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Thread: Experimentation

  1. #1
    Isaac Guest

    Default Experimentation

    I have been dabbling in various religions for some time, and this one seems like a pretty good shot in my opinion. I'm sorry if that comes off as offensive, but I have been unsure of myself lately. Even while registering, I said that I was unsure about the Trinity and whether Hell is eternal punishment or pure annihilation of the soul.

    Though personally, I think that no one can ever be truly sure of Hell, unless he or she experiences it for him or herself, as you can only see Hell when you die, AND if you're a terrible person.

    I have experimented with a few polytheistic religions such as Hinduism and even the Greek and Egyptian pantheons (I haven't practiced; just researched), yet highly doubt that they are probable, especially because the gods just appear to be slightly more powerful than normal humans who could technically be killed if someone was skilled enough. They had also been tricked by humans in the Greek mythology, and in ancient Egypt, the current king (pharaoh) was literally worshipped as a god, so I figured that was out.

    Now, technically I would have questioned Jesus' mortality for the same reason, but then I realized that he was just an incarnation of an omnipotent being, so that was one bullet dodged.

    Of course I don't buy into the ludicriously laughable "religions" which were just made to make money and grab attention from weak-minded drones, like Wicca or especially Scientology, so I won't even bring that craziness up (especially because both came from books written in the late 1900s).

    So it's basically down to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Now, technically, they seem to follow basically the same structure, except for a few differences. I know Christianity is the newest of these, but it's still old enough to be reasonable.

    Islam is out because Allah seems to be perfectly okay with ordering his worshippers to kill nonbelievers through the archaic millenia-year-old method of stoning, which is beyond primitive. Besides, if Allah wanted something that drastic done, he could smite the sinners themselves.

    Judaism came before Christianity, but its god was a tyrant who, while doing his own dirty work, would do it far too often, by killing infants in the 10th plague, or by killing absolutely everyone on the planet (save Noah's family), which again includes infants. This god seems like one you would have to worship for fear of being utterly destroyed by him. And this god also made a sort of wager with Satan himself to see if torturing his most devout worshipper would sway his faith. An omniscient god would not have to make that kind of sick agreement with the devil.

    So that leaves Christianity. God is a lot nicer, and is also worshipped as Jesus, who in all likelihood actually existed in history. My only real problem with this, however, is that Jesus was Jewish, which meant that he worshipped the God of the Old Testament. My only real question is: why would people start to worship a Jew, as opposed to the actual God? And if Jesus is God's incarnation, then how come people only started to worship him after he died?

