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Thread: Evil Allen Bauman at L.A. Fitness, 186 St, Edmonton, and Liar Jack McBride Commentary

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    Default Evil Allen Bauman at L.A. Fitness, 186 St, Edmonton, and Liar Jack McBride Commentary

    Evil Allen Bauman, His "Personal Vendetta" and
    L.A. Fitness 186 St, Stony Plain Road Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    And Commentary by the Liar and Hypocrite Jack McBride, Ex-President of Racquetball Canada

    On Saturday, January 30th, 2017 Cameron (sales staff) called me and invited me to a 2 week free pass at L.A. Fitness. So I went to the club on Tuesday, Jan 2nd to play in the drop-in for racquetball. I got there at about 3:30 p.m. Cameron refused to give me a two week pass and said it was only good for 5 days. I thought that was a bit unethical and a false offer.

    Incidentally, the courts are terrible. The varnish is very slippery and the glass panels for lighting interfere with the direction of ceiling balls and create a smashing sound when hit which is not pleasant. Poor design!

    But that's not the real story.

    I played racquetball and was done about 5:00. I hit the ball for about an hour and half. Jack McBride and his wife were there playing two people I don't know and that was all there was. Jack is at least 80 years old. This is indicative of the state of racquetball in Edmonton. In a word it is "dead." I talked to him and his wife briefly. The reason why racquetball is so dead is John Halko doesn't inspire anyone. The juniors at racquetball quit after their introduction to the sport by John Halko. There is no follow through. All he would have to do to follow-up is setup a league for them after. It is so bad, this winter there were NO NEW kids at all to join the introductory classes. Compare this to squash and handball, there are dozens and dozens of kids picking up these sports inundating the courts. If John is going to make himself the only person for kids to go through and not seek the help of others who are better at the sport than him then he should do a better job.

    Near the end of my practice on the court, I see Allen Bauman walk in having a serious talk with Jack's wife which I thought was weird then I see Bauman rush to the front desk. He was up to no good! His personal vendetta comes to fruition. As others in the racquetball community have said: "If Al had a problem with you, he should have just talked to you directly instead of running to tell someone else - what a tool, can't even handle his own problems."

    A few minutes later two heavy set guys come to me while I am on the court and tell me that I am banned from the facility. I asked why? They said it was because of what I did 6 months ago. I have no idea what I did 6 months ago. I was never banned from L.A. Fitness before. This was my first time. I later called the manager, and he doesn't know the reason either. Crazy eh? All he said was a couple people complained about me, namely Allen Bauman and someone else (Jack McBride). I guess you can complain about someone and not give a reason. Ridiculous! The manager said I am as of now banned from all three L.A. Fitness facilities in Edmonton. That's too bad because I really wanted to milk that pass for the full two weeks. I recall many months ago asking if I were to get a membership at L.A. Fitness would that be impacted since I am banned from Alberta Racquetball and Racquetball Canada, and I was adamantly told by the operations manager it would not and that they are completely separate. I guess they changed their mind at the behest of Allen Bauman. Everyone is suppose to fear the maniacal tyrant Allen Bauman. Is that the kind of world we live in? One can only guess at the manipulations, plotting and scheming behind the scenes by Jack McBride and Allen Bauman.

    As I am leaving the facility flanked by the two heavy set men, Al Loughlin was walking by, so I said hi and also said, "Al Bauman my atheist enemy [I am a Christian] is banning me from LA Fitness." He smiled, and I couldn't help but think he was on my side and knows what Bauman and McBride are doing is unethical and immoral. Haven't seen Al in nearly 6 years at that moment we passed each other.

    In abusive situations like this, I tend to think God will get involved at some point in some way. For example, atheists John Halko and Barbara May got me banned the Mayfield Club for no reason to speak of, but shortly thereafter (within a month) word was given that the facility will be closed down. They were disbanded. And today Barb and John are no longer on the board of Alberta Racquetball. Allen Bauman is also off the board. I can't help but think something similar will happen to L.A. Fitness and its manager. Perhaps people will read this article and cancel their memberships at L.A. Fitness, or as the operations manager said, he thinks the 3 courts might be converted to hot yoga. It's just a matter of time. Like I said almost nobody showed up for the drop-in.

    Not that I care since I play elsewhere, but should I go to the Edmonton Journal, Edmonton Sun, CTV or some other broadcaster to expose the abusiveness of these atheists?

