Living a Lie

How more simple can we be why Atheism is false and Islam is false? If you can't understand this it's not because it is too complicated but because you don't care for the truth. It doesn't allow you to be selfish once you accept it. You allow yourself to be accountable. As the saying goes, Truth is not unreasonable, it is just unloved. True love is selfless and needs nothing in return.

The universe can't come from nothing, because that which does not exist is non-existent.

And there cannot be an infinite regress of nature because if there was by that definition you would have happened already, having had an eternity to do so.

Furthermore, if there was a past eternity you would never have existed, because a past eternity would continue on for how long? Eternity. That's right!

Therefore, nature needs a cause outside itself, outside of time and space, being uncreated. The uncreated Creator is whom we call God.

Even Muslims accept there must be an uncreated Creator, but where they go wrong, is Muhammad can't come along six centuries later without any evidence to claim to Jesus never died. He made it up because he was antichrist.

Historians and scholars consider parchments and papyri most valuable close to their events when they took place. Late dated texts have no credibility.

The Koran says the Apostles were deceived. If the Apostles were deceived explain how. No explanation exists. Group hallucinations are impossible. God would be evil if he deceived the Apostles and Jesus would be a liar. Jesus was sinless.

The Koran said Jesus was a prophet and never died. Jesus prophesied His death. If Jesus never died He would be a false prophet, therefore, the Koran is false when it says Jesus was a true prophet. If Jesus did die, again, the Koran would be false, because the Koran says that Jesus never died. Either way you look at it Muhammadians are living a lie.

So simple. So true. How can any human being not understand this? A person has to literally shut his or her mind down, block it off, or think about something else. And ultimately isn't that what Satan wants because that is what gives him room to operate?

"As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear" (1 Tim. 5.20). On the Internet
"But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible"
(Eph. 5.13). By the Word of God
"Declare these things; exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you" (Tit. 2.15). Rebuke Khalil, Steve, Erik

Jesus said, "There is nothing covered that won't be uncovered, nothing hidden that won't be made known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in an ear in private rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops" (Luke 12.2,3). Erik said he insists that I remove what I wrote here, but Jesus said nothing should be hidden.

The reason I present this verse, is because as I was reading it (I did not search it out, I just came upon it through my 2nd reading of the Bible), Erik Younson came to mind. Erik insists I remove this thread. But God says to uncover and expose with the light of God the Holy Spirit of Truth and in the presence of all, made public. Erik is like the split image of Steve. One is morbidly obese, the other is morbidly thin. Very unhealthy! They are two Atheists that think alike. Their arguments are the same. I can't tell the difference between who is talking. They are both dullards. I won't stand idly by and let them defame God's name as any good Christian should do. They hate God so much they have to try to pretend He doesn't exist. Evil! Why do they hate God so much? Because they want to avoid a true loving relationship and accountability. They want neither for they are too selfish and self-centered for that. Humility and humbleness of heart are not in the cards for them.