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Thread: Perry Stone's Pre-Trib

  1. #1
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    Default Perry Stone's Pre-Trib

    No mention is made of those at Matt. 27.52 being raptured. But if they were they still did not receive newly clothed spiritual bodies, because nobody can come before the high priest naked, and none have entered 3rd heaven yet, not even David or Moses, Enoch or Elijah. Therefore, the cloud at best can only refer to those at Matt. 27.52 who await those bodies, but not all saints, since most saints are still waiting in paradise below, the good side of Abraham's bosom called Hades.

    One can not operate without a body, so it is a timeless unawares below and above, if not 3rd heaven or outer darkness. Since Enoch and Elijah have not been busy all this time, but are waiting in a timeless unawares, this poses no problem, for they will be told they return to die as the two witnesses after a long period of time in timeless unawares. The same holds true for those who were raptured at Matt. 27.52, as they will receive their newly clothed spiritual bodies at the last trumpet.

    This explanation is the only possibility that I have heard to reconcile the rapture of Enoch and Elijah, Matt. 27.52, the repentant thief, the cloud and the air, the throne and third heaven.

    I hope this helps. I know that you speak each week trying to rationalize your views, but it is vain to still think if you were to die this very moment you would be raptured to heaven. It is not going to happen, so there is no need to open up imaginations that can lead to deceptions.

    And to assume first rapture not according to readiness is to not be ready. You would enter the Tribulation not realizing it since you assumed you would have been first raptured before the Tribulation. Being unaware, you would take the mark that you would not have realized was the mark.

  2. #2
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    What do you think it means when Perry Stone constantly quotes Rev. 4.1 as being rapture and Watchman Nee proves unequivocally this can not pertain to rapture? See the proof here,

    I know for myself that the reason I watch Perry Stone is to know what the devil is up to so as not to be deceived by him, even the Antichrist. Perry says people will receive Christ in the Tribulation as though they were not already saved; that is to say, they were not ready at the first rapture, so some brothers and sisters had to pass through the time of testing, including me, if I am not ready at first rapture (Rev. 3.10, Luke 21.36).

    I have sent a request for products free of charge from Perry Stone, and they refuse to give it out for free. There is always a cost and price financially. Imagine Paul or Peter or James doing the same. God forbid. Perry's energy comes from revenues from people who buy his products like any business.

    Nobody listens to me on this, but I know its true and can prove it in the Word how Satan enjoys the division between pre- and post-tribbers instead of Christians coming together in harmony for first rapture according to readiness (Rev. 7.9, 12.5, 14.1-5) before the first trumpet and the 7th trumpet rapture and resurrection harvest (Rev. 14.14-16) at the end of the Tribulation, though before the bowls of the last trumpet. If there is not agreement on this in the Church, confusion sets in and God will cause those in the Church to pass through the Tribulation who prefer to reject this truth.

    To be honest with you, I feel like Jeremiah who preached 40 years and nobody listened to him. That's how I feel today, but I know my prayers will be answered and have already been sent up in vials by the angels for fulfillment.

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