    Even if I was Allen Bauman who hates God, I wouldn't treat Christians the way he goes after us. He's obsessed with me. Doesn't he have anything better to do with his time? I am a very forgiven person, and can easily play racquetball with Al, despite his hostility, and beat him again 15-0, 15-3 like last time. We Christians need to be gracious towards our weaker atheist brethren at racquetball.

    "Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful. The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy" (Ps. 116.5, 145.8).

    Surely, if God can be so gracious we can be towards each other as well. When I think of how Jesus would act, I just can't see him rushing to the front desk of L.A. Fitness to try to get me banned. There really is a different standard of ethics and morality [Jesus Christ] for the Christian that trumps the confused moral compass of an Atheist trying to uplift himself. You can see Bauman was just waiting for the day for me to show up to the drop-in. He's been waiting years for this to try to get me banned. I was happy to oblige to prove a point that the atheist will never change; he will forever rebel against God and God's children. The hostility never goes away in his heart, because he is never willing to let go of self, and accept reality and the truth. Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life. There is no other name under heaven by which one can be saved. Not knowing he is lost and needs to be saved remains his fallen condition. Pride and self are the center of all things for Bauman. There is sad to say nothing left for him but Hell-the second death-the Lake of Fire. It's not that he couldn't give his life to Christ this very moment, but I've never met anyone as old as him who repented (had a change of mind). He has had decades to accept the Lord. What an unenviable state to be in.

    I've played at L.A. Fitness many times over the years against other players, but this was the first time I showed up on drop-in night in 9 years (since 2009) whether Mayfield, Kinsmen, or L.A. Fitness. Imagine holding in the rage that Allen Bauman and Jack McBride have had all this time, expressed in banning me, because they know that I know according to the Bible they are going to Hell since they are too selfish to repent to the cross as a helpless sinners to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior.

    The profanities of Allen Bauman:
    Jack McBride's hard on for me:
    There are more articles than this. Just do a search for "Allen Bauman" or "Jack McBride".

    My advice: read The Spiritual Man

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBride
    Alas Troy, you have just further proved to me that you are not a TRUE Christian, just a wannabe. You have stated on several occasions how Barb May, in your opinion, was a liar. In your latest blog, you stated that I and Al Beauman were responsible for your being removed from LA Fitness. That sir is a lie. I had absolutely nothing to do with that incident. So that makes you a liar, the very same as you have stated BMay is. In the past you have stated that I threatened you. Again a lie. I have never threatened you, ever. I have taken the opportunity to inform you that you should be aware your blogs were were contradictory to the code of conduct that you agreed to. Awareness is not a threat. You on several occasions chastised me for not supporting your position within ARA. I would think that you would be smart enough to realize, that as president of RCanada, I have no jurisdiction over provincial matters. You had no dealings with me until you misused RC website. Yet prior to this you had stated I was a non Christian and supportive of the manner in which you were being treated. Maybe it’s time you took some responsibility for your own actions, and quit trying to present yourself as a martyr. That is extremely far from the truth. If Barb May lied, I see you as no better, accusing me of having you dismissed from LA premises. It makes you somewhat of a hypocrite. You always cite biblical passages. Perhaps it’s time you followed with, “turn the other cheek.” Forgive and forget. Life is too short.
    You will receive no further dialogue from me concerning this item, or the past. GO IN PEACE.
    Jack, you're so antichrist. As for me being a Christian, it is impossible for me not to be a Christian since John 10.28 says those who are born-again "they shall never perish". I can never lose salvation since I am once-saved-always-saved. I can never be like you Jack. This shows you really don't understand the gospel of salvation. I could be wrong about a great many things and still be saved because that is the wonderful mercy and grace of God. You present the gospel as a works-based salvation that in order to be saved I need to get 7 out of 10 points right, or put in so many hours a week, or whatever arbitrary standard you make up. You just don't get it because you are selfish and full of pride! Humility is non-existent in you.

    Yes, Barbara May did lie to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence as stated many times and in doing so I was banned. This is a clear abuse of power. It is all documented in this 21 point proof.

    The evidence is undeniable. As I am a Christian it is incumbent upon me to expose liars. "A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish" (Prov. 19.9). "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them" (Eph. 5.11). This is what I have done. What have you done Jack? Your interpretation of your rules of conduct do not supersede the Bible to defend our position and expose injustice. You're just trying to cover up your behavior in your comments to me. It is a lame attempt at obfuscation.

