We should distinguish between Jesus the Word and the Bible. Jesus never claimed to be written letters. God gave the Bible as intended, and man can make a copying mistake certainly, but don't you think it makes more sense to discuss the ultimate proof of God which is His resurrection before discussing a million and one other matters? So far from what I can tell you can find no naturalistic explanation for the resurrection that fits the data.

I have no reason to believe something in the Bible didn't happen, nor do you.

You're missing the point about the lottery. It's called preponderance of evidence. As the days and years go by we find more causes and still no reason to think something happens all by itself. The trend is away from something happening all by itself in nature. The lottery is not you being told what number to pick but observing trillions of scenarios we know of that have causes verses your faith in which you have no evidence for. We often know the cause. There are trillions of things in nature with a cause and nothing to be shown without a cause, so the odds are against you more than a trillion to one.

You want to compare if a particular nation in Africa was enslaved longer than Israel was of over 430 years? Go ahead find your evidence. The burden is on you, since you brought it up. At the time of God choosing a nation to usher in the Messiah, nobody prior to Israel's inception was enslaved longer.

The point about Israel is it has become quite fruitful, has vast unused reservoirs of water, surrounded by desert. Jesus is not going to reign from a desert. The location agrees in religio-historical context. California does not have this obvious context.

God speaks to people according their known world. That is perfectly reasonable as the flood. It's not that hard to understand. You are just placing an unethical legalism like you are a bad lawyer trying to get off on a loophole. That shows your heart is not being genuine to the time and place.

As a percentage of the population, the bombings in Japan did not eat away into the total population as a whole as much as did wars in the past. You're not thinking right. Look at the numbers of the total population.