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Thread: Evil Allen Bauman at L.A. Fitness, 186 St, Edmonton, and Liar Jack McBride Commentary

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBride
    I notice you did not comment on the fact that as president it was my job to act on behalf of the members complaint. I was not on the committee. It was your peers. It shows how you pick and choose your replies to suit your needs. The more you write the more people are aware of your hypocrisy and lies. You should have apologized long ago. Like you have said often. It’s not too late to repent. Are you sure you wish to carry this on. Perhaps if you had some new material.
    My peers are Christian brothers and sisters in Christ first and foremost because we are chosen before the foundations of the world to be with God and you are not. Most of my peers, including non-Christians agree with me and not with you so where does that put you? There is only a small number who have a hard on for me in Edmonton: Jack McBride, Cam Bourque, Manny Gregorio, Allen Bauman, Barry Ould, John Halko, Barb May. Many people have come up to me over the years and don't agree with what you are doing. All of these mentioned reject Christ.

    I am not complaining about your role as president. President is a legitimate job, but you have tainted it, of course.

    The letter you wrote was extremely derogatory, so I responded to it in my defense. I am allowed to defend myself when being abused by being banned and exposing those who are doing this.

    For someone who has posted as much as I have is still not enough apparently because apparently I am with all my words picking and choosing. That's funny! I have covered the topic as the Holy Spirit has led me to do. You have skirted many things.

    It is you who is picking and choosing and making false claims, because you accused me, for example, of saying you said you don't believe in God. What I said was, you don't believe Jesus is God. You keep accusing of not holding to some rules, but I am free to defend myself while you try to silence me. You are abusing your power.

    You want me now to apologize for what? What did I do wrong? That is the height of ignorance. I remember Ryan Blackmore and I were playing racquetball and told Ryan in 2012 at the Mayfield that Manny Gregorio came up to me and said him, Cam and Barry Ould said they won't play me at racquetball unless I apologize. Ryan made the same point as he said "Apologize for what?" I asked apologize for what? Manny had no idea. Even still you want me to apologize, but for what? You don't say.

    You know full well this all started when Barbara May lied to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence. When I exposed her for this I was banned. You avoid this as the source of the conflict. If you were be righteous you would not do this. You would deal with the heart of the matter.

    One can't help but think also that there is jealousy going on with these players because I beat them so badly at racquetball. For example, last time I played Halko I beat 15-4, 15-5 and Bauman 15-0, 15-3. Is this the only way they can beat me by being evil towards me?

    You are held accountable to God and He is in judgment of you for your abusive behavior asking me to apologize. You ought to apologize to me and to God for rejecting Him.

    It's nice to see you read my stuff sometimes as you are using some of my lines. Praise the Lord!

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBride
    I don’t have a problem. Apparently you do. What’s your problem Troy. You lonely. It’s none of my business but maybe you should get a job or something to keep you occupied. Your present material is worn out and getting stale. Maybe you could try being nice. That would be a change for you. Same old material. Yawn. I’m doing you a favour by talking to you so try and keep up. Why don’t you try and see if you can say something nice for a change. After all. You are a Christian and shouldn’t they be nice people. Or maybe your just a Christian when it suits you. Or maybe your not really a Christian. Just a liar and a hypocrite in dis guise. Oh Troy shame on you.
    You are reaching out to ad hominems to divert from the fact you are being abusive. I won't stoop to that level by saying, why don't you say something nice? Or are you into doublestandards? You do have a problem because you were part of banning me. I don't ban you. So it is your problem not mine. The same material remains the same for it is the same problem that you have. You are still sinning the same sin in your hostility against Christians. That's why you go to the effort to produce your letters to Racquetball Canada about me. It's all slander. Perhaps it makes you feel better if you think a Christian is doing something wrong to exalt yourself above us. I would do the same thing over and over because my conscience is clear. But you can still repent.

    It will be interesting to see God's judgment on you how this will manifest in your endless hostility. The longer I am banned the more you know you are wrong.

    I believe that the 3 courts at LA Fitness are going to turn into Hot Yoga one day. That's one way God will judge. Another is through illness. Apparently you have been quite sick lately in and out of the hospital I am told by one of my fellow peers. Your condition will get worse by how you treat Christians.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBride
    I am being abusive. Look in the mirror. You are trying to upset me and it isn’t working. It appears you are the one getting upset. Don’t get upset Troy. Try being nice. You will feel better.
    I am not being abusive like you; I didn't ban you or play a significant role in banning you from racquetball. I love how I wouldn't really need to play in Canadian tournaments, nor does Kane, because the World Seniors and US Open are good enough for me to try to win the 50+. I am lifting weight levels I have never lifted before. It takes a whole year to get yourself ready. I'm using your evil for good.

    The reason you are upset is because you know you are sinning and don't want to let go of that sin of being abusive. Whereas I am at peace with a clear conscience before God and man.

