a virgin mother, descended into hell, and rose on the third day. Psalm 22, with many details about the crucifixion of Christ, was written between 1000-965 BC. Isaiah's prophecies of the Messiah were recorded between 740-700 BC-plenty of time to be appropriated for Quetzalcoatl's claims.

    The few details included in the Osiris/Horus myth (circa 2400 BC) parallel (in a distorted form), only the prophecy of Genesis 3:15, which was known to humanity from the beginning. Despite claims by skeptics, there are no further parallels. It is instructive that "messianic" stories containing additional details occur at a later date. They appear after all the prophecies concerning "He who was to come" were recorded in Old Testament Scripture.

    If there is a Satan who tries to disrupt the plan of God (and there is); how better to do so than by introducing a counterfeit? Satan knows the Scriptures and selectively quotes them when he deems it advantageous (Mt 4:6, etc.). He can only counterfeit, however, what has been revealed. Consequently, it is not surprising that at a later date, when more prophecy was known, the "fuller" account of Quezalcoatl came along. The virgin birth, forty days of temptation, fasting, etc., had by this time been prophesied in Scripture. Satan is an adversary who is a master of the counterfeit (2 Cor 11:13-14). That being said, among the many differences between these would-be messiahs and the true Messiah, one especially must be noted: all of the "other" messiahs proclaimed a "gospel" of works. This is a far cry from the Gospel of Grace proclaimed by Christ.

