Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
Know that the religion that is true would stand the test of time. Christianity prevailed.
Along with Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam, etc.

Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
Gal. 1 & 2 and 1 Cor. 15 were completed with 20 years of the death on the cross of Jesus. These are the most important and contemporary documents that scholars are agreed on are really Paul's writings and beliefs.
I'll grant you that almost all scholars believe that Paul wrote Galatians and Corinthians, but 20 years after the event is not contemporary.
If the media first reported the death of Princess Diana 20 years after the car crash, would that be considered contemporary?

Indeed, I ask you again:
Jesus' Temple fiasco would not have gone without notice. Where were the contemporary historians?

Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
If you can't scientifically replicate the creation of life, then you can't. Only God can.
Correction: if at any given time I can't replicate the creation of life, then at that time I can't. This says nothing about my future abilities, however. Indeed, the standard model states that it took ~1 billion years for the formation of life. Come back to me in 2 billion years, and we'll see whether abiogenesis is possible or not.

Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
Since the uncreated is spirit and not spaghetti which is a created product, your FSM fails and Jesus as always, prevails.
On the contrary, the universe is as it is because this is the only possible state in which a pasta-making species could evolve (namely: us).
Satire aside, my point was that you assume the Uncreated Creator is the Judaeo-Christian God, without any justification.

If we assume that you have sucessfully proven the existance of an Uncaused Causer (or w/e), can you demonstrate why this is necessarily your god?
Note that saying 'because none can compare to Christ' requires a demonstration itself: it is not good simply asserting that none can compare.

Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
Know that hell is for you because you don't want to accept the forgiveness of your creator.
Why would I not want to? An all-loving deity, a paradise awaiting me after death, etc, would all be wonderful if it were true. However, I see no reason to do what you say I need to do to get into Heaven over what the Muslim says, or the Buddhist says, or the Jew says, etc.
That is, there are countless faiths all telling me that I must do x, y, and z, before I can get into Heaven. Which faith do I listen to, and why?

Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
The Genesis account remains unchallenged because you can't create the a single celled life from the inanimate.
So in a court of law, if the police cannot exactly recreate a murder, all suspects are free to go? How silly.

Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
God made your spirit with God-consciousness so you are without excuse.
Circular logic. This is asserted by the Bible, and the whole thing fails if it turns out the Bible is a load of hooey.

Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
By choosing to shut your mind down to the Word of God already given in the 66 books of the Bible and accept John 3, there is no other recourse for you to escape Hell.
You seem to be under the impression that I can choose what I believe.

Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
My prayers go out to you.