    Any answers to my questions, or even comments about this topic in general would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Isaac View Post
    I have been dabbling in various religions for some time, and this one seems like a pretty good shot in my opinion. I'm sorry if that comes off as offensive, but I have been unsure of myself lately. Even while registering, I said that I was unsure about the Trinity and whether Hell is eternal punishment or pure annihilation of the soul.
    What is the religion purported here at Biblocality Forums? Christianity! That Jesus said He is God and came into creation to atone for ours sin to give those that would receive Him eternal life. Only God could do this because only God is sinless, to be that perfect sacrifice.
    Though personally, I think that no one can ever be truly sure of Hell, unless he or she experiences it for him or herself, as you can only see Hell when you die, AND if you're a terrible person.
    If God said in His Word Hell is sure and Jesus spoke on Hell more than anyone else about its inevitability for the unsaved, then you do not need to experience it to know its existence. The problem is people don't trust God's Word. What more do you want from God to explain eternal separation from God? He has gone to the ends of the earth and back to make this point clear about Hell. God can't let sinners be with His sons and daughters in the new city. There is no way around this.
    I have experimented with a few polytheistic religions such as Hinduism and even the Greek and Egyptian pantheons (I haven't practiced; just researched), yet highly doubt that they are probable, especially because the gods just appear to be slightly more powerful than normal humans who could technically be killed if someone was skilled enough. They had also been tricked by humans in the Greek mythology, and in ancient Egypt, the current king (pharaoh) was literally worshipped as a god, so I figured that was out.
    Good assessment. If 40,000+ adherents, 39,997+ adherents to go! Since it is not feasible for a person to analyze all 40,000+ adherents in the world, it should stand to reason that God's redemptive design is easily accessible. What is the most popular selling book in the world? Moreover, God would be unrighteous if you had to find a needle in a haystack to be saved.
    Now, technically I would have questioned Jesus' mortality for the same reason, but then I realized that he was just an incarnation of an omnipotent being, so that was one bullet dodged.
    Of course I don't buy into the ludicriously laughable "religions" which were just made to make money and grab attention from weak-minded drones, like Wicca or especially Scientology, so I won't even bring that craziness up (especially because both came from books written in the late 1900s).
    I like your words.
    So it's basically down to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Now, technically, they seem to follow basically the same structure, except for a few differences. I know Christianity is the newest of these, but it's still old enough to be reasonable.
    Islam is the newest, for the Koran was written in the 7th century, six and a half centuries after God's Word was completely given in the 66 books. Is it reasonable to come around six and a half centuries later and claim Jesus was a liar? Judaism is not what God underwent to reveal Himself originally to His chosen people. This is why Christians say, don't Judaize Christianity with written codes and intermediary priesthood (Roman Church has so many Pharisaical codes adding many books to the Bible and other laws on top of the Word it is worse than the tax code in USA) or with physical buildings and earthly promises (Roman Church exists on Peter's physical grave making Rome the center not the Holy Place).

    Israel was the first nation God revealed Himself to. Why them? Because He knew they would be susceptible to listening to His will because they had gone into slavery for 430 years. This is why God could tell Abraham all the nations would be blessed through him. Israel has forsaken the new covenant by rejecting Christ, so today you get the religion of Judaism. Judaism rejects the Old Testament in effect. Even so, God has a promise to keep with Israel to be the center of all nations from which Christ will reign in the Holy Place of the Temple, Jerusalem and Judea. Those that will return with Christ to reign in the millennial kingdom will be kings and priests. Israel will not be kings and priests, just the abode from which Christ will reign on Earth in Person when He steps down on the mount of olives (Zech. 14.4) and returns just as He had left (Acts 1.11, Rev. 1.7).
    Islam is out because Allah seems to be perfectly okay with ordering his worshippers to kill nonbelievers through the archaic millenia-year-old method of stoning, which is beyond primitive. Besides, if Allah wanted something that drastic done, he could smite the sinners themselves.
    Israel was suppose to destroy those nations that threw their children into the fiery mouth of the god of Molech. Today you see the remnant of Israel not abiding in God's wishes, since Islam teaches their children in schools at the youngest of ages that death is more important than life, even to be human sacrifices and to blow themselves up.
    Judaism came before Christianity, but its god was a tyrant who, while doing his own dirty work, would do it far too often, by killing infants in the 10th plague, or by killing absolutely everyone on the planet (save Noah's family), which again includes infants. This god seems like one you would have to worship for fear of being utterly destroyed by him. And this god also made a sort of wager with Satan himself to see if torturing his most devout worshipper would sway his faith. An omniscient god would not have to make that kind of sick agreement with the devil.
    Judaism came after Christianity. The God of Israel constantly condemned Israel's behavior. God is not a tyrant, but righteous, holy and true. Understand how God killed infants. The sin of the Egyptians was enslaving a people for 430 years. What happened was (Miracles of Exodus by Colin J. Humphreys), due to sin came a plague in Egypt. People were starving. How did the infants of Egypt die? Israel lived aways off in the land of Goshen in Egypt. The plague did not hit them there. But in the grain bins of Egypt, the food was given to the firstborn's first after being saved up. The firstborns ate this infected grain and consequently died. Each of the plagues caused the next, until the final one. The reality is that that the Jewish people covered the doorposts and lentils with the blood of the lamb concomitant with the plague, so their children lived. Do you see the connection now? The direct cause of sin leads to death!