  4. #4
    gotenks Guest

    Default Horus, Mithra, Krishna - Zeitgeist Response

    here is my christian response to zeitgeist and general research=

    research papers part 1 of more =

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    I agree that 9/11 was an inside job =, RFID Human Implant Chip is designed to kill you =, architect who did research on twin towers of 911 =,,, Obama Deception Movie =, New World Order Movie =,,,, Aaron Rooso - Freedom to Fashism, Richard Gage - Architect 911,
    The war is about an evil american governemt versus an evil islamic religion.
    However I disagree with part 1 Jesus myth hypothesis =
    research = christian views on ZeitGeist
    1. You can still go to heaven even though you sin, you just have to admit your sins.
    2. The Christian faith could expand without the christians gaining any money, becuase of pencil, papers, free internet service, free website hosting, computers ect. Note= one of the poeple in who wrote in the New Testament in the Bible said " that the word of God should not be used for money or for gaining profit " ( 2 Corinthians 2:17 ). Note = The Bible doesn't say you have to go to church.
    3. the earth according to the bible is around 6400 years old.
    4. the christians are suppose to follow Jesus teachings " turn the other cheek, always forgive, love your enemies ". The reasons why the crusades must of happened in our history, was probably becuase of the Roman Catholic Pope who went against Jesus's teachings. Note= the Roman Catholics are a group of people who call themselves christians, but I really do not think they are tue christians, becuase of reasons that I have written ( read my section on catholics below ) .
    5. the christians do not control societies, they are suppose to obey the government rules with the bible rules taking precedence over the government rules
    6. God does see both evil and good
    7. Angels and Demons are from the spiritual rhealm that human eyes cannot see
    8. There is archeology in the Bible, Old Testament, New testament and Jesus just research it in the internet.
    9. There are some end of time prophecies from the bible in the ZeitGeist movie = RFRD chip from zeitgeist movie = mark of the beast 666, city of babylon and tower of babel = new york city where also the United Nations Building is, beast from the abyss = the evil mastermind in the federal reserve board responsible for World War 2 and 9/11 as in the zeitgeist movie
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    Bible - Matthew 5:3 = master key to enter the kingdom of heaven = "blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"
    definition for poor in spirit = Answer1 = not poor in money, Answer2 = whoever has the will and desire to research the truth, whether it's the Christian belief or some other belief, will enter the kingdom of heaven, Answer3 = the will and desire to learn about God, Answer4 = the will and desire to follow God's rules, Answer5 = you may put in any desired amount time for any depsired period of time of your choice for Answer2,3 and 4. Example = study once for 5 minutes for every 49 years.
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    Islamic Information Centre Vancouver Phone Number = 604-434-7526 ( get free Qur'an book here )
    King Fahd Complex Printing of the Qur'an 1426 A.H. ( 2005 A.D. ) - ( note = this is one of the top english translations out there because it was translated by a group of english translators, and this is used by the sunni muslims who represent over 85% of the muslims ) =
    The Qur'an has verses for self-defence, fighting in history and " no forcing of belief ", however there still is terrorism in the Qur'an = Surah 2:216, 3:151, 4:56, 4:76, 5:32-5:38, 5:33, 8:12-8:14, 8:38-8:39, 8:59-8:66, 9:5, 9:12-9:14, 9:23-9:29, 9:38-9:41, 9:123, 47:4, 47:35, 61:4, 66:9
    here is more evidence =
    Surah 51:49 states that " And of everything We have created pairs, that you may remember (the Grace of Allah).
    How can this be true, what about energy, matter, helium, gases, rainbows, human neck, human chin, human stomach, copper, bronze, stars, potatoes, lettuce, tomatoes? parthenogenetic and not hermaphroditic living things such as = elodea, deuteromycete/fungi imperfecti, bacteria?
    Surah 71:15 - 71:16 = See you not know how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another? And has made the moon a light therein and made the sun a lamp?
    Surah 37:6 - 37:8 = Verily, we have adorned the near heaven with the stars. And to guard against every rebellious devil. They cannot listen to the higher group ( angels ) for they are pelted from every side.
    Surah 41:12 = And We have adorned the nearest ( lowest ) heaven with lamps ( stars ) to be an adornment as well as a guard ( from the devils by using them as missiles against the devils).
    Surah 67:5 = And indeed we have adorned the nearest heaven with lamps, and we have made such lamps (as) missiles to drive away the Shayatin (devils), and have prepared for them the torment of the blazing fire.
