
The first post by Simon is for someone already in Christ who has God's life and the indwelling Spirit of truth, the Counselor. "The Lord longs to find a way to bless the world through those who belong to Him" and "If we bear the cross in practical matters we shall shortly see our self life crucified on the cross we bear." Obviously, only Christians have borne the cross.

In your profile, you said of yourself, "I am trying to redeem myself for the sins all mortals have committed throughout their lives". This is works; works can not save you whether by your gnoble or ignoble self. In God's mind neither save. If you were a Christian you would not try to redeemn yourself. This would not agree with the faith of Christians. You can't redeem yourself for the sins of mankind. Only Jesus can; why do you not know this if you say you agree to all 33 questions in your profile? You said your name is lucky. God's way is not luck, nor vanity.

Also, this was quite strange, "If we do not indulge ourselves as others do, then we can attain salvation, correct?" No. You must believe in the only begotten Son of God to receive salvation. You did not understand this? Yet you say agree in all 33 questions. Because you speak contrary to your profile, you are banned. You said you agree in all 33 questions in your profile, do you really? Please see item 4 under "Board Etiquette -

You asked, "Could it be because more people are raised without faith and the knowledge that others have?" Since there are more people in the world, in that sense, Yes, but not in the sense of upbringing since God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10.34). Everyone has an equal opportunity to be saved, though in your flesh you might not be able to see how that is possible because your perspective is too limited. According to percentages though, today there is less crime per capita, so you conclusion is wrong, "In the past there was relatively little crime compared." It is not the case at all.