If God is all knowing he would know billions of years before you were born whether you'd end up in Heaven or Hell. He would know billions of years before you were born whether or not you'd believe in Him.

This tends to trivialize the issue of belief. I'm not sure why an all powerful being would need to create us or judge the outcome of petty, mortal lives.

Of course, I could be wrong. I know very little and I'm just a human being like everyone else. I don't believe in God(s) but that doesn't mean that they don't exist. Choosing a religion is a difficult thing given that there are over 4,000 active religions on earth (adherents.org). In the end I feel your actions are more important than your beliefs. There have been ethical and unethical people of every religious creed (witch burnings, burning of heretics, crusades, pilgrims who quoted scripture to justify exterminating the native americans, etc.). If you're true to yourself, honest, and you respect other people your life will probably be rewarding.