    Surah 15:16 - 15:18 = And indeed, We have put the big stars in the heaven and We beautified it for the beholders. And We have guarded it ( the near heaven ) from every outcast Shaitan ( devil ). Except him ( devil ) who steals the hearing then he is pursued by a clear flaming fire.
    The stars, shooting stars, meteors and meteorites were created by Allah as missiles to throw at non-physical spiritual devils? In order to not let the devils eavesdrop on the heavenly council?
    Surah 6:115 = And the Word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice. None can change his words.
    Surah 6:34 = Verily, (many) Messengers were denied before you ( O Muhammed ), but with patience they bore the denial, and they were hurt till Our Help reached them, and none can alter the Words ( Decisions ) of Allah.
    Surah 10:64 = No change can there be in the words of Allah.
    Surah 18:27 = And recite what has been revealed to you ( O Muhammed ) of the Book ( Qur'an ) of your Lord. None can change his words.
    Surah 2:106 = Whatever a verse ( revelation ) do we abrogate or cause to be forgotten, we bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is able to do all things?
    Surah 16:101 = And when we change a verse ( of the Qur'an ) in place of another -- Allah knows best what he sends down.
    The " King Fahd Complex Printing of the Qur'an 1426 A.H. ( 2005 A.D. ) " that I recieved, page III, states that " we, therefore, request every reader of this translation to furnish the Complex with any mistakes, ommision and addition that he may find in it so that they may be eliminated in subsequent editions in sha Allah.
    Surah 22:52 = Never did we send a messenger or a prophet before you but when he did recite the revelation or narrated or spoke, shaitan ( Satan ) threw ( some falshood )in it. But Allah abolishes that which shaitan ( Satan ) throws in.
    If there cannot be any change in the Qur'an, then why does the Qur'an say it may change a verse in the Qur'an?
    If Allah ( God ) and Satan both had divinely inspired the Qur'an, then how do we know which verse is from Allah ( God ) or Satan?
    If God divinely inspired the Qur'an, why does an all-knowing supreme God not know what he was doing in the first place, and then have to clean up any mistakes God had put in the Qur'an?
    There is evidence that the development of the Qur'an has been changed and not preserved over time =
    Has the english King Fahd Complex Printing of the Qur'an been mistranslated?
    Answer1 = Read the english and arabic writing for the following Qur'an translations = King Fahd Complex, F. Malik, Yusaf Ali, Pickthall, Anadwa, Dr. Bucaille
    Answer2 = The english translator of the Qur'an cleary shows that he / she knew english very well, because of the many english words, sentence structure and long paragraphs in the Qur'an.
    Answer3 = It's hard to believe that the english translator mistranslated the same meaning of a Qur'an verse, when the same meaning was repeated two or more times with different english words in other verses.
    Answer4 = I heard that the english translators of the Qur'an softened the Arabic "kill" word to the English "fight" word.
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    2nd Law of Thermodynamics states that disorder, entropy and lack of structure always increases as time passes. Therefore the universe will eventually " wear out " and end. How did it began?
    Who created / designed the singularity theory ( inital state of the universe at the beggining of the big bang theory ) ?
    There cannot be a design without a designer.
    The earth is only thousands of years old, and was created around 4323 B.C. to 4570 B.C. =
    Believe and have faith, and then you will see supernatural / unrealistic things like what is written in the Bible, I am a living witness to this testimony. Becareful of what you see, because it could come from the devil. However, do not put God to the test.
    If you would risk your afterlife what would you choose? A. Hell or Nothing or B. Heaven or Nothing
    I myself actually read this Pictorial Family Bible, last published around 1890 by the United States Centennial Commision. Given to Sapperton Baptist Church at Sept. 4 / 1920. The church is now called New West Community Church ( located in New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada ). Had the verse written where every male who was eight days old must be circumcised ( Genesis 17:12 ), before it was dicovered by science in 1935 by professor H. Dam, the only day the blood-clotting element prothrombin is above 100% is day eight.
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    ALIENS =
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    OMEGA POINT THEORY = Omega Point Theory states that humans become God in the ultimate future. If this is true how where humans created the very first time?
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    George Lucas's Star Wars ( 1977 ) = Jedi Force = Christian faith, Jedi Master and Jedi Apprentice = Prophet of God and Prophet's servant from the Bible, Jedi = Christian, Muslim = Sith, Yoda Speech = reading the same verse from many diffrent versions of the bible,