    Al Bauman went to the front desk to complain. Immediately following that I was banned. You're not being honest Jack. Jack, you have had a hand in everything including your complaint letters to Racquetball Canada which are unfounded (see link in my article above). The Holy Spirit confirms this in my spirit and the word of God. LA Fitness invited me to a two week pass, and after playing for about an hour and a half, Al Bauman shows up, goes to the front desk after having a serious talking to Jack's wife, and next thing you know, I am banned. I was standing right there. I saw it all. It is really quite dishonest of you Jack to not acknowledge who banned me. Coyness and pleading ignorance is not a good trait after all these years like you have no idea what is going on. Who else is this mystery banner? Is it John Halko? It's all quite nefarious if you ask me.

    Jack, you wrote, "I have never threatened you, ever. I have taken the opportunity to inform you that you should be aware your blogs were were contradictory to the code of conduct that you agreed to. Awareness is not a threat." Anyone can see this is a threat trying to silence me. It speaks to your motivation to try to cover up your wrong doing. Banning a Christian from playing racquetball. How absurd!

    I can't respond to this accusation if you don't point out what you are referring to. Why be coy unless you have something to hide? My blogs are not contradictory to the code of conduct I agreed to. There is nothing in the code of conduct that says you can't defend yourself and your position against wrong doing. Again, you are making stuff up just like your complaint letters to Racquetball Canada. This is clearly a threat on your part as you continue your aggression and campaign of misinformation.

    As part of Racquetball Canada when you were president everyone is aware you have pull so you were integral to banning me from Racquetball Canada (for example, you should know the names of the 3 members on the panel committee who made their decision) the past year as well as Racquetball Alberta extending the past 9 years. Hence, your complaint letters. You're involved!!! If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is a duck. Remember, my comments are always a response, not an instigation nor a provocation, and in defense to the abuse that first took place by Barbara May and John Halko in 2009. To date this has never been rectified.

    You're not thinking straight. Jack, you've been in and out of the hospital the past couple of months for your illness. Have you considered your illness is a consequence of how you are treating a Christian? Jesus said how you treat one of His least, you are treating Him also. You got things backwards. You're putting the cart before the horse. My use of r2ports to expose the unethical behavior of Barbara May, Jamie Brayley, and John Halko was done after I found out I was being banned from Alberta Racquetball (no reason given). Racquetball Canada for years did not give into Halko's and May's many complaint letters. They basically wore Racquetball Canada down so RC gave in after 8 years with nearly a dozen complaint letters, all shown to be concocted and unjustified. I have responded to them all to expose them very specifically. I also did two videos.

    Of course, you are not a Christian, because one day you came up to me and said you were a Christian, so I asked you, do you believe in God? You said NO! So I told you that you are not a Christian, for to be a Christian is to accept that Jesus is God, died for the sins of the world, and resurrected the 3rd day which you reject. You keep trying to cover up your unethical behavior. You're a fraud. Jack you are over 80 years of age; I don't think you will ever accept Christ into your heart so you are going to Hell. "God purchased us with His Own blood" (Acts 20.28). Who's blood? God's blood. Did the Father shed His blood? NO! Did Jesus? Yes. Jesus is God.

    There are lot more verses where that came from.

    Indeed you make me a martyr, for people will come to Christ seeing how the Christian is treated by people like you, playing your part in banning me from Alberta Racquetball and Racquetball Canada. People see your behavior, how you treat Christians, and don't want to be like you. Don't think we are naïve enough to believe you are some innocent bystander when you are sending complaint letters. You're going after the wrong person. Barbara May and the 2009 ARA board started this, not me. I have a life, so I don't need to be petty, send complaint letters, cover up, or ban anyone for anything to make myself feel important.

    Sin is not just overt action, but also inaction when injustice is taking place around you and you do nothing. This is your sin Jack. And let me remind you, most importantly of all the verdict is in, that you are going to Hell according the Bible very specifically because you reject Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You will not have a death bed conversion experience from your illness since you have long since decided who you are allegiance is to (Satan).