    The flood in Noah's day was a local flood. Not a global flood. It only seemed global because this was their sphere of the world which seemed like the whole world. Because these people were so utterly corrupted, their children could not escape such corruption either. How gracious God was to wipe them all out so the children would be saved. Similarly, Israel was suppose to wipe out the pagan nations sacrificing their children in the fire. The children would be saved, but would not be if they grew up to be adults having learned from their parents evil ways and never giving their lives God's salvation. There is the law of the age of accountability where the person, once they leave that age, must choose right offering unto salvation to be saved afterward. The age is different for each person.

    Your hostility is towards God of the NT for the God of the OT is the God of the NT.

    Abel gave a simple offering to God to be saved. Did Abel get saved because of his fear? No. He was saved by obedience unto God. If even the fear of the Lord is not enough to convince you not to want to go to Hell, then I dare say nothing will convince you. Hell is for you. Think of such fear as a last measure. With even a gun pointed to your head, and you still don't want to be born-again, be sure Hell is for you.

    What God did involving Job and Satan was no wager. God allowed this temptation by the Devil to show Satan Hell is for him and to show there is nothing that can stop one who is saved from achieving victory. God knew Job would succeed. And however rare such hardship was, remember He was restored many times over! The purpose of this test was reveal deeply inwrought spiritual truths, as represented by the 3 friends, that the soulical analysis does not save. Each friend represented a different component of the soul's functions: mind, will and emotion. It was only until a passerby arrived and gave his suggestion, as representing the spirit, that victory was attained! It is in walking by the spirit one enters into spiritual life to see God's face and do His will in the joy of the Lord! Today this is the most famous example of suffering recovering! It gives many believers much peace in their hearts when we undergo our own hardships.


    So that leaves Christianity. God is a lot nicer, and is also worshipped as Jesus, who in all likelihood actually existed in history. My only real problem with this, however, is that Jesus was Jewish, which meant that he worshipped the God of the Old Testament. My only real question is: why would people start to worship a Jew, as opposed to the actual God? And if Jesus is God's incarnation, then how come people only started to worship him after he died?
    Christianity is Job for Job agrees with Christianity. Christianity is all 66 books of the Bible. What you are teaching is similar to Marcionism.

    MARCIONITES - Feel Good, but Sacrificing Conscience
    BASIC TENETS - Our world was created by the Jewish God of the Old Testament. But he was impossibly strict and condemned all humanity. Christ, who was absolutely unrelated to him, released Christians from his clutches.
    REQUIREMENTS - Marcionites had to jettison the Old Testament and believe in two separate gods.
    APPEAL - Believers could replace the old admonitions about judgment and damnation with a new message of love and salvation.
    e.g. I don't know any cults that teach this, but I am sure there are some out there. Those who emphasize the NT inordinately (the Bible is 75% OT and 25% NT), may fall into this camp.

    It is not loving but deceiving oneself to diminish the purpose of the law that causes us to repent and shines upon our hearts, to humble us. The law causes us to realize no man can keep the law except for Jesus Christ who came to fill up the law, thus leading the sinner to Christ. The new message of love and salvation without the old message of the law's convicting hearts, is not a new message of love and salvation, but something fake. The law was given by God and His Christ to erect obedience upon men witnessing how Jesus emptied Himself to receive Lordship over all creation. The law remains until all these things shall pass to the end of the millennial kingdom. We are watchful and waiting for the millennial kingdom to start with the return and appearance of Christ.
    Any answers to my questions, or even comments about this topic in general would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time.
    You're welcome. I realize you are playing devils advocate here. I love beating up Satan. He is easy when you have God's Own uncreated life indwelling you spirit with eternal life.

    "And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who possess the Spirit" (1 Cor. 2.13).

    At some point you are going to have to give up your soulical experimentation and give your life to Christ if you want to be saved. You have a spirit of God-consciousness, so you are without excuse.

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