Quote Originally Posted by DesertRose View Post
If your talking about the conflict with Hizbullah and Israel, that is happening now, I can tell you that the "hiding behind civilians" propaganda that is spreading now like wild fire, is nothing but a myth.
They found weapons which I have seen video of. Trucks in the community with those weapons are blown up and this satellite video is shown. And they showed missle launches behind buildings and so forth as well as in open fields, even hiding weapons in schools. They are all over the place and all Israel can do is keep shooting where they are shot from and take more land to stop Israeli cities from being bombarded. It's quite sad. Islam started it. Israel did not cross into Lebannon until days of rockets sent into Israeli cities.

The propaganda is that it is alright to kill Israelis indiscriminately. The provoker is the sinner. The proker is the one who starting sending hundreds of missiles per day into Israel for no reason other than reviling God's chosen nation, the nation He first revealed Himself to.

If this is in fact true, then won't those searching through the rubble find Hizbullah fighters and their weapons? Instead, what is being found, are innocent women and children. The second Qana massacre is one example.
They have captured these fighters and their weapons and the video has been shown. Extraordinary explosions occur when they blow up a weapons depot. Israel targets where the weapons are being shot from. Moreover, Israel has the right to indiscriminate fire at a ratio no less than 10 to 1 since this is the action of Islam provoked first and chooses not to stop.

Why the doublestandard? In the world, when a nation starts a fight, the fight will be taken to them. Hitler started the fight, and the good nations stopped him. So too will be the case against Islam. That's why the good nations have entered into Islamic countries to do something about their evil ways.

Is this what you would like to see? Does the death of innocent civillians, put a smile on your face? Would Christ utter such words? I highly doubt it.
I don't want to see killing. Is that what you want? Christ predicted this would happen. It is not that Christ or Christians want this but that it has been foretold because by revelation of the Holy Spirit we know man's sins and God will judge them, even now.

If you think that Allah is some person, that you can equate to Satan, I think you should re-think your stance. Allah is just the Arabic word for God, and both Christians and Muslims who speak Arabic, use this term.
I didn't say Satan is some person, Satan is an evil spirit. He was a most beautiful angel called Lucifer who fell from 3rd heaven. He is Allah. His final destination is Hell.

The name Allah is derived from the Hebrew Chaldee word Halal which is the NAME OF SATAN in the scriptures in Isaiah 14:12 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer (HALAL) , son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"

This god calls Jesus a liar for Jesus said Jesus is God.

So we resort to Genocide?
It's either that or Israel ceases to exist to be a nation. It's either suicide or genocide. It's very sad, but that is the reality. Israel is not given a choice. It's like a person who keeps coming at you with a gun and their children held in front of them as a shield. This is sick but that's what they are doing. Islam are a sick people. You have to shoot through them or you will die. It's the last thing you want to do, but if you don't, you will die. A Christian will accept martyrdom and let the person kill us, but that is not how nations works. All nations have a right to defend themselves. Do onto others as you would have them do to you. This is not to say a Christian should not take up arms to defend themselves when it is either themselves and their family or the enemy. Should we have let Hitler rule th world? I think not. Israel would definitely cease to exist. But often a Christian will be a martyr for the sake of Christ if it pleases God.

Dropping leaflets does not serve any purpose. Majority of people that will still be residing in their homes, will be too afraid to leave - because many have been killed by the Israeli's even though their cars have been clearly marked as civillians. Also, many of the roads have been damaged, and so many do not have the money or petrol, or cars for that matter, to leave.
Dropping leaflets serves a perfect purpose to say get out! Israel is saying the best decision you can make is leave now! The probability of death increases the longer they wait if the battle intensifies. Islamic fundamentalists with explosives drive clearly marked cars as civilians. The casuality of war is as you see, very sad. Israel should not just stop fighting and let the missles increase from 200 to 500 or 1000 rockets a day. Do you see what evil you propose? Children of Israel are dying by ball bearings! It doesn't get any sicker than that.

Israel gave everyone in southern Israel 48 hours from air strikes to get out. They had 48 hours to cross a couple of miles to get out! While they did that Islam was sending over 200 rockets per day. I have never known a more evil nation than Islam! If only Hitler could have had a fighting force of Islam founded on the murderous Mohammed the pedophile.

Jesus Christ, God incarnate, never hurt anyone.

More and more land, at the expense of innocent Palestinians and Lebanese? I don't think Christ will accept this, so why are his followers advocating it?
Suicide mass-murder is innocent? Sending 200 rockets a day from Hezbollah, a major party of the Lebanese government? This is innocent? This is not innocent. This is evil! Israel are Palestinians. And yes, it is to their expense that 200 rockets a day are sent to kill children of Israel with explosions and ball bearings. Oh Ishmael! Christ does not condone war nor do Christians, but He does foretell it. He prophesied this would happen because of sin. Israel reclaimed her homeland after 2500 years and is increasing as prophesied because of the sin of Islam, similar to nations that threw their children into the fiery mouth of the god Molech. Those nations ceased to exist. That's the consequence of their sin.

Consequently Israel gains more land and becomses the center from which Christ will reign for 1000 years on earth. There is nothing you can do about it. It is the righteous consequence of God's unfolding plan to deal with sin and to prepare His kingdom at His return.

I hope this post does not offend anyone, because that was not my intention. I look foward to having discussions with you all. In the mean time, take care.
Christians don't pick up the bait of Satan. I am here to help you, that is what this forum is for. You do not believe in Christ, as at the time of this posting, in your profile, and so let me help you. Why do you refuse your Creator?