    God sends us the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ (Is. 9.6). Jesus coming to earth was more than to simply cease hostilities. He provided us a relationship and the "chastisement of our peace was upon Him" (Is. 53.5). Jack, you don't know real true peace since you don't have the Prince of Peace. "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law" (Gal. 5.22,23). No code of conduct! You're obsessed with your interpretation of rules that is not in the spirit of truth and grace for they do not accurately represent the true nature of a thing. You've twisted the original purpose of the code of conduct, reflected in your hostility.

    p.s. keep your ABSOLUTE promise not to respond! Only children make absolutes.

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    There is a bottom line to all this.

    A person is being banned from facilities and from associations under false pretenses by particular atheists who have a hard on for me (no Christians are banning me, notice that!). Why? There is no reason except the fact that I am a Christian and you (McBride), and others, hate God, so naturally you lash out at the born-again Christian who knows Biblically you are going to Hell because you are too selfish to accept the cross of Christ. This shows. Recall Barry Ould very angrily came up to me and said, "you are not allowed to talk about Christianity at racquetball." Weirdly Manny Gregorio came up to me and mentioned someone in his family is a JW. JW's are not Christians. They don't accept Jesus is God (McBride is a JW on this point). The knowledge that I was a Christian was well known back in 2001 when I was born-again and when I almost beat Kane W. in the Klondike (11-8 tiebreaker). This must have festered in some folks as I stopped playing in 2001 and didn't return to racquetball until 2008. In 2009 bizarre action was taken against me; Barb May was caught lying to protect her hide at my expense to cover up her own negligence, but nobody did anything about it. When she was exposed I was banned. We can't think of a reason why I was banned by simply defending myself against her abusive behavior; none were given to me. All the board members of Alberta Racquetball were culpable. Whoever has been on the board subsequently is also guilty because an injustice remains in place. The same is true of the decision panel for Racquetball Canada since 2016. I quit racquetball again in 2009. I returned in 2012 when after playing several months at the Mayfield Club, I was mysteriously banned from the club. As it turned out it was not so mysterious. The manager told me that Barbara May and John Halko requested I be banned from the club. Crazy eh? In doing so Barb May was trying to cover up her lie. Halko, jealous of me at racquetball, and partner in crime with Barb, made this happen. If you can't beat me at racquetball you'll try to exalt yourself by banning me. The unethical behavior of these atheist does not go unnoticed. God intervened by shutting the club down permanently within a few months. It was literally less than a month after the banning word was given the club would be closed down. Coincidence? I think not. The same thing is happening all over again after playing several years at L.A. Fitness. It's like déjÃ* vu. Yes, Halko is jealous as he was caught saying "you are one of us now" when I lost to someone I shouldn't have lost to (but I won the rematch at the 2009 Nationals). As it turned out eventually Barb May and John Halko were no longer on the board of Alberta Racquetball. Can you see God's hand in this? I can. In fact, every board member in 2009 is off the board today. Now Allen Bauman is off the board and Jack McBride is no longer president of Racquetball Canada. What we will see next is the closure of the racquetball courts at L.A.Fitness in Edmonton because participation is dying at a rapid pace due to people wanting disassociation from this corrupt behavior. Nobody in the racquetball community with any scruples believes I deserve to be banned from RC, ARA, LA Fitness, etc. Many have come up to me and said so all across Canada. I appreciate that! For years I played in tournaments across Canada until I was finally "gang banged" in letter after letter by Halko and May to Racquetball Canada; the latter finally banned me from sanctioned tournaments in 2016. Literally within one week three complaint letters were sent. As Mark Twain said, "this only makes sense if human beings are mad." There really is such a thing as evil and it doesn't have to take the form of its most obvious manifestations. It can be simply someone banning another person unjustly for reasons not obvious to some such as envy or hostility to one's faith.

    Someone might try to twist things as Satan is apt to do and say I am banned because I write about this -- not that there is anything wrong about it! Actually, I am writing about this because I was first banned unjustly. Carts never come before the horse. This is not the Minority Report. I should not be punished back in 2009 in anticipation years later for subsequent words in discussing the initial instigation of the guilty parties, namely, Barbara May and John Halko and the board of Alberta Racquetball in 2009. Likewise, if I make some error in judgment years later that should have no bearing on justifying a banning in 2009 by Alberta Racquetball and 2016 by Racquetball Canada. Think about it! This is actually the approach that Jack McBride tried to use against me when he said it was not Allen Bauman nor McBride who banned me but some other mysterious person that they have no relation to who were not at the club yesterday, but McBride and Bauman were. Funny! Whoever is right makes no difference, since none of this matters. What matters is the initial banning that was unjust. Everything else is after the fact and trying to rationalize it otherwise does not work morally.

