What makes you think God kills His own followers? I find no evidence in God's Word. What makes you think God leaves people to starve? People who starve is due to man's sin in which many innocent lives get hurt, but their reward shall be in heaven. The negative consequence of disobedience to God was being locked out of the Garden of Eden, so people moved to live in dangerous areas, even areas of starvation.

Since hell is proven (because you will be resurrected, but can't be resurrected with the saved), what makes you think it doesn't exist? Why would you not want to have fellowship and worship (and look up to) your Creator who is Uncreated? What rules do you find that are irrational that you think God imposes? Should not sin be punished? Why do we put people in jail?

What makes you think a sentient being like Lucifer was spawned by the chaos? Wouldn't it be more reasonable to conclude an Intelligent Designer? Where is evidence of these 11 gods you speak of?

The Bible considers such gods you speak of as just idols. Just think for a minute how there can not be these gods who are created because there can not be an eternity of the past of gods creating gods, for since you would have been derived from them, and would not still be sinning by now (due to the exponential progression in conscience), know there was not an eternity of the past of cause and effects of supernatural gods, or in nature.

You are telling me you are a servant to a tyrant who is Satan, for only a tyrant would cause you to reject your Creator. A loving God would never allow an angel to be able to create sentient beings. Don't trust the Devil's lies. He aims to hurt you.

Why are you anti-cosmic? The cosmos is the starry universe. Why deny this?