There are endless insanities of the Quaran. Shooting stars are Allah shooting down demons. How great and wise Muhammad was that he knew this in the 7th century and modern science is so mistake. How could Muhammad know this? He must truly have received this proof from God as yet another miracle of Allah. We have so much to learn from Muhammad how he sits on top of a 9 year old girl as directed from Allah. We have so much to learn from the morality of Muhammad. He is a pure being who never sinned.

In the Koran the "good news" about Jesus is unclear, because Koran obviously doesn't teach the good news of Jesus that He died on the cross for the sins of the world to save whosoever believes Him, forgiven and receives eternal life. Islam has no concept of what the Messiah is if Jesus is the Messiah. Why is Jesus such an important character in Islam? It doesn't make sense.

The Koran says all those who followed Jesus fell away (a massive insult to Jesus), because they converted to Paul's allegedly corrupting teaching instead (of course, Jesus and Paul were in complete agreement). So they are going to Hell. If Jesus was so great in Islam why could he not continue to have followers? And those who rejected Jesus as the Messiah (the Jews) are going to Hell also. So for 6 centuries the world waited on bated breath for Muhammad to set things straight. Everyone before that was going to Hell.

How could you have a better false gospel and false prophet than we have in Muhammad when the Bible warns against false prophets and a false gospel! A true Savior does not go silent for six centuries.