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Thread: Mithra and Jesus

  1. #11
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    We have already talked about all these things in various posts so deal with the response given.

    First, inerrancy is not required to prove the resurrection proving Jesus is God, so that is a false approach you are using. Since you can't explain it away naturalistically, this is your testimony you are going to Hell.

    Second, you couldn't find any contradictions as we have gone through scores together, and each time you are found to have misread Scripture. I trust you gave your best arguments first. Historians don't throw an entire document out if there are contradictions anyway.

    Third, in the time of the first century, the writings about Jesus were the contemporary writings included in the New Testament. Nobody denied the life, death and burial of Jesus. Of course some contended or doubted His resurrection like Thomas, Paul and James (appearing to these though not others), but that does not change the fact that the disciples truly believed they saw Jesus resurrected. You can make a case even if Jesus appeared to some, they still would reject Him, so there would be no point in appearing to those.

    Four, as was said before, the life of Jesus is more well documented in antiquity than anyone else, so you have no excuse for rejecting the ample evidence. You keep asking for more and more evidence, but the bar is already set so high, higher than anyone else in antiquity. This only shows no amount of evidence will convince you, thus justifying sending you to Hell for eternity.

    Five, you couldn't find anything poorly written (not that that matters, for it is subjective, and subjectively you are wrong).

    Six, certainly, you are right, all that was written and could have been written would fill probably an Encyclopedia. The Bible would be too large a book if it was an Encyclopedia, so the Holy Spirit arranges the key points in the 66 books and today it is still the freest and most widely dispersed book in the world. That would be weird if people would take to church with them an Encyclopedia.

    None of your arguments ever have any merit. You are always wrong. That is the nature of someone who is going to Hell.

    What you have decided is nothing will convince you. No amount of evidence. Take a good long long look at yourself to see that it is so. Hence, John 3.18 says you are already condemned.

    You've made your choice already. Now you are just trying to rationalize that choice. Remember, there is nothing the flesh can't rationalize. If you still want to think the world is flat, you could create a proof for it. But the true evidence is that you admit there is no naturalistic theory that can account for the data to explain away the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    Even if 99.99% of the world still thought the world was flat, the 0.01% would still be right it is round based on the evidence. The same applies to the resurrection if 99.99% were to reject it because the evidence is overwhelming. No naturalistic explanation fits the data. And this is not rocket science. You should be able to come up with an explanation, but you don't. Because you don't and can't, you help convince people in Jesus Christ.

    What I recommend is you learn more about why almost all skeptical scholars agree on the 12 historical facts about Jesus Christ. And that leads to the conclusion Jesus is God.

    Praise the Lord!

  2. #12
    DD2014 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork
    Since you can't explain it away naturalistically.
    Man makes up storys, this happens all the time. There are more books of fiction then there are books of history or fact. The 4 gospels only prove that the story of Jesus is fictitious.

    It is impossible for someone who has been dead for a day and a half to come back to life. Do you belive Frankenstein? No thats just silly. The gospels in bible naturally falls under the catagory of fiction, just like Frankenstein.

    You cannot find any refrence to the ressurection outside the bible. Why? I'll tell you. It did not happen. That is why no one would write anything about Jesus or his ressurection, it did not happen.

    Well that sounds pretty naturalistic to me....

  3. #13
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    Did you watch the Zeitgeist Response videos showing how all your comparisons fail?

    Since you have no evidence of fiction, your faith is one without evidence. It is impossible for someone to die and naturalistically come back to life, but Christians don't say it happened naturalistically.

    Since the Word of God never purports to be fiction, but these are real individuals giving their real life testimony, building the churches, traveling from city to city, and an enemy attestation (e.g. Romans and Jews) do not deny their existence, then you are in fantasy mode.

    There can only be one resurrection, God's ultimate proof and vindication that Jesus is God which is also proof that whoever rejects Jesus on the cross to atone for our sins is saying to God they want eternal separation from Him. You effectively send yourself to Hell.

    Do you see how you are erroneously arguing against something Christians are not contending for? We are not contending that Jesus was raised naturalistically, so the burden remains on you, if you can't find a naturalistic explanation to explain away the data of the eyewitness claims, then you are as much saying you are bound for Hell. Can you see the logic?

    The Christian is a Christian because he gives into the evidence. We do not, like you, know how to explain away the resurrection data. So instead of shutting our minds down or contradicting ourselves as you do, we simply submit to the overwhelming evidence.

    As the lawyer who won the most court cases in a row (245) said in the Guinness Book of Records, there is no better case ever presented for the life, death, burial, resurrection and deity of Jesus Christ.

    Since you don't introduce any damning evidence, why not give into reality?

    Praise the Lord!

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