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Thread: How the spirit and soul is divided

  1. #1
    Simon Guest

    Default How the spirit and soul is divided

    How are we going to know what part of our thoughts or our decisions is from God and what part is our own? Sometimes there is only a hair-breadth difference; and hence we find we just cannot differentiate them. We may ask ourselves, Is this myself, or the Lord, in me? Is it from my spirit or from my soul? We try to dissect our thoughts and words and acts in order to know which part is natural and which part is spiritual. This is a most difficult task, and we grow quite desperate when trying to make the discrimination.
    To try to do this is fatal. It only results in perplexity and hesitation. Nothing is definite or settled; it is like always being in a maze—or in a haze. But this whole approach is wrong. God has never told us that we can find within ourselves what is the soul and what is the spirit. Such an approach is wrong and the person trying to do it is also wrong. God has never meant for us to do this, because looking within will only result in darkness. Self-examination in this regard will never result in our finding the light. For all is dark inside us. To follow this track will lead us nowhere. It is a blind alley. So we must stop doing it.
    “The word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and quick to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart.” When we say or feel we are right or wrong, the question becomes, How do we know it? From where came the light—that is to say, the knowledge of whether it is right or wrong? From within ourselves or from the word of God? Has there been revelation? There must be revelation or light on the basis of God’s word so that we really see. The moment the Holy Spirit throws light on God’s word, we see and we know.
    We must have the light that kills. Under such light we see that everything about us is soulish. Hence revelation is what we need, because it slays and it does the work. Outside of revelation, God does no other work. It is enough when we obtain revelation, for then the work is done. The moment we receive revelation and see ourselves as God sees us, at that very moment we are weakened and our soul life dies. The light which comes from revelation brings with it power; or rather, it itself is power. So all depends on revelation. There is nothing left after that for God to do. There is no second step to take—revelation or light does it all.
    As at Peniel, Jacob said, “I have seen God face to face.” This is the place of revelation. It is not just an experience, it is a being face to face with God himself. It is not God’s working; it is Light itself. Light kills, but better yet, light cleanses. The only reason we have not had the light is because we have had no room for it. We have shut the door. We are closed to it. Pray that we may be open to it. We shall not obtain the light until we are open to it. And when the light comes, it kills. Yet after we receive the light, we should never look within and ask ourselves if we are right or wrong, if this is soulish or spiritual. Only pray, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
    You should learn to open yourselves up. Do not deceive yourselves, nor be proud. Be humble and study to be sincere. Oftentimes we are not sincere with God and with His word. Sometimes the light comes slowly, only little by little. But when it comes, yield to it. Walk softly with fear and trembling. Deal with self to the uttermost limit, or rather, let the Holy Spirit deal with you without restraint. The reason we lack discernment with respect to other people’s situations is because we have not allowed God to give us light about ourselves. We need to discern our own self first. Then we can help others to see.