    I know with 100% certainty Jack is lying and attempting some petty maneuver. McBride and Bauman are part and parcel of the package that have maintained their hostility and has borne out over the years. Remember what the manager said, it was at least 2 persons. I am sure those persons are at least McBride and Bauman. And to repeat, standing by while a wrong is committed and continually perpetrated makes you just as guilty under God's eyes as the first instigators.

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    Two Faced

    If Barbara May never lied to protect her hide in 2009 at my expense to cover up her own negligence, I would never have needed to respond to expose this abuse when I was setting up a tournament in Edmonton called the Alberta Top 16 Invitational through r2sports. The login was given by Usher Barnoff, president of Racquetball Canada, whom John Halko advised me to contact and May talked with me in how to use the program though she did not know herself. Don't lie and tell everyone by email that you told me not to use the r2sports program but that I went ahead and did it anyway to cover up your own negligence. Too many points of proof clearly show you are lying!!! And Barb told me in the meeting I was required to have (Marc Caouette was present also) she would approve the tournament to the board. Then she did a 180. There would have been no covert meeting to ban me. There would be no need for the pretentious and down right fraudulent complaint letters to Racquetball Canada by John Halko and Barbara May to cover up their sins. All this evil conduct by May, including Halko's envy, could have ben kept at bay. The unrelenting hostility continues to this day against my faith in Christ by these atheists, not only orchestrating banning me from Alberta Racquetball in 2009 and the Mayfield Club in 2012, but now Racquetball Canada in 2016 and L.A. Fitness in 2017. The lengths these particular atheist will go to try to shut down Christians is pure evil. Even though I am fully aware of their misdeeds, you don't see me complaining to associations and organizations. Be a grown up Allen Bauman and Jack McBride and talk to me in person if you have an issue.

    If nothing else all this shows the atheist will never repent so as C.S. Lewis said they actually lock themselves in Hell from the inside, forever rejecting God's love and salvation.

    I'm still the same person from when I was the Alberta Junior Racquetball Champion in 1985 at 17 when I beat Jason Ully 21-3, 21-17. I did not approve of when Alberta Racquetball awarded me the free hotel room and flight but forgot to enter me into the Team Event at the first Canadian Junior Racquetball Championships in Saskatoon (and gave it to someone else from Calgary). Likewise, after playing racquetball all these years, I do not approve of the bizarre actions and hostility of some atheists acting obtusely to the fact that I was born-again January 2001 and when I almost beat Kane Waselenchuk, losing 11-8 in the tiebreaker at the Klondike when I was 34 years old. I believe I am still the last Canadian to do so after all these years. And I also made it to the tiebreaker against Kane the previous year as well at the 2000 Klondike. Little did I know by 2001 Kane won the Nationals 3 years in a row and won his first IRT pro stop.


    So there is this standard Jack McBride places against me but doesn't put on himself or uphold against those who are doing the same thing voicing their opinions. If I am required to be silent and not allowed to defend myself then why is such thing allowed by these atheists? namely, Bauman, May, Halko, McBride in their writings and comments of which there are plenty that I have recorded and posted on the internet. We should all consider doublestandards to be unethical and treat others as we would like to be treated. But reaching the seared consciences of these atheists has turned out to be a formidable task, because they don't have the moral compass to recognize what a doublestandard is. The code of conduct they try to impose on me they themselves don't adhere to. If this is not a doublestandard I don't know what is. Yet I am the only one banned, but also the only person who is a Christian in this group. We must conclude the spirit of the code of conduct is being misused for unruly purposes. I think we can all appreciate the longer I am banned, the more obvious and apparent an injustice is taking place. They make themselves look bad because they are being bad!

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    Ezekiel 25.17 says "I will execute terrible vengeance against them to punish them for what they have done. And when I have inflicted my revenge, they will know that I am the LORD.” There is a terrible judgment upon Bauman, McBride, Halko and May for trying to ban me from place after place which keeps afflicting them. It's like they are demonically possessed and not in control of themselves, for the evil spirit dwells in them. Their obsession has turned into possession. Wherever I go they seek to ban me. Let them conspire all the want, God has the final say so I leave it in His hands. I would not want to be in their shoes.

