I walk by the mormon church every day and felt compelled to go in. I met with two missionaries and we discussed on the phone and in person for several hours and this was my defense of Christianity in the opening post.

I asked one of them what words could the Bible supply to convince them, hypothetically, that Jesus is uncreated, the Father is uncreated and the Sprit is uncreated, One Being, the Trinity?

The response was intriguing. They said nothing. So you see even if the Bible said "The Father, Son and Spirit are One Being Uncreated..." in those exact words the mormon would still reject it.

I also learned that these missionaries were born into mormonism. This seems to be the normal condition down through generational lines, that their parents brainwashed them subconsciously into it at the youngest of ages and they do not have a will of their own anymore. When you are around something long enough quite often you become that thing.

So I said to them they have an assumed position, but considering the history of Christianity not taking the position that God is created, to suggest such a thing in mormonism 1800+ years later would need some substantial evidence. Then I said, doesn't Satan take such an assumed position also, needing no evidence for his self-exalted position? And if there is an eternity of the past of gods creating gods then which god should be worshiped and why worship a lesser created god? Why not worship the god that created the god you worship? Alas, he is created too! Satan is author of confusion. If there had been an eternity of the past of gods creating gods, wouldn't you have had an eternity to be without sin? Yet you still sin, so it cannot be true that there is an eternity of the past of gods creating gods. Thus, mormonism must be a lie.

These mormons started to get very angry and irate with me. It was at that moment I had to high tail it out of there. As I was leaving they were praying out loud for me to receive the prophet Joseph Smith. Inititially I suggested we not pray to start the meeting because they would be praying for their god which I refused and I did not want to be pretentious in praying for my God to them which they reject in Christianity. In this way we both be respectful to each other.

One added interesting point is when they talked about how Jesus is at the right hand of the Father therefore Jesus is a separate being than the Father. I responded by saying, yes it is true Jesus is seen by Stephen at the right hand of the Father, but nothing is said about actually seeing the Father, for no man has ever seen God the Father as the council of the Godhead only provides for seeing the Son at the right hand of the Father and knowing the Father at the throne even though not seeing the Father. That Jesus is seen distinct from the Father is no indication of Him being separate, but we are given a visual of the Son of God whom we come to the Father through. Obviously, already we know God has provided for us to see the Son since He was already seen almost 2000 years ago in Person and He will return to be seen to reign on earth for 1000 years and be the center of the new city in the new earth thereafter. Amen.

Any further advice on my encounter?