The Muslim shahada is the Muslim profession of faith: "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."

You don't say ... and the messenger of Allah is Jeremiah or Isaiah, or the prophets in the New Testament, so why must you say Muhammad "is the messenger of Allah"?

Therefore, Islam is a man-centered cult obsessed over a man named Muhammad.

Why is Muhammad more important than any other prophet in the OT or NT?

Allah gave the message to Muhammad that he was to marry a child at the age of 6 years old and that they should and did have sex when she was 9 years old.

The Allah of the Koran is the Devil of the Bible. I play racquetball against a Muslim (Khalil Rehman) and he refuses to play me anymore that I mentioned why Muhammad is evil because of the above points. This is just a drop in the bucket of the insanity that is Islam.

I also play racquetball with an Atheist (Steven Dyck) who also doesn't play me anymore because I point out why he is going to Hell, rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and prove why Atheism is false since infinite regress of nature is impossible and something can't come from nothing.

You don't see me going around and picking out Atheists and Muslims to not play them at racquetball. So you could say they are discriminating against me, but I treat them as I would like to be treated. That's the "golden rule."

Steve is oblivious. He doesn't realize Khalil believes Steve is going to Hell for not being a Muslim, and Steve believes Khalil is in a false religion and that we are going to merely cease to exist when we die. Yet they don't discriminate against each other which proves the power and authority of Christianity because the flesh needs to attack the Christian, because of the gospel of salvation in which they must go out of their way to go after the Christian. That's fascinating to me.

Is this about racquetball? Is it an excuse not to play me? It could be both their world-view exposed veraciously and they're getting beat badly at racquetball. They usually get 2 or 3 donuts in 5 games and I normally hold them to 1 or 2 points per game.