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    You know certain people who hold a grudge for 9 years (since 2009) are not in the right state of mind and spirit before God; namely, Jack McBride, Allen Bauman, Cam Bourque, John Halko, Barry Ould and Manny Gregorio. "Gracious" is not a word I would use to describe these atheists. Otherwise they would not try to ban me from the Mayfield Club, Alberta Racquetball, Racquetball Canada, and most recently L.A. Fitness. The lengths they had to go to conspire to make this happen is embarrassing. It's possible that this might not be entirely about the fact the gospel of salvation says they are going to Hell, because they reject Christ. It could be as simple as they all lose to me really badly which is why they are so jealous. I would not put this past their flesh.

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    Jack McBride Should be Banned from Racquetball Canada
    So There Are No Doublestandards

    When I came across this quote I couldn't help but think of Jack McBride being banned under his watch as President of Racquetball Canada.

    Albert Einstein said, "
    The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."

    Jack McBride seems to be so proud when he claims that he is not the one responsible for banning me from Racquetball Canada, but he is the one who sent in complaint letters to Racquetball Canada about me.

    Since an injustice has taken place, he should seek to repair it instead of trying to remove from Racquetball Canada, L.A. Fitness and the Mayfield Club. The latter was shut down because of this evil perpetrated. God intervened. He will do so to L.A. Fitness also, so Allen Bauman's efforts to ban me from L.A. Fitness will backfire on him!

    Jack McBride, Allen Bauman and Jack's wife were the only other people at the drop-in. When Allen Bauman saw that I was there, he rushed to the front office to speak to someone about banning me. A few minutes latter two big security guards hauled me out.

    Evil is real and it is among us.

    L.A. Fitness called me and invited me to play, giving me a two week pass, so I decided to show up at the drop-in for the first time in 9 years (the predecessors were Kinsmen and Mayfield). The only thing that happened in the interim between using the pass and being banned was the entrance of Allen Bauman and some private conversation between Allen and Jack's wife that I witnessed. I had used the facilities many times the past couple of years playing other people at racquetball there just not during the drop-in. So this sudden event was quite suspect!

    I have no respect for Jack, because he claims Allen Bauman and himself had nothing to do with it. He has no compunction for lying. I can sum it up simply why Jack is like this, why he has no conscience. It is because he is antichrist. He rejects Jesus is God Who died for our sins so he is going to Hell.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBride
    Have your say , liar and hypocrite. You lied in say I was instrumental in having you banned from LA Fitness. That is a lie, therefore you are a liar. You stated that you asked me if i was a Christian and I stated I was a Roman Catholic. You then said that in that case I was not a Christian. You are nothing but a hypocrite. An in individuals religion beliefs are none of your business. Also I did not put forth any paperwork pertaining to your RC situation. That arose as a member complaint was received as to you chastising a family over choosing to raise their son as they saw fit, out side your beliefs. You should look in the mirror. You will see a liar and a hypocrite. Have a nice day.
    Jack you are a fraud and you are trying to be sneaky but the Holy Spirit can easily find you out. Firstly, Jack you made a promise not to email me back, yet you couldn't control your feelings and messaged me again. This is the power of your flesh; it will rationalize itself and is not good at keeping promises.

    Jack, you have never told me you were a Roman Catholic and that wouldn't change things anyway. You're trying to change your story hoping as the years go by you can convolute. You said of your own accord to me one fateful day at the Mayfield Club in 2012 you were "a Christian". You felt the need to say this to me for some reason. So to confirm naturally I asked you, do you believe Jesus is God? You said adamantly NO! and were quite angry about it. So I told you, of course, that you are not a Christian because Christians believe Jesus is God. You never said anything about being a Roman Catholic. Even so a Roman Catholic says he believes Jesus is God, so you are not even a Roman Catholic let alone a Christian. You're confused! And these words expose you! I have documented your claim numerous times you said you don't accept Jesus is God. This is the first time you ever mentioned you are a Roman Catholic; but, you are not even a Roman Catholic because you reject Jesus is God and the 2nd Person of the Triune God. Were you aware the Roman Catholic Church rejects the Jesus who returns to reign on earth for 1000 years?

    And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season." (Rev. 20.3) Verse 4 goes on to explain the reigning.

