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Thread: Infinite Regress of Mormon Sex

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just_A_Guy
    1. You may be a little confused, in that there are Mormons who buy into a folk belief in Mormonism that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother create spirits (not physical bodies) through sexual intercourse. But this, again, is not endorsed by the collective body of LDS leadership; and at any rate, it has nothing to do with how physical bodies are created. 2. So, having been defeated in your assertion that Mormons believe God and Mary had sex; you now shift to an argument that Mormons believe God is essentially human. Now, if I were feeling pedantic I might re-word that to suggest that Mormons believe humans are essentially embryonic gods; but if you insist on using your own verbiage then all I can say is: guilty! 3. Your statement here is interesting in that it seems to confirm what I suggested earlier: that you’re worried that a god might take sexual pleasure in impregnating a mortal. As for the power imbalances: I resolve the issue, not by saying that God as a non-human creator has a right to unilaterally impose any burdens He wants on his creations (including unplanned, unsolicited pregnancy and child-rearing) and that they are duty-bound to hail the imposition as a blessing; but by concluding that Mary knew and trusted and loved God enough to submit to His will in spite of any short-term costs; and that she did so freely and voluntarily. On your question about placing seed in one’s own daughter: as I outline earlier in this post, Mary is not physically God’s daughter; so the analogy is a non-starter. In Mormonism Mary’s relationship to God is most closely analogous to that of creature to creator, not of daughter to father; and Mormons have no more reason to find the incident disturbing than Protestants do.
    1. If the Goddess mother is not having sex to produce spirit beings and is not how physical beings are created then what is she doing? As you know in Christianity there is no Goddess mother. The idea is ridiculous, considering after all the Bible says there is no marriage in heaven.

    2. God of Mormonism would have to have sex with Mary since the God of Mormonism is a man. A man always remains a man.

    3. You're looking forward to the sexual pleasure of having sex with mortals after you become a God?

    4. I still think it is wrong for God to have sex with his own daughter.

    5. Mary is physically God the Father's daughter in Mormonism since she was created by him. It's wrong to have sex with your own daughter. This whole problem arises because you make people gods. This problem doesn't occur for the uncreated Creator who created time and space. Big difference!

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jane_Doe
    A big picture thing here is that LDS believe that Truth comes from God, via revelation. We do not believe that Truth comes from men and men's reasoning. Hence scripture is praised, and the Creeds are rejected.
    I know that @Just_A_Guy already addressed these initial questions, but I feel its' best if I re-address them rather than the tangent..
    LDS believe the Father, Son, and Spirit are three different persons in ONE God, via unity.
    Creedal Christians believe the Father, Son, and Spirit are three different persons in ONE God, via a shared substance. Scripture does not teach this, in fact it makes no mention of God's substance at all. Rather this is a teaching of the post-Bibilcial Creeds.
    I respect that you may very well agree with the above statement. I/we respect your view and right to disagree with it. But as you asked us to explain LDS views, which is the above, regardless of what any thinks about it.
    That's not why you should feel humility to God.Rather, scripture teaches you should feel humble towards God because you (natively) are a prisoner of sin in desperate need of His saving. I can't speak as to what your sinners are, so I'll speak to mine: I am natively prideful, petty, and vindictive. Left to my own devises I do many things which are wrong and turn against God. I cannot overcome this by myself by any stretch of the imagination. I desperately need a Savior to wash away my past sins, and raise me up today to over come my habitual sinful ways. Christ is my Savior-- and everyone else's. There is no other and no other way towards God.
    Since ancient Israel was monotheistic, redefining the term God will not work.

    Your sin is so great you have exalted yourself alongside God claiming you always existed.

    Your sin is so great you don't want redemption other than through a distorted Christ. This distorted Christ did not create all things; whereas Jesus did. He said so along with the Father and the Spirit.

    The only one qualified to atone for sins is God, not a redefined God, but the Triune God who brought time and space and matter into existence.

    Atheists also reject the uncreated Creator. They believe in an eternity of the past of cause and effects.