    [1Pe 3:16, 18-22 KJV] 16 Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. ... 18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: 19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; 20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. 21 The like figure whereunto [even] baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: 22 Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.

    You are sending me lots of messages because you know you have wronged me and I hold you accountable. Your conscience is pricking you.

    This has been a great way to lead people to Christ, because non-Christians will look out to those who are atheists and other non-Christians such as yourself how they treat believers in Christ. That's my ultimate aim. People remember and then some give their lives to Christ.

    Think about it. 20, 30 years out even more people remember.

    Praise the Lord!

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBride
    Nor did I. Show me proof that I banned you. I did what a president is supposed to do. Appoint a committee to get the facts and they deal with them. What has that to do with me. I was not on the committee. Again, same old material.

    I didn't say you banned me directly but played a significant role in banning me with your complaint letters. John Halko and Barbara May directly asked the manager of the Mayfield club to ban me and since they were on the board of the ARA, the manager caved in. You didn't directly do this. The only evidence for L.A. Fitness I have is that the banning came within minutes after Allen Bauman entered the facilities and after he had a prolonged talked with Marion McBride then went to the front desk to speak to what I can only assume was the manager. I played a full hour and a half while you were there before Bauman showed up. But you said Bauman hand nothing to do with banning.
    You're a liar.

    The manager told me that 2 people complained. Was that Marion and Bauman or you and Bauman I don't know. But it all happened when Bauman entered the facilities which you claim he has nothing to do with it. I think most people who read this will consider your testimony suspect.
    Your efforts are usually indirect and underhanded towards banning me. That's even worse. And I see where the hostility ultimately comes from in the fact that you reject Jesus is God so you are going to Hell. Since you know I know this about you, that you are really a bad guy, you express your hostility in various ways.

    By the way who were the 3 panel members of Racquetball Canada who banned me? Terry Nelson won't tell me. You would know.

    You could have said something like, you don't believe I should be banned as a fellow Edmontonian, and they would have taken that into consideration, but I wouldn't expect you to do that because you are antichrist. Don't you think twice realizing no Christians are on me; it is atheists and other non-Christians. This is the actual motivation for the abuse.

    These are your words in your letter Jack falsely accusing me (I have a right to defend myself). Since these are your words you are held accountable.

    Letter for Jack McBride to Mr. Troy Brooks (2).docx

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBride
    I said I had nothing to do with banning you from LA. I know that Bowman did not speak to management either. Again you assume. Again you have evaded the question of my part in having you banned when I was president. What did I do to have you banned. The letters you are referring to were emails of me informing you that you cannot use the RC website to malign members. Even you can see that is part of my job. Sooner or later you are going to realize it was your actions and no one else who was responsible for you predicament. You can go on blaming everyone else but like I have said. Look in the mirror.
    The manager said 2 people complained. I consider you and your wife like 1 person sharing your intimate thoughts. Marion and Bauman had a talk at the club and then Bauman scurried to the front to complain and then within minutes I was banned.

    Something sparked it, and I don't buy your coyness. I think you know how I was banned, who orchestrated it, so playing dumb is not believable. You're basically saying you are out of the loop no longer President of Canada.

    The letters are presented in a way that you wrote them on your own behalf. It can't be read any other way.

    You wrote, "containedcontent which violated Racquetball Canada’s Code of Conduct." You didn't name names; these were your own words. Furthermore, you wrote, "Itis hoped that you fully understand the ramifications concerning this matter." You use the same terminology now.

    Letter for Jack McBride to Mr. Troy Brooks (2).docx

    A person is allowed to defend their position. If someone abuses another person, your position is the one abused must remain silent or be banned from Racquetball Canada and Alberta Racquetball. You have constantly accused me so your position is really no different than if you directly banned me with your own two hands.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBride
    Again you are back to the same old same old. Get some new material. You may be able to brainwash a young Mitch Brayley but he does not know all the facts. Only what you have told him. Nice try though Troy. But you aren’t clever enough. Look in the mirror.
    The same material does not need another response. Standing on the truth repetitively is quite empowering. Mitch knows the facts and we went into much detail together, far more than you have. He knows there is a price to be paid for being a Christian.

    You know what really concerns me the most of all? The fact that you are going to Hell because you are too selfish to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. How sad this is the type of person you want to be.

    Your legacy is that people know you reject Jesus Christ.

    If you were a Christian, you wouldn't lash out but would simply say Amen and seek to reinstate me into ARA and RC. Milton Iwaasa at a tournament in Brossard, Quebec said to me if I would like it if he would appeal to Alberta Racquetball to reinstate me. Even a Mormon doesn't agree with you. I responded I would rather people see how those who reject Christ treat Christians so I declined his offer.

