Quote Originally Posted by Jack McBride
Have your say , liar and hypocrite. You lied in say I was instrumental in having you banned from LA Fitness. That is a lie, therefore you are a liar. You stated that you asked me if i was a Christian and I stated I was a Roman Catholic. You then said that in that case I was not a Christian. You are nothing but a hypocrite. An in individuals religion beliefs are none of your business. Also I did not put forth any paperwork pertaining to your RC situation. That arose as a member complaint was received as to you chastising a family over choosing to raise their son as they saw fit, out side your beliefs. You should look in the mirror. You will see a liar and a hypocrite. Have a nice day.
Jack you are a fraud and you are trying to be sneaky but the Holy Spirit can easily find you out. Firstly, Jack you made a promise not to email me back, yet you couldn't control your feelings and messaged me again. This is the power of your flesh; it will rationalize itself and is not good at keeping promises.

Jack, you have never told me you were a Roman Catholic and that wouldn't change things anyway. You're trying to change your story hoping as the years go by you can convolute. You said of your own accord to me one fateful day at the Mayfield Club in 2012 you were "a Christian". You felt the need to say this to me for some reason. So to confirm naturally I asked you, do you believe Jesus is God? You said adamantly NO! and were quite angry about it. So I told you, of course, that you are not a Christian because Christians believe Jesus is God. You never said anything about being a Roman Catholic. Even so a Roman Catholic says he believes Jesus is God, so you are not even a Roman Catholic let alone a Christian. You're confused! And these words expose you! I have documented your claim numerous times you said you don't accept Jesus is God. This is the first time you ever mentioned you are a Roman Catholic; but, you are not even a Roman Catholic because you reject Jesus is God and the 2nd Person of the Triune God. Were you aware the Roman Catholic Church rejects the Jesus who returns to reign on earth for 1000 years?

And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season." (Rev. 20.3) Verse 4 goes on to explain the reigning.

The gospel of salvation is to be shared with all. Jesus won't return until the gospel is spread to all the nations. The reason the Apostles shared the gospel of salvation with people, even you, is because it is our business just as Jesus did. We want you to receive our blessing! We would not wish anyone to perish, but you are perishing Jack. We love you, we want you to be saved; alas, you are unwilling so you are going to Hell. I have a little inside information experientially as well. I know someone as old as you who has never given his life to Christ has less than a 1% chance of ever doing so I am quite sure you will never accept Christ and therefore, have your place reserved for you in Hell.

You did put forth paperwork to complain about me to Racquetball Canada. Why are you lying? It is documented extensively here. You're a liar and a hypocrite saying you didn't.


Letter for Jack McBride to Mr. Troy Brooks (2).docx


You're totally changing your story as well. This letter in 2013 by you had nothing to do with the Mormon Coby Iwaasa family. I was not aware that Milton Iwaasa, Kathryn, Alexis Iwaasa and Coby Iwaasa were Mormons until someone told me in the summer of 2015 which was 2 years after your letter.

Jack you are trying to cover your tracks by making up stuff. Why do you feel the need to lie?

I am not chastising anyone either, I am giving you the gospel of salvation, and evidential proof, that Jesus Christ is not a Mormon which I got permission from Milton Iwaasa to give to him so why are you sending a complaint letter about a Mormon family that you never actually did? If Kathryn Iwaasa and Milton Iwaasa are fighting each other on this that is their own problem. My job is just to supply evidence and what the Bible says and leave it in your hands and their hands. Kathryn was wrong to send a complaint letter along with a letter from John Halko and Barbara May, a gang banging, all within a week. Very opportunistic of Barbara May I must say! After many years of Racquetball Canada not siding with Alberta Racquetball to ban me, they finally gave in due to this gang banging of 3 complaint letters all within a week.

Why do Christians point the gospel out? Because of love. We don't want you to worship a false Christ. Mormons believe Jesus is the brother of the Devil. That is, of course, just the tip of the iceberg. They believe in an infinite regress of gods creating gods and believe in pre-existence alongside God. Crosses are an affront to Mormons that's why they don't put them on their churches. Joseph Smith was a con artist. Do Mormons not take on the same nature as their leader? I'm afraid they do have the same mindset. For 18 centuries the church was not lost. The Church Body of Christ, which is not the Roman Catholic Church, has been doing just fine for the 18 centuries after the cross. Moreover, the RCC is false, because there are no Popes, Arch Bishops of countries, and only Jesus was sinless. Mary sinned and was selfish at times. Naturally if you don't believe Jesus is God you might believe this nonsense.

If someone is jumping off a bridge it is incumbent upon us to help that person. We are not chastising them as they are jumping off a bridge. We are showing them God's love, mercy and saving solution. This is their way out.

You're a bad guy Jack! This is clear because I am quite confident you will never repent even for an eternity in Hell. You actually lock yourself in Hell from the inside because you want to be eternally separated from God of the Bible, as well as from fellowship with Christians; hence, your eternal hostility against a child of God, namely myself. Your actions are consistent with your view of the world. I love what the Bible says about this that eventually you are forgotten. Just like some people need to be locked up in prison for life, you need to be locked up in Hell forever. So sad.

Between the moment I am using the free pass for an hour and a half and banned from L.A. Fitness, Allen Bauman shows up to complain about me with someone at the front desk. That was after his heated conversation with your wife. I am pretty sure you and your wife, Marion McBride, know what you are up to. You and Bauman are the only people there to cause this to happen. And your complaint letters which you mischaracterize, it is quite clear you are responsible for sending letters to attempt to aid in banning me. I think you are fully cognizant of your motivation which is that you are antichrist and this is how you treat Christians.

You're exposed!