    J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings ( 1954 ) and J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit ( 1937 ) = Ring Wraiths not visible by human eyesight = spiritual realm in the bible, One Ring = lessons of materialism in the Bible, Numenoreans from the Silmarillion that could live for a long time = humans that lived for a long time in the book of Genesis from the Bible, Dark Lord's One Ring Mordor Writing = Arabic writing in the Satanic Qur'an Book, Middle-Earth = Middle-East located in planet earth, Dwarfs - Elves - Trolls = from Norse Mythology, Wizard = from Arthurian Legnd, Goblin = from 1600 to 1800 Britian, Undead = from Ancint Greek Religion and Ancient Roman Religion, Orcs = Tolkien actually invented this, Dragon = from the Chinese and European Dragons, mines of moria = the word " moria " in the bible
    It is safe to assume that other entertainment companies plaigarized from tolkien, because of the release date = Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ( 1938 ), Wizards of the Coast's Dungeons and Dragons ( 1974 ), Games Workshop's Warhammer ( 1983 ), Squaresoft's Final Fantasy ( 1987 ), Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft ( 1994 ) and World of Warcraft ( 2004 )
    There is more plaigerism = Dragon Ball Z ( power level = medachlorine count from star wars ), Gundam Wing ( beam sword = lightsaber from star wars )
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  5. #5
    gotenks Guest