  2. #2
    Ruah Brit Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Simon
    How are we going to know what part of our thoughts or our decisions is from God and what part is our own? Sometimes there is only a hair-breadth difference; and hence we find we just cannot differentiate them. We may ask ourselves, Is this myself, or the Lord, in me? Is it from my spirit or from my soul? We try to dissect our thoughts and words and acts in order to know which part is natural and which part is spiritual. This is a most difficult task, and we grow quite desperate when trying to make the discrimination.
    To try to do this is fatal. It only results in perplexity and hesitation. Nothing is definite or settled; it is like always being in a maze—or in a haze. But this whole approach is wrong. God has never told us that we can find within ourselves what is the soul and what is the spirit. Such an approach is wrong and the person trying to do it is also wrong. God has never meant for us to do this, because looking within will only result in darkness. Self-examination in this regard will never result in our finding the light. For all is dark inside us. To follow this track will lead us nowhere. It is a blind alley. So we must stop doing it.
    “The word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and quick to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart.” When we say or feel we are right or wrong, the question becomes, How do we know it? From where came the light—that is to say, the knowledge of whether it is right or wrong? From within ourselves or from the word of God? Has there been revelation? There must be revelation or light on the basis of God’s word so that we really see. The moment the Holy Spirit throws light on God’s word, we see and we know.
    We must have the light that kills. Under such light we see that everything about us is soulish. Hence revelation is what we need, because it slays and it does the work. Outside of revelation, God does no other work. It is enough when we obtain revelation, for then the work is done. The moment we receive revelation and see ourselves as God sees us, at that very moment we are weakened and our soul life dies. The light which comes from revelation brings with it power; or rather, it itself is power. So all depends on revelation. There is nothing left after that for God to do. There is no second step to take—revelation or light does it all.
    As at Peniel, Jacob said, “I have seen God face to face.” This is the place of revelation. It is not just an experience, it is a being face to face with God himself. It is not God’s working; it is Light itself. Light kills, but better yet, light cleanses. The only reason we have not had the light is because we have had no room for it. We have shut the door. We are closed to it. Pray that we may be open to it. We shall not obtain the light until we are open to it. And when the light comes, it kills. Yet after we receive the light, we should never look within and ask ourselves if we are right or wrong, if this is soulish or spiritual. Only pray, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
    You should learn to open yourselves up. Do not deceive yourselves, nor be proud. Be humble and study to be sincere. Oftentimes we are not sincere with God and with His word. Sometimes the light comes slowly, only little by little. But when it comes, yield to it. Walk softly with fear and trembling. Deal with self to the uttermost limit, or rather, let the Holy Spirit deal with you without restraint. The reason we lack discernment with respect to other people’s situations is because we have not allowed God to give us light about ourselves. We need to discern our own self first. Then we can help others to see.
    First off you have to understand "what the soul is". God formed man of the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. So the breath of life from God and the body of dust is the soul. Spirit in all the old languages also means breath of life from God. So you might say the air you breath is your spirit. You might also say that what you do with that breath of life from God and that body of dust is your soul existance. Life is what you know it to be there is no life anywhere else because there is no anywhere else. This is why there needs to be a resurrection from the dead. Do you understand?

    Ruah Brit

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruah Brit
    First off you have to understand "what the soul is". God formed man of the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. So the breath of life from God and the body of dust is the soul.
    Your statement is incorrect. The breath of life from God and the body of dust are not the soul. The body is the body, and the breath of life from God gives man his spirit. It is only when God's breath and the body make contact that the soul life is created. This gives makes man tripartite: spirit, soul and body according to Heb. 4.12,

    "For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart".

    And the ordering is as follows,

    "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and [I pray God] your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thess. 5.23).

    Spirit in all the old languages also means breath of life from God. So you might say the air you breath is your spirit.
    This statement is also incorrect. Your breath is of your body, not of your spirit. Breathing is a bodily function.

    You might also say that what you do with that breath of life from God and that body of dust is your soul existance.
    Since your soul is your mind, will and emotions, the volition and choice of will is "what you do".

    Life is what you know it to be there is no life anywhere else because there is no anywhere else.
    There are two lifes in us: the soul life, and the spirit life. The soul life is the life of the outerman, whereas the spirit is the inner life of intuition, communion and conscience. Christians have resurrection life, and shall be resurrected either to the air or to the throne (in 3rd heaven) at the consummation of this age, and those who overcome in Christ shall return with Him to reign during the millennium, then all believers will be pillars of the new city in the new earth after the millennium is complete.

    This is why there needs to be a resurrection from the dead. Do you understand?

    Ruah Brit
    I think you are being arrogant asking Simon if he understands, for why would you think he would not understand resurrection (nothing he said you said would indicate this)? Surely you could have said something, but you did not. Yourself not being a Christian, not believing in the Trinity, you would not understand that the reason for resurrection is because all those in Christ will be raised to be with Him; and thus, the soul and spirit are preserved in timeless unawares awaiting to be resurrected for those who have gone on before us, my brothers and sisters.

    The reason for resurrection is not because there is no life anywhere else, for obviously there is life in heaven where the angels are spirits and live. The reason for resurrection is because God wants to be with His sons and daughters, to walk with us. This is the reason, for Christ conquered death and assures us the same promise, and to be given a newly clothed spiritual body.

    The reason for resurrection is because God can not annihilate your soul. Since you have God-consciousness in your spirit, it would be unrighteous of God to annihilate you. Instead God has a hell waiting for you that is an eternal separation from God for denying in the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit. This revelation is given by God, and it is exactly as was said above, "There must be revelation or light on the basis of God’s word so that we really see. The moment the Holy Spirit throws light on God’s word, we see and we know."

    Since you do not believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit (The Trinity), you reject God, and thus, God can not grace you with His life. This is the choice of your soul made in God's image to have that right to remain independent from God. How truly sad for you.

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