I am unable to lose weight when I am not deeply in the word of God. In other words, if I am not reading several chapters a day of the Bible and several pages a day of Watchman Nee's The Spiritual Man to help alongside, I gain weight. This is my relationship with Christ.

Watchman Nee wrote, "If we persist on holding onto something which God wants us to relinquish, sin shall have dominion over us, and our reckoning shall be futile ("reckon yourself dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus" Rom. 6.11). If we fail to yield our members as godly instruments of righteousness to speak and do what He desires and go where He directs, should we be surprised we are not yet delivered from sin? Whenever we refuse to relinquish or we offer resistance to God, sin shall return to its dominion. Under such circumstances we naturally lose the power to reckon, that is, to believe God's Word."

Even our apologetic work is holding onto something we may need to let go.