    Default Horus, Mithra, Krishna - Zeitgeist Response

    here is my christian response to zeitgeist and general research=

    continued from last post - research papers part 2=

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    HINDUISM, BUDDHISM, SIKHISM, TAOISM = Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Taoism all believe that all religions / beliefs are true and lead to God. This cannot be true because =
    1. Law of Non-Contradiction states that two complete contradictory things cannot both be true. The muslim faith / Qur'an and the christian faith / Bible completely contradict eachother on every important doctrine.
    Example = Qur'an says that Allah ( God ) has no children = Surah 9:30, 10:68, 19:35, 43:81 - 43:83
    Bible says that Jesus is the son of God = Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11, Luke 3:22, John 3:16
    2. Bible - John 14:6 = Jesus answered, " I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me."
    3. The Old and New Testaments of the Bible has been perserved and uncorrupted during the time it was written between 1450 B.C. - 90 A.D. =
    in the internet search engine type " bible by United States Centennial Commision " to check if it changed between 1820 A.D. to 1900 A.D.
    For Taoism, Taoists = Matthew 17:14 to Matthew 17:20, if you hav faith in the God of the Christians and Bible, then all things are possible such as breaking the laws of science. However if you do not have faith in the God of the Christians and Bible then you cannot break the laws of science.
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    The Chinese culture stories of creation myths by Shangdi, Yu Huang, Tian, Nuwa and Pangu conflict eachother.
    Note= China's 5000 year history supports the age of the earth according to the bible.
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    ANIMISM, NEO-PAGANISM = The idea that souls and spirits exist in animals, machines, plants and rocks cannot be true. These things don't know the knowledge of good and evil, therefore they cannot be judged in the afterlife.
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    ROMAN CATHOLICS, JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, ANGLICANS, MORMONISM = The Roman Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses and Anglicans call themselves christians, although I believe they are not true christians. Bible - Matthew 24:24 = For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were possible.
    Roman Catholics =
    1. People do not have to pay for their sins. People do not have to do a sacrament of penance, justification, say " our father prayers ", say " hail Mary prayers ", active in charity and good works to pay for their sins. Becuase Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins. But rather as Christians we must repent.
    definition of repent= Turn away from sin. Admitting your sins is wrong. Trying not to sin ( you may accidently sin when you tried not to sin, at least you tried not to sin ). Ask God to forgive you of your sins. definition of sin= what is considered wrong in the Bible.
    2. Praying to Mary, Angels and the Saints to pray for us is wrong. This is considered to be a form of worship.
    3. You don't have to go to Church. What the bible meant by church is a group of two or more people at any location, not an actual building.
    4. Where does it say in the Bible that you have to do Rosery Beads and Purgatory?
    5. You confess your sins to others, however in confession the Priest cannot judge. Becuase God wil judge you of your deeds in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. The Priest should say " you must repent ".
    definition of judge = saying " you are going to heaven or hell if you do this thing / deed ".
    6. As a Christian you must follow Jesus's teachings in the Bible. If the Pope, Priest and / or Bishop's teachings contradict Jesus's teachings then the Pope, Priest and / or Bishop is wrong.
    Jehovah's Witnesses =
    1. Jesus is both 100% Man and !00% God. The Trinity does exist in the bible.
    2. Hell is a spritual place of eternal fire.
    Anglicans =
    1. Homosexuality is wrong.
    2. Woman are not permitted to teach or have authority over a man.
    Mormons =
    1. Salvation is done by believing in Jesus Christ and admitting your sins, not through good works.
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    JEWS, JUDAISM = Many Old Testament prophecies of Jesus Christ were fulfilled in the New Testament.
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    GREEK MYTHOLOGY = Due to the lack of divine evidence ( science and prophesy evidence ) supporting greek mythology as true, I can only come to believe that it is just " not true entertainment " made by men. Examples are Shakespeare ( Willian Shakespeare lived between 1564 to 1616 ), Homer's Iliad, King Arthur, Etc.
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    PROPHECIES FROM NOSTRADAMUS AND JOHN TITOR = Nostradamus says prophecies with sentences that could mean many different things, also there is no numerical times, places and names in his prophecies. There are errors in John Titor's Prophecies.
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    I don't think that the first nation belief and the native american belief is true for the following reasons =
    1. If there is a God of the first nations and native american people, then thier God should have a religious book.
    2. Native Indians and First Nations believe that thier myths told them they came from North America, this is wrong becuase there is DNA evidences ( classified as Mongoloids ) that they came from Asia, Native Indian myths should of said that they also migrated to Asia if it were true. Note= this actually supports the bible to be true, because the Bible says that all humans come from the Tower of Babel.
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    research = end time prophecies in the Bible, signs of the end of times, prophecies in the Bible
    examples of end time prophecies = ( christian rapture that occurs two times in the end of times, 1st time = all the christians who follow Jesus's teachings around the world will dissappear not the Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses, 2nd time = Jesus Second coming from the clouds in the mid-tribulation period ), 144 thousand saved from each 12 tribes of Israel = Jews who become christian after the first rapture, ( 5 world wide disastors = 1. financial economy meltdown - nothing behind paper money, majority of people not living in farms and United States Debt 2. muslims countries / nations killing both muslims and non-muslims wth nuclear weopons 3. global warming - the gas will be released from the ocean enough to kill everyone 4. worm wood asteroid ( asteroid 2002 NT7 ) going to cause heavy damage to the earth predicted to come in 2019 5. electomagnetic waves is a possible cause to bee extinction which can lead to the death of all humans ), ( there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars = the sun's protective bubble shield ( heliosphere ) has weakened by 25% over the past 10 years since 2009 causing all the planets in our solar system to warm up, at 2012 there will be a planetary orbtal allignment in our solar system that takes place every 25625 years and our solar system will cross the galactic equator of the milky way ), ( earthquakes 5.5 or more in richter scale increasing = 1800 - 1900 = 645 earthquakes, 1900 - 1994 = 1845 earthquakes, 1994 - 2000 = 1163 earthquakes ), satellite and cable television, internet, foriegn God = Allah of