    Others have said the same such as Reg Atkins and others who I can't even remember their name from all the provinces. They often say it is not even a banning consideration.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBride
    Same old same old. Back to religion. Do you know any other dialogue or are you so impressed with your knowledge of the bible you feel everyone should look up to you. On the contrary. I find you quite boring. Look in the mirror.
    Such hostility! I defer to Christ in all things. You place yourself above Him. I looked in the mirror and I don't see me banning anyone to cover up certain lies.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBride
    There you go again. Trying to force your views on other people. That is there business not yours. This is Canada. Freedom of speech and religion. Get a life. Look in the mirror. Whoa. What is my position. You have never asked me my position. Once again you are assuming. That’s your problem Troy. You assume too much. Look in the mirror.
    You are sinning bearing false witness. Nobody is forcing their view on you. You have free will. You're not a robot. My business is the salvation of everyone and Jesus made that our mandate as His children, so I care about you. I want you to receive Christ. I don't want you to go to Hell. This is freedom of speech and religion which you and RC and ARA are discriminating against, against me.

    I have eternal life, you don't, so you mustn't have much of a life. All you have is to wait for perdition.

    You are under the misconception when someone gives the gospel of salvation that is somehow violating freedom of speech. How so? On the contrary, when you do this you are violating freedom of speech and religion. Think about it!

    You told me explicitly that Jesus is not God when you got angry when I asked you if you believe Jesus is God. I asked you this because you said you were a Christian. You got angry when I put you on the spot. I needed to know if you were just saying you were a Christian or if you really were. I didn't want to fellowship with a fraud.

    There was MMA or UFC fighter who said he was a Christian also at the Mayfield in 2012. So I asked him when he was born-again? He had no idea. He then proceeded to threaten me with physical harm. Apparently he put someone in the hospital for speaking to his wife or that is what I am told.

    Lots of bad actors out there.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBride
    Again you are referring to me banning you yet when I ask you to show me the actions that I was part of your banning you have no reply. Doesn’t that strike you as strange Troy. Then again. You would have to agree that I didn’t have a part in it out side of my job as president. That’s the last thing you want to agree on. Right. Proof. Show me proof. Y ou stated I was not a Christian. What do you call that. You maligned the Iwaasa’s because of their beliefs. Is that not forcing your views on others. What about the proof I asked for. Again. You have no answer so you avoid the questions show me proof or keep lying.
    You sent a letter with your own words implying potential banning. You didn't have to do this.

    Letter for Jack McBride to Mr. Troy Brooks (2).docx

    This was not a letter by someone else. It was your own thought signed by you. Also you make no effort to prevent the banning so that is your argument from silence. I think it is quite strange for you to show so much hostility and not think you had anything do with banning. You had a part within and without the organizations.

    You are a bearing false witness. Is a person who is jumping off a bridge being maligned as someone tries to help them? Of course not. You're confused. The gospel is given to save you not to hurt you.

    You're like Satan the great false accuser, but the Holy Spirit of Truth exposes you.

    You are not a Christian because you reject Jesus is God. I am not maligning you anymore than the Bible does.

    Have you seen this page in awhile about how this all started because of Barb May?

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBride
    Of course you do. No doubt it will be heavily slanted in your favour. That’s the kind of individual you are. A liar and a hypocrite. You don’t seem to like it when people show your true picture. Make sure you include your proof on your blog, or even they may have doubts about your true self. I certainly do. Good luck. Not repeat yourself. You will have nothing to say then. You don’t really think I am going to read that crap do you. Get a life Troy. Better yet. Get a job. Keep busy. Idled hands make idle minds.
    Somehow I don't think people respect you talking like this. Vague immature rhetoric.

    Bottom line, you are going to Hell because you prefer to remain in your sins eternally separated from God. Jesus is either God, a liar or a lunatic. Since He is not a liar and not a lunatic, He must be God. But since you reject Jesus is God, then you are going to Hell.

    I can sum you up as a person who is going to Hell. I don't need to get into the nitty gritty details. The fact that you are going to Hell says it all.

    Around June 2012 at the Mayfield Athletic Club, you spontaneously told me you were "a Christian." I responded to verify this claim by asking you if you "believe Jesus is God?"

    You said adamantly, "No!" I told you, therefore, "You are not a Christian." I was ready to explain further if you needed. You got quite angry like steam was coming out of your ears and said effectively you "don't want to talk about it." Any fellowship as Christians was lost there because of your harsh attitude. You could have given your life to Christ right there and then. I remember it like it happened yesterday because it was palpable.

    This is how people can know you are not a Christian and that you are going to Hell. Calling yourself a Roman Catholic or having busy hands as Chocolate Fudge Salesman will not help you one iota. Remember, salvation is not by works lest anyone should boast. If you have this as your attitude you do so because you know your flesh is ever present.

    You said though this is "crap." Your heart hardens like the Pharaoh plague after plague.

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