Calvin's God is Not Longsuffering

Sovereignty in Calvinism is such that God is behind every emotion and act of every individual, causing each sin and causing each impulse of "love." Supposedly the heart of man is "made willing" in order to love God. But "made willing" is an oxymoron. One can be persuaded or convinced but not made willing, because the will must be willing in and of itself.

If Calvin's God can be said to love at all, it is with a love that allegedly can be imposed upon anyone and man's response is by that same imposition. But such is not the nature of love. Sadly, Calvinists do not know the love of God at all. Satan has impregnated Christendom with a false love made to appear as if being God's love to the Calvinist. Can we say then that the Calvinist fashions God after their own corrupted hearts, making God in their own image?

We know why Calvinists reject God's pleadings in the Bible because if Calvinism were true, pleadings are a sham. The elect don't need them, and the non-elect can't heed them. The totally depraved who are elected to salvation must be regenerated and infused with Irresistible Grace, while the rest of mankind are damned without remedy. Why pretend this love and concern for mankind or Israel when man has no choice in the matter and God can irresistibly make anyone do whatever He wants anyway?

Supposedly, to save only the select elect and to damn the rest was necessary to prove God's sovereignty and justice, and will eternally be to His greater glory. Obviously, however, God need not damn anyone in order to prove either His sovereignty or justice. If it is not a threat to God's sovereignty to save the elect, neither would it be for Him to save a million more, 100 million more-or more loving yet, to save all mankind.

Scores of Bible passages leave no doubt that God loves and desires to bless not just an elect who will be redeemed out of Israel, but all of Israel (and therefore all of mankind as well), including those who refuse His love and gracious offer of blessing. God's very character is reflected in the commandments He gave to His chosen people. They were to restore even to an enemy his ox or ass that had wondered off (Ex. 23.4). yet God himself won't give wandering mankind the kindness He commands that man give to beasts? Such teaching doesn't ring true to Scripture or to the conscience God has placed within each person (Rom. 2.14-15). A Calvinist, therefore, doesn't listen to his own conscience, but goes his own way, separated from God for all eternity.