    I don't know how to distinguish Mormonism from Atheism.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just_A_Guy
    1. Ah, the beloved “no true Scotsman” approach.
    2. All analogies break down if strained in ways they were never intended to be used. The point, of course, was that enjoying or adoring the product does not entail either idolatry towards or superiority of the raw material.
    I don’t see what you’re getting at with your citing my statement about intelligence not being good for much until God converts it into something better. Sounds like you’re trying to play “gotcha” on a point about which we ultimately agree—that it is God who gives meaning to all.
    3. A god with ALL those traits would be fascinating; but the problem of theodicy tells us that of omniscience, omnipotence, and benevolence—you can pick two of any three traits, but won’t get the third. And I have yet to meet a mainline Christian who could really articulate just what “omnipresent”’ is supposed to mean.
    And I reiterate: Your entire argument to now has been that man’s emotional attachment to God derives, not from God’s original love, but from His original power.
    4. You are either a) stupendously sheltered, b) trotting out your “no true Scotsman” fallacy again, or c) not telling the truth.
    5. This is amusing. You bring up the idea that Jesus was conceived sexually; you perseverate on it even after I point out that it was neither scientifically nor theologically necessary; you bring up the idea of goddess-sex; but I’m the one with sex on my brain?
    And there is nothing either in scripture or science saying that human reproduction can only occur through intercourse. Perhaps you are suggesting that in-vitro fertilization is a scientific hoax?
    Also, re Jesus’ conception—I did not say “many”; I said “some”. The number of LDS apostles I cited who disageeed with it outnumbered the number of apostles you could find agreeing with it, on the order of seven or eight to one.
    6. Where to start on this one?
    Mormonism is crystal-clear that Jesus committed no sin whatsoever. You insist that notwithstanding this, Mormonism requires Jesus to have been sinful because He was human, conceived by a mortal mother and by some physical seed from an immortal Father. You imply that the Bible says no human, ever, can live a sinless life. In fact, the Bible never states this as an absolute of the human condition (the author of Ecclesiastes says there is no sinless man, at a time when Jesus hasn’t been born yet; and Paul cites Ecclesiastes to liken it to the state of the specific audience to whom he was writing and which audience did not include Jesus). Moreover, your grounds for denying Jesus’ humanity—in spite of a human and mortal mother, in spite of His repeated self-references as the “Son of Man”, in spite of His body, in spite of His ability to ingest food and to breathe and to bleed and His need for sleep, in spite of His sufferings and in spite of His death—are pretty darned artificial.
    As for who our idols supposedly are—first off, the supposedly primordial material isn’t dirt, it’s intelligence; which Mormons often defined as “light and truth”. So let me ask you something:
    If your god were a god of darkness and lies, but was still the mightiest being in the universe—would you still worship it?
    Tell me, Parture. You’ve told a lot of lies about Mormon teaching in these two discussions in which we have been participating. Do you think Jesus cares?
    1. Who can deny there are Jews who believed in the Messiah unless you are anti-Semetic?

    2. An idol is placing something before God. You have certainly done that with your infinite regress, pre-existence, material, intelligences all concoctions to not submit yourself to the uncreated Creator.

    3. Your God is not omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, righteous, holy, and love. There is no love having sex with your own daughter. There is no righteousness getting someone else to die for sins; whereas the creator Jesus did die for sins.

    4. No Christian believes in young earth or denies the big bang. Christians believe in science.

    5. Mormons believe in a Goddess Mother not Christians. There is no Goddess mother to be found in Scriptures. What's up with that? You see the sex between God the Father and God the Mother as some eternal sex-fest. Jesus was conceived not through sex-fest so your conception of God is wrong. Alarm bells should go off when you refer to Jesus as the brother of the Devil the Antichrist. Jesus had no brothers or sisters in 3rd heaven.

    6. All men sin, for all men are born of the flesh. Therefore the Mormon Jesus sinned. In Christianity Jesus is the Creator of the universe, time and space so Jesus could be conceived by the Holy Spirit and does not require a Father impregnating his own daughter.

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