Quote Originally Posted by Micahyah
From the Word, From Strong's Concordance 430: elohim. What is heretical about something spoken of in the Word?
Who is the Son like but the Father? Again, look at Psalm 82. And think about who the Son is like. For those elect, who are the Kings spoken of as Yahshua is King of Kings, will they not be like Him?
Remember the context, as rulers and kings ("rulers, judges" = Elohim), they were called in relation to the peoples.

This is not mormonism, I'm sure you know the difference, which is why you even say its in a different 'form'.
The difference is mormons say God is gods. You do not say that. That's the difference. Yet, they say they will be gods just as you do. That's how you are the same. You just put a new sugar-coat on it. Nothing new really!

This is your assumption, that it is not in our destiny, but no where in the Word does it say that we will not become Elohims. See Psalm 82, or John 10:34.
Again, repeating myself, these two verses are speaking about the leaders in the OT period, and if they could be called such, why can't Jesus be the Son of God? That's the point you overlooked, not that we become gods. Nowhere in the Bible will you ever find that we become gods or even as some say God, like for example the The Local Church cult that taken from theosis and the eatern orthodox God-man mentality. These are just special teachings not reflected in God's loving Word.

Think about the destiny revealed in Revelation 21 and 22. Are you saying we will be immortal, living forever with Yahweh and Yahshua, non-elohims? Where is your basis for that assumption in the Word? What would the difference be between ourselves and angels, as far as our destiny, if we were not going to be elohims? Yahweh already had immortal pets, what would be the purpose of our creation, if not to have a different relationship with Him than the angels have?
We are not pets, for are pillars pets? No, of course not! We are with God and walking with Him in all His glory, yet we are not gods. Get off your high horse! Since you can find not one example in the Scriptures we are gods, know it is just a pet teaching. I have eternal life, God's life, yet, I am not a god or God. That's what always distinquishes me from God. Always!

Have you asked this of Him? Why did He deliberately create Adam first and let Adam sense what it was like to be master of his domain but without a peer? What was the purpose of this object lesson? Are you saying that our omniscient Father just forget to give Adam a mate? Now who is selling short Our Father? The plan of creation was for Yahweh and Yahshua to create peers. Peers bonded by common experience. A spiritual marriage.
Peers, not gods; nor was God lonely, but simply chose to do it out of His glory! His Holy Spirit reveals this in agreement with the Word. Why does this offend you? It is because of man's mental gymnastics that can be independent of God's will! Do you see the gnosticism creeping in which is a lesser god creating because of his loneliness you surmise. This is how you are exposed! The lesson does not teach that God is lonely but that God created Adam first to show God created first who wants a partner, though not gods. There is no need for gods when He has created man in His image and to be pillars of the new city to walk with as peers! Idols are referred to as gods. Your error is like many of the fictional scholarly writings of the 19th century where they had tried to fill in the blanks and step where they do not belong. There is no need for you step where you don't belong. It is only because you try to self-exalt yourself or to make yourself feel special with a pet teaching that you do this. Let it go! Just like Pentecostals get carried away changing the meaning of tongues, so do you do the same with the meaning of the use of the term "gods". I have told you the truth about your condition. Theosis is not of God.

The question you need to ask is why did Yahweh create it knowing that it would happen? Think about the story of Abraham and Issac.
I have already read your 4 parts intricately, which is why I know it is wrong, though much is true. Satan tries to mingle truth with his entries. Abraham giving up his son as a sacrifice is to point to Christ and his own selflessness as well as God ending child sacrifices that plagued the nations in the region. The nation under Abraham changed all that when his God said stop the child sacrifices! It was not for the purpose of suffering like the Father suffers in seeing His children in sin otherwise suffering becomes the idol and the object. Let it go! Now! Small tinge of lies can do much damage to faith. Even so, Abraham did feel His Father's hurt in the same action as a consequence, but it was not the aim of God. You speak like an abusive father who says "you need to go out and suffer like I did" to know my pain. This is not love! Nor is it the aim! Nor does it build a holy bond. It actually speaks of the jealousy of a father to his son. Parents should never bring their own suffering onto their children. This is a sickness and should never be the object!

Where in the Word does it say to honor fame over truth? The Pope is famous, what's your point? Should we follow what is the most famous doctrine? Or continually search for and hold on to the Truth? Shouldn't fame make us wary?
You accused God's loving Word of being praised, relating it to crowds, which to my mind is demented for you to do that. Why ask me to honor fame over truth? That is a beguiling question since I never said that. Jesus is famous! Don't be afraid of this! He comes to save, not to condemn. Don't compare the unsaved Pope to Christ Jesus, the Word of God (John 1.1) which is embodiment of the Bible. We may boast in the what God has done, Who gave the Word of God, the Bible, expressing the fullness of Jesus Christ.

We are not gods, but the context is: "hast made them unto our God kings and priests: and they shall reign on the earth" (Rev. 5.10). We whom are saved and whom will be rewarded will receive rewards: "they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years" (Rev. 20.4) and "shall be priests of God and of Christ" (v.6). Not gods!

"The number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands" (v.11).

"Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, [be] unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever" (vv.12,13).

Never be afraid to praise the Lamb!

Since you have a site that is so committed to your idea, you simply will not repent but rationalize yourself further. Because of this you are unhealthy for Biblocality Forums and God's desire to reclaim Biblical locality, to reward overcomers in the millennium. I even read on your site that there is not enough time for this. Your short time horizon is too narrow a view as man so often is.