    The gospel of salvation is to be shared with all. Jesus won't return until the gospel is spread to all the nations. The reason the Apostles shared the gospel of salvation with people, even you, is because it is our business just as Jesus did. We want you to receive our blessing! We would not wish anyone to perish, but you are perishing Jack. We love you, we want you to be saved; alas, you are unwilling so you are going to Hell. I have a little inside information experientially as well. I know someone as old as you who has never given his life to Christ has less than a 1% chance of ever doing so I am quite sure you will never accept Christ and therefore, have your place reserved for you in Hell.

    You did put forth paperwork to complain about me to Racquetball Canada. Why are you lying? It is documented extensively here. You're a liar and a hypocrite saying you didn't.

    Letter for Jack McBride to Mr. Troy Brooks (2).docx

    You're totally changing your story as well. This letter in 2013 by you had nothing to do with the Mormon Coby Iwaasa family. I was not aware that Milton Iwaasa, Kathryn, Alexis Iwaasa and Coby Iwaasa were Mormons until someone told me in the summer of 2015 which was 2 years after your letter.

    Jack you are trying to cover your tracks by making up stuff. Why do you feel the need to lie?

    I am not chastising anyone either, I am giving you the gospel of salvation, and evidential proof, that Jesus Christ is not a Mormon which I got permission from Milton Iwaasa to give to him so why are you sending a complaint letter about a Mormon family that you never actually did? If Kathryn Iwaasa and Milton Iwaasa are fighting each other on this that is their own problem. My job is just to supply evidence and what the Bible says and leave it in your hands and their hands. Kathryn was wrong to send a complaint letter along with a letter from John Halko and Barbara May, a gang banging, all within a week. Very opportunistic of Barbara May I must say! After many years of Racquetball Canada not siding with Alberta Racquetball to ban me, they finally gave in due to this gang banging of 3 complaint letters all within a week.

    Why do Christians point the gospel out? Because of love. We don't want you to worship a false Christ. Mormons believe Jesus is the brother of the Devil. That is, of course, just the tip of the iceberg. They believe in an infinite regress of gods creating gods and believe in pre-existence alongside God. Crosses are an affront to Mormons that's why they don't put them on their churches. Joseph Smith was a con artist. Do Mormons not take on the same nature as their leader? I'm afraid they do have the same mindset. For 18 centuries the church was not lost. The Church Body of Christ, which is not the Roman Catholic Church, has been doing just fine for the 18 centuries after the cross. Moreover, the RCC is false, because there are no Popes, Arch Bishops of countries, and only Jesus was sinless. Mary sinned and was selfish at times. Naturally if you don't believe Jesus is God you might believe this nonsense.

    If someone is jumping off a bridge it is incumbent upon us to help that person. We are not chastising them as they are jumping off a bridge. We are showing them God's love, mercy and saving solution. This is their way out.

    You're a bad guy Jack! This is clear because I am quite confident you will never repent even for an eternity in Hell. You actually lock yourself in Hell from the inside because you want to be eternally separated from God of the Bible, as well as from fellowship with Christians; hence, your eternal hostility against a child of God, namely myself. Your actions are consistent with your view of the world. I love what the Bible says about this that eventually you are forgotten. Just like some people need to be locked up in prison for life, you need to be locked up in Hell forever. So sad.

    Between the moment I am using the free pass for an hour and a half and banned from L.A. Fitness, Allen Bauman shows up to complain about me with someone at the front desk. That was after his heated conversation with your wife. I am pretty sure you and your wife, Marion McBride, know what you are up to. You and Bauman are the only people there to cause this to happen. And your complaint letters which you mischaracterize, it is quite clear you are responsible for sending letters to attempt to aid in banning me. I think you are fully cognizant of your motivation which is that you are antichrist and this is how you treat Christians.

    You're exposed!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBride
    You can write and change anything you want to suit your needs. The only reason I am answering you is so I can show people what a liar and hypocrite you are. You distinctly asked me if I was Christian and my answer was I am RC. You stated that then I was not a Christian. In your eyes I guess. I was brought up in a catholic orphanage. NEVER have I said I don’t believe in God. And if I didn’t that would still be none of your business. My paperwork on your RC item was initiated by a members complaint reference your derogatory emails to them concerning their beliefs. As President it was my job to act on those complaints. Not only are you a Iiar and an idiot, who doesn’t realize there is consequences for ones action. You were actioned by a committee of your peers, not by me. If you can’t see that you really are an idiot. I can exchange these pleasantries all day if you want but the more you send me the more you prove what I say makes sense and you are stuck trying your best to prove others are your problem. You are your own problem. Again, look in the mirror.
    I am not aware of anything changed except on your part. I have remained consistent and you are being coy.

