God's prerogative is according to His righteousness and holiness by which He predestinates by foreknowing our free-choice as He wants to be with those who choose His life. He does not act arbitrarily in His decision whom to save.

To willeth or make plans speaks of self-willing one's own salvation and to runneth is to work to save oneself. Neither of these will do. There is, however, the free-choice which not of self, but the free-gift made in God's image which God longs for us to activate the gift of faith and come to the cross as a helpless sinners.

Why did God choose Jacob? Because He foreknew his free-choice yet to occur and so he was predestinated (declared). Esau was not chosen because Esau gave up his right. Similarly, the Pharaoh's heart was hardened, not because he was robotically made for hell as taught by calvinists, but because the Pharaoh chose to reject God and God merely hardened what was already against God. For example, if you do something wrong or make a wrong decision in your life but don't repent from it, it will harden you. And so God used the Pharaoh to exalt Israel. Some may still ask who has resisted His will? The answer is-many! Many refuse to be saved according to God's way of salvation. In particular, calvinists refuse to be saved God's way. Why resist God's way of salvation? Is it not God's prerogative to give us all the free-choice in making us in His image to choose His Son; that one does not choose but demands he was made that way then is not reality, but pride of someone who has never known God which has a coldness and a hardness and a stiffness about it, very legalistic and heady, not touching spiritual reality and inner depths with the sensitivities of God's Spirit.

My advice to you is to stop misreading Rom. 8.29, for it says, "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate..." Yes, first God foreknows, and then he also predestinates. He never predestinates robots first then foreknows, but first foreknows. Thank God for putting His foreknowing before His predestinating and not vice versa. What does He first foreknow? He foreknows Gen. 1.26,27, and Abel's free-will offering. Because He foreknows our free-choice and gives us a conditional election in an unlimited atonement by resistible grace, He then predestinates it, that is, He declares it and that is His righteous prerogative by grace. You may not like it, but who are you to thumb your nose to God for you are created and molded or formed in God's image when He created you. How terrible that you reject Him!

The Holy Spirit has regenerated my inner man with God's uncreated life which I know is eternal and can never be taken away, and since you adamantly disagree with this, this too is more evidence for Christians to know that you are unsaved and going to hell. Admittedly, you agree that you have never employed your gift of free-will to choose God but believe you were premade for heaven and that you think God premakes other robots for hell without regard for their choice. Ho w evil! My God wants to be with those who receive Him, your god cares not for this but is only interested in mechanically chosen chess pieces, cold to the touch. How sad. This could never comfort a Christian.

May one day God grace you with the appreciation of the gift of free-will made in God's image and that God wants to be with those who love Him. We love Him because we truly believed and love is just one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. May one day you believe too and not think belief is something that was preprogrammed into you and not to others. That is prideful evil discrimination. :no: God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10.34): He does not place one above another like that.