Quote Originally Posted by deshadow View Post
So where are these voices comming form? Did i lose my soul to satan? Did i actually contact satan? Did i give it to him? Could I if I wanted to irrevocably?
Since these voices are not from God, because they cause you agitation, you know they are either self-induced or from an evil spirit. As long as you are not saved, your soul is bound for hell where Satan is going too. If you truly received Christ you could be saved, but you don't want that do you?
I have heard interpretations that sy jesus came to save everyone regardless of if they wanted it or tohught they wanted it or not.
Never in the Bible do we see Jesus saving people that didn't want to be saved or not saving people that wanted to be saved authentically.
I see what you are saying. But no christians are sinless and many people of other faiths are doing a quite good job at not sinning a lot.
No people of other faiths are doing well at all, for to still call Jesus a liar is sure death. Christians on the other hand have been forgiven for all our sins, and have the power of the cross by the Spirit to overcome sin unto perfection.
I feel like i want to gfollow christ. Although i am worried that its too late for me. I worry that i did unpardonable sin. And I worry about all the people going to hell. I would want jesus to save all of them. Cant god do that?
No man alive today can commit the unpardonable sin (unless of course the Antichrist and the False Prophet are already walking the Earth today and there are those who take the mark of the beast). That only existed at the time when Christ was on Earth in the flesh. Certain conditions needed to occur for the blaspheming of the Holy Spirit to take place. It is nothing you need to worry about. Jesus wants to save everyone going to hell, but not everyone wants to be saved, just like you. If you don't want it, your wanting others to be saved is not real. You really don't want others to be saved if you yourself don't want it.
Didnt jesus say I will draw all men unto me?
Jesus does draw all men unto Him one way or another which causes the separation of hell and the new city when heaven and earth come together on the new earth.