Islam and the Muslims, ( 4 great nations in Daniel's prophecy - the last great nation is the 4th beast with iron teeth and 10 horns with 3 horns uprooted = The 10 horns represent the 10 kingdoms into which pagan Rome was evntually split = European Union consisting of Visigoths - Spain, Anglo-Saxons - England, Franks - France, Alemani - Germany, Burgandians - Switzerland, Lombards - Italy, Suevi - Portugal, Heruli - Rooted Up, Ostrogoths - Rooted Up, Vandals - Rooted Up ), AntiChrist rising from the European Union, king of the north = possibly Russia, the AntiChrist will ally with the muslims and decieve Russia to cause World War III, the Euro Dollar currency was formed in 2002, uranium ( non-detectable ) nuclear weopons, biological weopons, chemical weopons, microwave weopons, sound weopons, nano - technology very tiny robotic weopons, electromagentic pulse ( EMP ) weopons, people in the end of times did not repent for the work of their hands worshiping idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood = modern day machinery / technology, set times = current year 2009 A.D. ( After Death ), as in the times of Noah = Aliens, false prophets will peform miracles = Ramada magicians and India School of Magic, Stress will increase = cost of living increasing and the rich and poor gap increasing, men will move like lightning = airplanes, cars, bullet trains, Jerusalem was captured by Israel in 1967 from the gentiles, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened= we are living in the generation of the end of time - according to the bible a generation is about 70 - 100 years, During the end of time the Jews who don't believe in Jesus will rebuild the temple for a third time, the gospel of Jesus being preached to the whole world = the christian missonaries and christian organizations such as campus crusade for christ spreading the christian faith worldwide, RFRD chip from zeitgeist movie = mark of the beast 666, city of babylon and tower of babel = new york city where also the United Nations Building is, beast from the abyss = the evil mastermind in the federal reserve board responsible for World War 2 and 9/11 as in the zeitgeist movie, beast of the sea which had a mouth like a lion = United States Government, in astrology we are nearing the end of the age of pisces. free end timeline chart =
    examples of other prophecies = abomination upon desecration = muslim mosque building, someone who kill you is commiting a service to God = the musilms ordered to kill the christians, blessed is the woman who never gave birth = overpopulation of earth and abortion rate, wealth of the middle-east oil, Israel becoming a nation at 1949, Daniel's 1290 days and 1335 days prophecy hits the bullseye
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    Question= what is the meaning of life?
    Answer1= Do not go beyond what is written in the Bible. 1 Corinthians 4:1 - 4:21. Answer2= Just do what the God of the True Christians / Bible wants you to do. Answer3= Matthew 18:7 - Jesus says " woe to the world becuase of the things that cause people to sin ". Answer4= I don't think there is a frequency rate at which a christian should evangelize.
    Question= why does God allow bad thing's to happen to good people?
    Answer1= Jesus paid for our sins by dying on the cross. Answer2= Forgive for God will Judge a person according to his / her deeds in the afterlife, heaven or hell. Answer3= God works in mysterious ways. Answer4= Do not be afraid about the person who can destroy the body, instead be afraid of the person who can send your soul to hell. Answer5= God gave people freedom to choose to be either good or evil. Answer6= The bible does say that the christians will get persecuted.
    Question= is God controlling our destiny?
    Answer1= Proverbs 16:1 - Solomon says " to man belongs the plans of the heart ". Answer2= Matthew 18:6 - !8:9 - Jesus says " if your foot causes you to sin then it would of been better for you to cut your foot off then and enter the kingdom of heaven than for you to have your foot and be thrown into the eternal fire of hell ". Answer3= Matthew 19:14 - Jesus says " Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these ". Answer4= Matthew 7:24 - Jesus says " Therefore whoever hears these words of mine and puts them into practice builds his house on the rock ( solid ground, not sinking sand ) ". Answer5= When I was conducting Bible keyword searches I could not find anything from keywords - Author - Fate - Destiny - that God was controlling everybody, it is not written in the Bible that God is controlling everybody. Answer6= Even if YHVH ( God's Hebrew name of the Bible ) is the writer and controller of the Bible, God, Satan, Holy Trinity, Unholy Trinity, Heaven and Hell, everythings ( literally every man, woman, animal, star, ect) actions, decisions, thoughts, plans, paths, destinies, ect. as if this is all just one big story book ( Note = This could be possibly true becuase I have heard of the saying " there cannot be a story without a fall " ), I myself personally do not want to risk burning in hell, if all the evidence seems to yield that the Bible is true. Answer7= Any human could easily assume that God created the heavens and the earth for the angels and people to stay in and the angels and people make thier own freedom of choice. Any human could easily assume anything that is not written in the Bible, we only know what we need to know. Answer8= Don't you fear God? I you read the Bible, the God of the Bible is a God who likes good instead of evil and will judge everybody according to his or her deeds. Answer9= Any human could easily assume a bunch of ninja turtles, orcs, elves ect. existed in our history simply becuase it's not written in the Bible, reccomend just sticking to what is written in the Bible.
    Question= What should I do if somebody sins aganst me?
    Answer= Always forgve, turn the other cheek and love your enemies.
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    1. End Times Prophecies from the Bible : Islam, World War III, Nuclear Weopons and the AntiChrist
    references = the Bible, Daniel 7:1 - 12:13 and Revelation 6:1 - 22:21
    plot= the AntiChrist will ally with the muslims and decieve Russia to cause World War III
    2. Old Testament Stories from the Bible : Creation, Dinosaurs and Noah's Ark
    references = the Bible, Genesis 1:1 - 9:29
    3. Old Testament Stories from the Bible : The Prophets Elijah and Elisha
    references = the Bible, 1 Kings 17:1 - 22:53 and 2 Kings 1:1 - 13:19
    4. Old Testament Stories from the Bible : The Writing on the Wall, Fall of the Babylonians and Daniel and the Lion's Den
    references = the Bible, Daniel 5:1 - 6:28
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    CONCLUSION = The Christian bible and faith is true, with some Christians decieved / misguided, and every other belief is false. As a Christian Apprentice, since 1993 to pesent year, I spent my time watching television shows, movies, playing videogames, boardgames, cardgames, tabletop minature games, reading fantasy books , myths, history, other religions and other beliefs, also I studied evolution, Aethists and muslim point of views, so far there is nothing out there that stands out like the Bible, I could probably spend about 20 000 or more years researching the truth and studying the Bible. With free internet service, free internet web hosting and free internet downloading such as Bibles= and Jesus movies=, the christian faith could stand and grow without the christians getting a single penny!

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