    All these years, since 2012, now you say you are a Roman Catholic, but why would you wait till 2018 to finally say that? I would have said in response why Roman Catholics are not Christians. You could have responded to any of my letters to you stating otherwise. Your actions are not consistent and are being dishonest.

    You said only that you believe Jesus is not God, and so I told you that to be a Christian, you must accept Jesus is God in addition to the gospel. You got irate! I must have posted this interaction dozens of times. It's like the Bible. You can go through all the recorded papyri and parchments in history to show the Bible is consistent.

    Your vague response is to say "in your eyes". Not in my eyes. The Bible says Jesus is God. Thomas put his hand in Jesus' side and said, "My Lord and my God!" Many passages confirm this that Jesus is God. Why are you arguing about Jesus being God saying "in your eyes"? Is it not in your eyes too?

    It doesn't matter if you were brought up in a Christian orphanage, a Satanic orphanage or a Roman Catholic orphanage. Salvation is a free choice, and is not forced upon you by being in an orphanage. How absurd!

    It is my business that you said Jesus is not God and you got immensely angry at me when I said that only Christians believe in God of the Bible. I would not want to fellowship with a false Christian so it is my business. I don't break bread with false Christians.

    In 2012 you adamantly said Jesus is not God. I very specifically asked you, "So do you believe Jesus is God?" because you said you were a Christian. At that moment you were angry and said you didn't want to talk about it. That's all I needed to know you don't believe Jesus is God. You didn't rejoice telling me you were a brother in Christ, but you got hostile. This is not how Christians would treat each other. You're trying to be sneaky with your words. You said in your previous post "NEVER have I said I don’t believe in God." I never accused you of claiming not to believe in God. I accused you of claiming Jesus is not God. Discern the difference.

    Nothing I have said is derogatory. Whenever someone shares the gospel of salvation it is not derogatory, but a blessing and love in action. The letter that you sent was by you and were your comments. Your comments you signed were derogatory so you might as well be sending a complaint letter about yourself otherwise that would be a doublestandard.

    You shouldn't call people "idiot". That's not nice. I know full well the consequence of my actions. I knew I would be banned before I was banned because I know this is how Christians are treated. I am not going to cow tow to you to prevent being banned. I am going to tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may. You are a lover of the world, so you will not understand this. Satan is the god of this world!

    I have no idea who my peers were other than to say they reject Christ who are attacking me. My Christians peers are on my side, and most non-Christians side with me as well. The entire board of Alberta Racquetball reject Christ and so do all the panel members of Racquetball Canada who finally gave into Halko's and Barb May's countless complaint letters. It was a good run though I played about 30 tournaments in Canada finally before being banned by Racquetball Canada.

    My problem is the problem all Christians face in the world today. We are martyred in all kinds of ways. I don't expect you to understand this because your conscience is seared.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBirde
    My god you are one confused puppy. All your religious ramblings only prove you have one belief. Yours. You need a life. Quit rambling. Quit lying. Quit being a hypocrite. Above all. Quit being an idiot.
    That is not very constructive or mature words conducive to resolving your problem.

    Your response to the simple fact Jesus is God is to say "religious rambling."

    The gospel of salvation is not religious rambling. It is very specific. In order to be saved you must repent to the cross as a helpless sinner and receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior and God, who died on the cross for the sins of the world and resurrected the 3rd day. A child can understand this, but you are confused because you block yourself off from God. Why do you do this? Because you exalt self. You place yourself at the center of all things and not Christ. You are not Christ-centered but you-centered.

    You don't seem to realize you are a sinner who is going to Hell, forsaking God's mercy on the cross that can save a sinner like you.

    I have "eternal life" (John 17.3), you have the life of an unregenerate, because your spirit remains dead to God.

    Eternal life is not only eternal blessings but an ability to have a relationship with Jesus once born-again (John chapter 3). Don't you know that you need to be born-again?

    Of course I have "one belief" otherwise I would contradict myself as you do. For example, you can't come along six centuries later and claim Jesus never died on the cross which is what Muhammad taught. Otherwise, that would make the cross a lie and that Jesus didn't die for the sins of the world.

    Think about it without being obtuse!

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